Morning Sup Forumstards

Morning Sup Forumstards
Give me attention, I'm lonely :(

Kill yourself retard


Tits or gtfo.

Learn how to be happy with yourself and you will never be lonely again. God speed and may the road always rise to meet you.

You are pretty, show tits

Trips demand tits

wasted trips you fucking summerfag

Eliza does not post on Sup Forums anymore.

Timestamp or fuck you

Wash your face and get back to us. Seriously, did you even look how you look before clicking "fire?"

Or you could be like every other vapid cunt and get attention on Tinder instead.

be an hero and kill yourself

Why? I'm not that kind of girl :(
Thanks, user :)

With a face like that you deserve to be lonely


Also, sharpie in pooper

>I'm not that kind of girl :(
cock or GTFO then

>Op poses as Eliza
>not that kind of girl

I see :)
Do you have a boyfriend? :)

good bye.

Show yours tits or...

Go back to /r9k/ you low effort spammy troll. Sage

You're welcome kid. Trust me on this. I was the same way once and learning how to be, not happy, but content even when alone makes a huge difference. Take care.

What's clicking "fire"?
I'm not a cunt :(
Well, I'm not the most beautiful girl
I just want a nice and caring boyfriend :(

Post asshole then get out

u dont need to b

Kind user, this is bait. Google cioro or eliza r9k

Tits or GTFO.

You won't be lonely too long if you go out a little more. Also tits or gtfo. It's a rule, is all.

ill be your boyfriend, where do you live?


The copypasta in this thread is off the fucking charts.

You're a cunt unless you show us your cunt

user, please stop posting that neo-nazi propaganda on my Christian image board.

Kil yourself Ciara

Why are you lonely? I like you.

What a fag

so much summer

where do you think you are?

oh wow whats a pretty girl like you doing on Sup Forums? i dont know if you could tell, but this place is full of pervs and douche bags, LOL (jk we cool). I rarely see girls on the internet, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
I'm not a stereotypical guy.. If anything, i'll be the one in the kitchen! :D

well i can't say im unhappy that you're here. after all, we never would have met! :D that was so cheesy.

anyways, my skype is VisibleBronies if ya wanna add me!

OP I hope you find love and joy wherever you go


Yes date this other attention whore

This copypasta is the stalest of them all.


Thank you for the pasta I was too lazy to look for it


Sharpie in pooper

She's cute but the pasta is still off the charts.

user, it's copypasta. Old, old copypasta.

Show feet, then go to bed


I hope there isn't this many idiots in here who don't know who this girl is.

To be fair, I didn't remember her name, but I remember her face.

That, and anyone here who doesn't realise it's bait is a fucking idiot anyway. You don't have to know who she is to know that much.

it's eliza, but people don't know any better lol


This is pure cancer, just kill yourself

hnnnnggg moar?
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz pretty plz??????
i really like you plz plz post more


tits or ?