So Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you

So Sup Forums, tell me what's been bothering you.

Everything like the universe and the course of my exsistance. i have no dream and no one that makes me feel like i belong. i feel like im lesser and that id rather be cut apart then live

Depressed being single, don't want another shitty relationship.

divorced my wife after 11 years, still trying to adjust 4 months later.

Sounds like you have nothing to worry about.
Then don't get one and mingle while you're single.
From experience I can tell you it'll be very rough.
But at least it's not so bad.
It wasn't 35 years after having seven kids and spending every waking moment with the other person.

Addicted to opiates and don't wanna quit because life sucks without them. Thankfully I don't do actual heroin but feel like it's inevitable that I will.

Thankfully no kids, however we got together when we we're 19 and now I'm 30.

> I don't know how to be single

can't work up the nerve to go get laid by cutie traps I've met on grindr but have been talking with them for weeks.

It will end with you going to a clinic, in time. If you want it or not.

going through a psychedelic phase and feeling insecure and cowardly because my living situation wont permit a potential freakout without serious domestic repercussions

So don't have a freak out and make sure you've got the necessities of chill. Got pot? good. don't? then why the hell are ya doing psychedelics???

Might as well cut off your arms now then. Saw two people in my life that lost both to that.
Truly is a tragedy, but not as bad as it could have been,
Just be yourself.
Make sure it's what you want.

for the exploration of consiousness and personal growth. i know that sounds cheesy but it seems to make sense to me. i also seem to be wired differently than most people and weed seems to illicit serious anxiety in me. my real problem atm is that ive never taken a truly visionary dose and i feel as though until i "break-through" i will never truly grow.

why cant you just wait?

Humanity has the potential for greatness. We could turn our energies to living at peace with the world and each other, perhaps even become as gods, but it's all wasted on hedonism and tribal conflict. How do I connect with people who have some sense of goodness and nobility, and a vision for us as a species?

Sounds like you need to chill. visionary experiences never come to you if you are expecting them, unless you take an excessive amount of drugs. so what you need to do is take a small to moderate amount, and do something to forget that you did. personally I would still recommend smoking a small amount of weed. just smoke some a few days prior to see how bad you react to that strain of weed.

I mean, I like the idea of being promiscuous. and I'm sure Im into this kind of shit because well I do things that other traps do when I can. but I won't get into that too much. Just that I guess I might have a hard time sleeping with people I just met (in person)

Just keep thinking the way you are. Never lose those thoughts, understand?
Keep thinking them and they will be true, because you are 100% correct.
The universe existing is proof.
It's why we are all here.
Even if it just some dream as some people think, it still doesn't change that fact.

You should also work up to a serious study of modern neuroscience if you want your contemplations to be anything more substantial than feels. Science isn't antithetical to spiritual seeking. I think it can only enhance it.

not sure really. just feel a pressing need to evolve mentally asap. i think subconsciously, i have this impending sense of an imminent end. a "seize the moment"attitude.

i smoke it sometimes. it doesnt make me freak out all the time, but what's weird is that i have a much easier time (cognitively) on, say, mushrooms than i do on weed.

Actually I'll be bolder. The scientific persuit, at its core, IS a spiritual quest.

So why not meet casually first a few times?

i couldnt agree more. im passionate about physics, for instance. and ive always looked at things from an empirical and methodical standpoint. but as i get older, i cant seem to shake the feeling that, despite the constant technological improvements being made at an ever-increasing rate, science is inherently hollow and will never catalyze true understanding.

>Be me
>20 years old
>Dumb shits in college demean virgins
>Tired of going and working in peace when its a promiscuous cesspool of shit
>5'9" and 120 pounds, I'm smarter than my peers but all of them 6' and retarded
>I have the 1337 genetics but my drive is broken because of the shaming

Then surely you appreciate how absurdly young we are on the cosmological scale? I don't think a scarcity of "final" results is evidence of a hollowness in science, rather the supreme difficulty of the path. In fact, I'm much more doubtful about drug induced revelations on account of it seeming far too easy.

100 pushups 100 situps, 100 squats and a 10km run everyday!
Gte off your ass and believe in yourself! Kick logic to the curve and be able to beat any villain with one punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you user I will believe in myself

the weak who are either jealous or envious of the strong
would be nice if murder were suddenly legal. humanity would be much stronger

Good! And if you don't then I will be right here believing in you instead until you get off your ass and not fear failure and create your own destiny! And even then I'll still be right there in your corner cheering you on and yelling at you that you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The weak ones are here to justify the strong.

Bro my sex drive skyrocketed after 23, I say wait n chill in the meantime posting here n fapping to shota/loli/trap threads

We all start out weak
Sure, some can blame genetics
But most have only their own self-pitying ways to blame

>w-why w-won't the apex members hold the d-door for m-meeeeeee? :((((((

Op, why are women just shit ppl in general and just leave you right after they're done with their 'task'?
>mfw asking for a friend

Your words are my fuel, I'll work hard at it. You guys be good too.

Well duh.
Everyone can become a God and they should not shoot for anything less. They need to shoot to be higher then a God, if we hope to make things progress.
Anything less then fine, be that way, but don't get in the way of progress. And certainly don't complain. Because everyone has the power.
Because they have periods, not even joking.
You should take Franklins advice and go for an older woman.

I will and you better be too!!!!!!!
You wanna have Allmight's power or what????
So do it and become the greatest there ever was!!!!!!!!!!
EARN those fucking waifus!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't come to them, fucking make yourself so irresistible they want nothing but YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is a chore. I'm too stupid to ever be better than what I am now. Everyone is better than me at everything so finding work is going amazing. Getting left behind in studies. Have two friends. Both are about 30 years older than me. Social anxiety. All people seem like selfish pricks. Can't trust people in general. Talk too much when people are around because I'm nervous. Afraid to get a drivers license. Life has nothing I want. My right foot hurts. That's about it.

achieved my 1 goal in life and watched it turn to ash in my hands been fucking lost for years trying to decide where the fuck i belong in the universe.

>My right foot hurts
Mmhmm. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.
Just keep soaking it.

You should talk with Mad Max.
He's kind of in the same sitch but different.

Just keep helping people where you can. You'll find purpose again.

just looking for that ride to Valhalla my man.

>If you don't want to hug, then get away from me! GET OUT!

Because I'm difficult to get along with, my social life is practically non-existent, though there are some people who are friends with me and care for me.

In a way, I guess being like this is a plus since I can figure out right away who honestly likes me for who I am or not.

Not sure which brother is the father.

Bro you'll be cumming time after time n cock will still be solid, I fucking love it

Compared to many anons my problem might seem small.

I have a bf who I love and all I want if for him to throw me on the bed, and to want me, to touch me, to spank me.
He's a great guy, but I'm always the one initiating sex. And I'm a little overweight, 5'3 and 135-140, so I am constantly comparing myself to the girls with perfect bodies he jacks off to (on Reddit ugh) and I sincerely believe that if I looked like one of those girls, he would want me as bad as I want him.

Inb4: lose weight, I go to the gym 3 times and try to watch what I eat, but we are foodies. We love going out to eat together, it's what we do.

Tldr; bf doesn't EVER initiate sex and it makes me feel fat and ugly