Tfw have more moolah than a hollywood actor

>tfw have more moolah than a hollywood actor

feels good friends

Can you buy me a Sup Forums pass? I want to see how the better half lives?

Prove it

Would you like to fund a shit movie project?

>on Sup Forums

Yeah, no.

If this post ends with 0 you gotta give me 2,000$



Why the fuck would you waste your time in this shithole?
Go bang some hot bitches or something.

show us your watch and car.

There's more to life than just "banging" girls, young child.

Ferrari 488

and shitposting on a burmese quilting forum is your idea of more to life?

>posts on Sup Forums
cmon man, you must be lonely or a supreme gentleman to be boasting about having more money than some faggot actor

I don't spend all my time here, just like 20 or so minutes a day. Been here since 05 but obviously I've been using Sup Forums less and less.

>people being amazed by having a few million dollars.
You know, you should all have a few million in equity and savings when you retire, right?

Like seriously, if you don't you're a fucking retard.

Post your dick

What do you do for work op?

Why don't you make me if you're so tough?

You're perfectly fine with only 1mil when you retire, even with a moderately early retirement. But most of us here shouldn't even be near retirement.

I can give you 1 btc if you can prove that you have more than $2 million

Yet you can't even get trips, let alone dubs......


>$1 million
>Enough for a modest retirement at an early age
lol no.

Dude, life expectancy keeps on increasing and increasing. Social Security won't be around for you idiots either. You need $2-3 million as a single person to comfortably retire at age 60 with a 30 year draw down. Not even shitting you.


That's two zeroes on top of each other.

>tfw in your lifetime a million dollars isn't worth that much

just middle-class my shit up senpai

>lol no.
It depends on what city, state, country you live in. For example: My home state of Oklahomo is incredibly cheap so a million dollars is more than enough to retire on.

>falling for the ferrari meme
>not getting superior nippon engineering like pic related
Stay cucked faggot

nippon engineering is best.
germans have become the jew.

Turn the two zeroes on top of each other upside down, it's a two zeroes on top of each other now

how does she even live?


This bait 2 stronk

>Buying Toyotas
>Not buying Mazdas
*Tips walkel engine*
Pshhh, don't you ever talk to me, kid.

if this is quads you paypal me $1,000 :)

Since you failed your punishment is paypaling me $100. Put up or shutup

>You need $2-3 million as a single person to comfortably retire at age 60 with a 30 year draw down. Not even shitting you.

2.5 million for 30 years is 83k a year (not even including interest).
Why are you retiring with a solid gold cane and grillz instead of dentures? You won't even be able to eat your nightly stake dinner with those old ass teeth.

>kindegarten teacher

holy shit my sides


When will the refugees ever end? Time to ban all islams. MAGA

A four is just a zero practicing its katana moves.