Is it possible to get a bf who looks like this when you're a trap top?

Is it possible to get a bf who looks like this when you're a trap top?

why would an alpha want to be gay?

Post your pics sissy

Why wouldn't it be?

Fags come in all shapes and sizes, surely you can find the right fag for you.

A very high percentage of bodybuilders are gay

also impotent.

No. Such a man does not exist.

and dum dum

Dumb men ate cute, I enjoy dominating them mentally

Why would an alpha want a cock in his ass?

I dont like men but dumb guys make me cringe hard as fuck, you can't talk about anything because all they know is muh muscles.
Dumb women are even worse but they are more common sadly.
But whatever floats your boat, as long as you enjoy it.

Ofc it is faggotry knows no boundries

Cause alphas want to be sexually dominated for balance

You feel superior when taking to a dumb guy and he starts admiring how intelligent you are, lol.

once i saw a documentary of some company's CEO.
He was the boss in his company, when he got home, he spent the rest of the day being dominated by his mistress.
Fetishes are weird.

Never tought about it that way




why didn't you just say so?



[male screaming intensifies]

I'm not a body builder, but I am a very large man 252lbs 6'2'' I won't say I am the "rock" or even close to that but I wouldn't mind having a passable trap partner. As long as no one knew they had a penis...

Commit a felony and meet the muscle man of your dreams.

Holy shit ... disgusting ball of meat!!

If he is gay why not

Lol, even those traps who look more feminine than real women always get spotted by their bass/baritone voice. So you'll have to pretend she's deaf-mute.

Yea.. I forgot about that!

Lies, he's divine.

Men who look like that because it's their job can sometimes be subs. Think professional bodybuilders, male models, etc;

Guys who just try to look like that as a hobby are usually tryhards and don't want to sub.


Weird im a bodybuilder and i thought it was impossible to find a trap top gf

I am one of a kind

What about me?

Disgusting fat ass
How about working out, dear?

Guys at my gym love it though... :(

So what are your height and weight?

This made me cringe

Gymbods for some reason are always bottoms when I find them. Full up power bottoms too, all those squats pay off. Plus I think they have enlarged prostates so it must feel better to take my 6er than fuck

Yes. Most bodybuilder are bi or total fags. They are so into themselves that their attraction to females morphs into an attraction to men. I know because of being me. I used to fantasize about getting pegged or getting pounded by a trans or trap.

Do you think of a cute dickgirl when jumping on a dildo attached to the wall, bby?

Yeah. I used to think about taking a strappon or dick face down and ass up. The thought of someone worshiping my big round butt turned me on. Lol. I'm not as into working out or as into myself as before.

Are you a very big boy with a huge round juicy slutty ass?

This is me now. I'm about 205. Not as lean and not as big as before. I'd never have a trap as a gf. Those days are long gone but still linger in my mind.

>this is true for me therefore true for the entire demographic

>true for entire demographic

Did you overlook the word "most?"

And, yes, in my experience, most are bi or gay. It's an opinion and not a statement of fact.

Delicious, would bend over and destroy

Op. Post pic of yourself.