Guys why water bad?

guys why water bad?

* wrong pictur, this one rigt

because if you drink too much of it, you'll die


Fish piss in it

yes is bad laike blod

water has been found to cause gay
drink vodka my man

haha yes and shit

Cuz water is holy, and I'm loyal to Satan

Damn… missed it by 4 figures…

vodka wors water

vodka death




you drink water = die



deviil water



... ~waits~

hahahaha this good fun

why water so bad :/

water good, don't ear them.


ok thank you I go do porn now (:

water :
>all who drink die
>if u go in u die
>has sharks
>has jelly in that sting u
>pelp die every year cuz of breatheing water

water fagots btfo
explain why u still drink water and not orange juice now!!!!!