Let's see how summer it is here

Let's see how summer it is here

How old were you on Sept 11, 2001


Idk I wasn't even born yet lol... I was born in march 2002 if that matters

8 years old

Uuuuhhhhhhhnnnnnnn??????? Like 11 or 12.

Inb4 banned

Banned for what. Wut did i do?

>making a thread just to brag about how you're 34 and using a site popular with 17 year olds




Nothing personnel kid

You must be 18 years old to use this board. Gtfo kid.

5 to be honest

If you're under 18 you get banned, next time don't mention it

3 they cancelled my apple picking field trip cuz of it but no one told me why I was pretty pissed

I'm already a fucking adult... And prob fuked more bitches u ever will

I was 15. My first week of high school as a freshman.


Watch the children go nuts in here. Muh board. Yer too old. Wahh.


Rule 2 nigga

>'Already an adult'
>'prob fuked more bitches u ever will'
I try to sympathise with underage users, but looks like I have nothing to sympatise with here

september 11 2001 i was 12 turning 13

MODS please get rid of the minor on the board.


If you would have shut your mouth, I wouldn't have reported you.

I was 8...I think.



7 or 8
>I replied to bait

Don't you know your birthday?


Wut a bunch of fat LOWLIFES I'M THE 1 reporting u 4 being huge faggts


what a great time that was to be alive

It's incredible to think that the younger generation, a generation that has known nothing but global war and America under the Patriot Act, is becoming adults. I wonder if they will have the will to fight back against the permanent war state, or simply come to believe that it is indeed permanent.

Well my birthday is in November so I was actually 7 sorry for being a dumbass lol

more from pic pls
i was 4
ironmen btw

I was 10

I can't wait to legally fly my cockplane into the pussy tower of some slut born on 9/11



It's ok I reported that punk bitch too.


Shut up before I start banging your dad and make your bed time two hours earlier.

>tries to insult someones prowess who they haven't seen

>shiggy diggy

Pic related. You later in life if you keep up that sad ass attitude.

i was 7.
I remember seeing the news and thinking it looked cool as fuck.
Then i noticed it actually happened and it wasn't a trailer for a movie or some shit (i just saw the plane crash moments in tv, they were showing it 24/7). I remember seeing it in a coffe shop with my mom and screaming "that looks so cool". My mom got embarased as fuck, on the ride home she explained that really happened, I felt like shit for days

because someone said the big apple was under attack from the taliban and your retarded school misunderstood. Amirite?

was 17 too

Im pretty sure we are heading to a civil war since national issues are becoming more important then global politics and conflicts


Zero is still zero

Your hands dont count kid

Fapping into different pairs of your big sisters panties don't count as sexual partners

You were right ,it was pretty cool.

Muslim detected

wow it really is summer

Lol sad kid.

How many times a day do you bat your little cheeto dick?

Expert troll, or fucking faggot.

You decide.

I was homeless years old back then. Didn't care about some gayass plane crash

Come on lads, let him go, we were all this autistic at the age of 15, he will live and grow up to be an even bigger, fuctional retard, and in a few years he will understand that more family friendly sites suit him more.


Soon to be 14, playing D2 like a pro with a friend when we heard the news from his parents, not interested we continued gaming.






The keys on those thing suck ass but they are fun to use now a days running random shit on it


whats so special about that date?


2 y/o

Just a few months old on a plane from WA to Canberra

Or not, who even cares

I was 28. Driving my wife to work when we heard it all going down. Raced home turned on the news didn't move for 12 hours.

Caught another underager!


Two hijacked aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, while a third smashed into The Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, and a fourth into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in a series of coordinated suicide attacks by 19 members of al-Qaeda. A total of 2,996 people were killed.

You understand it was 34 year olds who originally made it popular ten years ago, yes? The median age slowly drifting down because we're over run by millennial snowflakes doesn't make Sup Forums any less ours than it was when you were still wetting the bed.

21, was at work. Went and borrowed a tv for the shop to watch the shit go down.

The American author and educator Alice Stewart Trillin died.



It was my 4th birthday. Yes, my birthday is 9/11.

i was a freshmen in highschool


Spoken like a true teen.

idk im a girl I can't math lol

I could be. I used to fuck barnyard animals.



oh shit waddup grandpa ?
The fuck you doing here ?

That means you're still underage

I died.

Are you autistic

I think I was 16...I know I was in hs. Study hall, I used to hang out in the library so I could use the interwebs. Librarian had heard something was happening and turned on the TV.