He's an imbecile

He's an imbecile
He's a mongoloid
He's a subnormal
He's a criminal
He's a traitor
Who could possibly vote for this sack of shit?
I'll tell you who: the imbeciles, the mongoloids, the subnormals...

I did faggot

>muh good genes!
>muh good genes!

I think this is type of opinion that say more about a person that has this opinion than about others.

i did and i'll do it again to trigger you soft normies. TRY ME

You should get really mad and make a thread on Sup Forums... that will solve your problems, faggot.

OP, mongolians cant vote in US.

>nice goebbles inspired language tho

I did too. And will again. The days of coddling niggers and sand niggers, faggots, trannys and cunt wipes is over. Everyone is sick of the liberal propaganda, identity politics and fascist thought police. It's over. It's been over since November. Over.

>i destroyed my healthcare, but at least i triggered some normie! ehehe

>Soft normies
This is what Trumpists actually want to believe...

Why are there 4 different threads with a different topic, but the same format?

Who could possibly be a better president for these stupid muricans

I voted for him and things are going according to plan so far. Can't wait for North Korea to start some shit by blowing up California, then this country can retaliate and turn North Korea to glass like we should have done to the Middle East.

Give it up libtards Trump is gonna win the election

also prove you arent if you dont think you are. protip you cant and you wont.

Because shillbot Ivanovich is just one sad person with a chanacount paid by Daddy.

> he expresses a fascist position
> he uses fascist as an insult in the same paragraph
Did your parents throw your head to the wall when you were a child?

Trump's America is fucking hilarious to watch from the outside. Seeing people so passionate about something that is little more than a running joke for me is priceless.
It was great when you people collectively voted for the less qualified, less competent option of the two. especisy when in a plot twist where to loser actually won more votes. Don't even get me started on FAKE NEWS and crowd sizes xD xD xD

Obama destropyed healthcare, unless you're an out of work nigger. My premiums went up 40% you dumb fuck. You fags blame Trump for everything. Even the major fuck ups of your nigger rock star president.

Trump voters are just silly loosers and they know it.

Then China might retaliate and blow up the west coast while Russia invades the east coast. Its surprising how dumb you trumpettes are

Cry baby bitches...



Personally from an outside ausfag trump is fun as hell and hillary was scary to be honest. No one wants war with Russia but American democrats seem to and think it will be easy at that.

Then again most democrats from my point of view are insane... I hope he makes america great again and purges a few of your shit states while doing it.

Your premiums went up because healthy people are not encouraged or incentivized enough to pay for insurance. In terms of effectiveness Obama did the right thing with the individual mandate, although the tax penalty did not go far enough to keep healthy people in. Healthy people paying for sick people is the fundamental mechanism for how insurance works.



>America has a Russia puppet for president
>nobody is able to do anything to get rid of him


A whole nation got CUCKED by Putin.






Sure, I'll bite
We did it for the keks faggot, and we'll do it again
Thinking that voting has any impact or outcome on society is so incredibly fucking normie, whether it was trump, Bernie or Hilary the people who control the world will keep controlling it while giving the general population a sense of purpose
So if it's useless anyway, might as well have a laugh at all the butthurtness that will ensue, faggots like you posting about it with teary eyes

this is garbage, but whatever. He'll be here for 2 terms and you would have voted for Hillary. Get a brain moran!






You could have been a little bit more subtle, you know? Why not go and shill somewhere else? Somewhere you can find other buddies just like you that can spill the same type of propagandistic stuff. But that would be boring, wouldn't it.
2/10-weak bait










Doesn't posting the same shit day after day get tiring? It sure is boring

I'm never able to find porn with cuties like her :/





The truth is, he only won because he ran against a woman.

Nobody trusts women. They'd rather have a nigger or an imbecile ahead of a female.




sauce pretty plz?








Keep posting user

























Don't forgot Draft Dodger!




