Michelle Carter thread

Michelle Carter thread
who else would die for her?

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Depends. Who is Michelle Carter, is she related to that lad who knicked stuff from Pyramids?

If I killed myself,how would I lick her entire body?

I think the bigger question is, would you fuck her in the dirty asshole? I know I would.

forhead way too big
hairline trash aswell

10/10 would still Smash

but wouldnt die for, raise ur standarts OP

do what she says and I bet she'll give you her feet

I'd love to call her and have her listen to me die, I'd be stroking as I do

read my mind

Can you imagine how wet she was when she convinced that lucky boy to get back in the car


I'd hate fuck the shit out of her

I never came harder, she admits to her lawyer

Fuck, she's so perfect. I wish it was me

i think it would be the other way around

She's already fantasizing about her next victim.

Fuck her head is huge. It's like she's developing telekinetic powers

with those eyebrows imagine what her bush looks like

I'd suck her cock so hard

So can I get some excerpts from the things she said to him. I feel like it would aid in my fapping endeavor.

Fuck no, she looks like a mongo

That's so twisted, I'll go find you some ;)

You've been to nepal?



Here ya go




Tears of joy

tasting her juices

Isn't she that bitch that made a guy commit suicide?

She looks like Cara Delevigne after a Meth Binge

I want to taste it too

mfw people don't understand our love

No one. the guy she pushed to suicide was probably autistic and easily manipulated to begin with

There are only two people on this earth I'd die for, and neither are her.

I would, however, be extremely interested in hearing how she *really* felt about what she did. Then we'd go from there depending on her responses.

Don't we all

Would you kill yourseld for her?

HP Lovecraft/Aegyptology reference spotted!

I just wanted to help him

fucking hell she's ugly

Nah but I'd lick her asshole clean

Beta fag queer cuck spotted.

You fucking betas. Fuck that ugly big forehead bitch I hope she rots in prison.

You're not worthy of her

Eat my shit fuckface.

Yeah nah

Pretty much. So thirsty they'd die for a chance to fuck. Truly pathetic.

I thought these threads were pure troll threads
she's at best 3/10 fucking disgusting betas in these threads

>murican detected
SF fag here, you're literally what's wrong with this country

I can't believe I've to to see nude shops of her. Someone please get on it. For the greater good.


But wasn't she was only sentenced to 15 months?

Indeed, and she's appealing it.

20 years MAX. She's getting what, 15 months?

I was appalled by her deeds, encouraging her ex boyfriend to commit suicide instead of trying to rescue him.

What a horrible woman.

This is what they actually believe.

the fuck is her face
biggest head ever

I made a song about dying for her

I think she should be sitting at home chilling b.s. someone wants to kill their self then they are goi g to do it

damn, she looks weird in that pic.
weird, not good.

I think that's cool if you're a woman you can get away with murder.

she isn't here, so, no fuckfaces or no certainty about their presence.

>pol infographic


>eurofag detected
she's getting 15 months fag

Leave my friend alone

I've already begun sending her letter to her prison. I will be fuckin insane pussy when she gets released

Michelle Carter looks nasty as fuck, I wouldn't die for her. Amanda Knox however...

Head size = normal
Face size = extra small