Post top tier cringe

post top tier cringe

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This isn't cringe this is just sad. He is too young to be blamed for his shirt so harshly... I reckon he farted.





I wish I'd taken a photo of a guy at my university club day... packed stalls at every club except the gaming/anime/linux club where just one fat bearded "man" sadly watched a six year old play mario kart, clearly wanting the kid to leave so that older people would feel less ashamed to go there.

What is a six year old doing at university?

I think a younger brother, lots of parents were there too.

This actually helps me

>no mouse
>no keybord

i smell bullshit

Jesus fucking Christ dude.
How can you prefer this to masterbating?

> giving our advanced memes to normies when they never share their sex, friends or ability to bathe regularly

You can't. Hence her paranoia.

This whole video is gold, but the first 1-2 min are enough on their own

>AssCreed Shirt
>MassEffect Jacket
>LoopZoop in background
>Yoda Voice
>Random Hats
>Mentions Portal

Pure unadulterated Cringe

I just ment that situation.
I hope she's rich.

this is not cringe...

why this hurt so much?

Actually, the girl on the beach has her foot injured and is not on her period. Makes it even more ironic, I guess

Oh, my God. What did he do? Why did they stare at him in such a way? Or is this photo photoshopped?

literally, beyond alpha. this is like the 2nd coming of Christ.

still better than my hand

Where can I find this publication?

Maybe better than yours but not better than mine

Ahahaha!! Oh wow... I needed that laugh

couldnt they just google the meaning of trolling

My bet is he's as insecure as she is. Must be a shitty relationship that strangely works for them.

so you're calling Sup Forums cringe?
literally all the book does is explain it properly

What's the story behind the pic? Can't really find anything about it, but did he yell something weird or something?

im a poster on Sup Forums



fucking lost my shit HAHAHAHA

Fuck this hurts


hes about to do a cool dance, everyone looks at him in anticipation. you autists cant even read facial expressions

Wanna lend me a hand?

I was always this cringe when I was younger but my own crippling social shyness meant I'd never be confident to post any pics or make any facebook posts

My own crippling anxiety saved me

*teleports behind you*

"Heh you made me use 10% of my power, not bad"


Not cringey, totally based

Cuck level over 9000

Freebleeding is fucking ridiculous and anyone that supports it is a fucking moron

Classy as fuck

Dapper as fuck

Alpha as fuck

i think i would let e a dude suck me off
i cant imagine the smell of her multiple flaps..

I hope he returned with assult rifle, poor kid

Captain Cuck to the rescue.


>Red Pill



this guy is a warrior

Having such low stanards...


>implying they aren't cousins

Pretty sure the Fawkes mask is shopped and he had pissed himself.

What an idiot, just walk around the table

what website is this from?

>cringe thread
>posts most cringe worthy type comment
>as if anyone cares about your opinion of numerous images

both what website is it?

Why are womem stupid?

I don't see what's wrong with this. I do that with my cat all the time.


Dude this guy wouldn't look bad in some business casual attire. Too bad no one ever gave him the confidence

What do you think of my shitty posterior and tucked in jersey?

She probably gives him head on command.

Cringe: The reply

May I contriboot to your thread?

Actually they kind of do look alike...

Being that overweight she probaby as poor dental hygene, goddamn no blowjobs for me from that landwhale.

What the hell did i just read?

No idea


Because autists believe shit they see on 4chinz.

he's not even skinny


That guys a boss


Welp, I just lost.

No idea

Oh so its other peoples fault. I think i found the feminist guys.

Bruh... The only thing being challenged in this picture is the structural integrity of that tree stump.

I seem to remember when it first appeared on Reddit and she knocked her red drink over.

No, it's just (You)r fault, faggot

That's like letting your kids play with a stranger's dildos.

You guys are dumb. Someone shooped a pic of this brother and sister.

>You guys are dumb.
Truer words never spoken

The photog chick's face in the background is priceless. Drinking a redbull like "holy shit is this real life?"

this guy makes me really uncomfortable

Did you try to type ''posture'' but start thinking about asses?


Im always thinking about asses.

I mean, they're probably right either way. Something something don't skip leg day.

this picture has me fucking rolling
holy shit
jesus christ

At least he's drinking whisky supposedly

I know this feel.


In a martini glass

want his youtube channel? it's satire.

Fuck. Im jelly i want those burgers