It's 64°F and it's hot as shit. What's the best way to cool down without having to constantly take cold showers?

It's 64°F and it's hot as shit. What's the best way to cool down without having to constantly take cold showers?

Also, post the weather from where you're from.

Try not complaining about how hot it is when it's under 30°C/85°F.

It was 80° the other day. I literally thought about killing myself. Seriously, fuck summer, I just want fall.

Had 104 on Sunday. Get an AC. Stop complaining.

Fuck all you pussys its 84 F and its not even 7 am yet and i work outside.

Get an air conditioner you bumbling retard

It's already expensive enough living in Boston, im not gonna get an ac and raise my electric bill.

take really hot showers

Then fucking suffer


Bitch come to Arizona, if you need to stay cool and it's only 64°F, you'd probably fucking melt

64 is hot as shit for you? gtfo

If you kill yourself your body temperature will drop permanently


It's a good think I don't live in the south or the west coast that's filled with a bunch filthy degenerates.


If you think you need AC at 64 degrees you're a faggot. Piss yourself. The evaporation will cool you down.

Here in Houston it is 73 at 7 in the morning and the only reason it isn't 83 is because it poured down rain all day yesterday. This time of year we are grateful it isn't 103, which it gets to if it doesn't rain every few days.

Shit boy, I keep my AC 11 degrees warmer than your outside temperature and you're bitching about it.

Inb4: "try Boston in the winter and freeze" - I've also lived in Chicago and Boston doesn't exactly have cold winters. You're just a pussy.

Just move to England.

Literally go get some tendies and sit in your moms basement you little pussy snowflake


I wish the rain would come back and drown all the tourists