Why do libtards even bother coming to Sup Forums anymore? Don't they know they can't meme?

Why do libtards even bother coming to Sup Forums anymore? Don't they know they can't meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=coal carbon fiber

the point is to create chaos and confusion to disrupt Sup Forums

Black Flag are "libtards", you fucking MONG.

Well, you're Antifa bitches do a pretty fucking terrible job.

I actually enjoy the presence of libtards around here.
Suddenly there are islands in this ocean of piss where pissing on falls on fertile grounds.
Makes trolling far more enjoyable.

So thank you, libtards.
You make this place so much more entertaining.

Black Flag loves Donald Trump? Weird cuz Henry Rollins seems like he'd hate Trump.

but i think Trump is going to lose next elections

>but i think Trump is going to lose next elections
That faggot doesn't have a prayer.

I love the libtards. They give us so much material for cringe threads.

I don't care.
Trump was a meme to wash the filth away that was hillary and the dnc.
Next election will be a win for republicans regardless, as long as they take their lessons and don't roll up the same cucks as last time.
Else it will be us shitposting the trump meme into office again.

It makes me feel better about myself when I realize virgin autists on this site are the best the right has to offer.

>Next election will be a win for republicans regardless, as long as they take their lessons and don't roll up the same cucks as last time.
>Not understanding the GOP exists to cut richfags taxes and fight for Israel
The GOP establishment will be ready to recover fully after your flameout.

I'm proud to vote for him again. I'm sure he'll win.

Very rarely does a sitting President fail to win reelection. It happens occasionally, but it's rare.

>he literally believes Sup Forums influenced the election in any way


Nothing wrong with going to the library, OP

>makes trump meme
>uses symbol of one of the most liberal bands ever

>Not understanding the GOP exists to cut richfags taxes and fight for Israel
war drives the economy upwards, and cutting taxes for those who invest it into the economy combined with the former is what makes your economy go booming.

And with the rising competitors in east-asia, this is exactly what our economy needs. Bonus points for supporting 3rd party wars, to spare our own troops.

Also, who's fighting israel again?
Sandniggers? Wo in turn kill jews?
Sorry, but I fail to not see the win in this situation.

>Very rarely does a sitting President fail to win reelection. It happens occasionally, but it's rare.
Business cycle is way overdue. You can't defy gravity. Organizational chaos + Recession = 1 termer. Ask me how I know.

Maybe you're just getting trolled?

>war drives the economy upwards, and cutting taxes for those who invest it into the economy combined with the former is what makes your economy go booming.
Wrong and wrong. War destroys productive investment. Otherwise you could literally invest in any random scam and it would improve the economy.

It's not that rare, dumbass. 3 of the last 7 were 1 term.

>cutting taxes for those who invest it into the economy combined with the former is what makes your economy go booming

t. bootlicker

>Sandniggers? Wo in turn kill jews?
No, Iran.

One reason that China has had such an economic boom over the last few decades is that they HAVEN'T been in a war.

War either destroys the economy or it booms it one small sector at the expense of other sectors.

This. Rightards can't economy beyond selling used cars to other rightards.

There were more than just seven Presidents. Go back a little further faggot.

I'm a righttard with an MBA. I can economy.

Or maybe trumptards are just cultural parasites who know the vast majority of the culture and entertainment they love was made by leftists.

why is there no wall yet?

>wrong and wrong
then explain to me how weapon-industry contracts with foreign forces hurt our own economy.
I'll be sitting here and waiting.

Except that this is not an aristocracy and the only thing seperating you from buisiness-owners is your unwillingness to take a loan and open your own. Class-wars are a myth.

Who are muslims, therefore sandniggers. And your point is?

Kek'd hard..B-school is finishing school for moronic drunks

Yeah, cutting taxes is clearly gonna make up for the rising unemployment that we're trying to fix with fucking coal mining jobs? Srsly? What kind of a back water fucking redneck thinks coal mining is the future rofl

Yeah, because whenever I listen to music or watch a movie I'm always focused on which political party the musician or actor belongs to.

Or perhaps I just enjoy the music I'm listening to or the movie I'm watching like normal people do. Faggot.

and what about wars that you don't finance yourself?
You know, the ones where you just seel the goods for people to bash their own heads in?
Because this is the reality of the situation with Israel.
They keep buying, dying and buying more, while we produce and grow our economy...

>then explain to me how weapon-industry contracts with foreign forces hurt our own economy.
>I'll be sitting here and waiting.
All military contractors are subsidized with your tax dollars, faggot. You're paying for them. And the foreign aid the foreigners "buy" them with is also your tax dollars. Fuck, you dumb.


How long have you been anti-semetic? At what age did you start hating Jews?

Are you a Nazi or something?

These replys just prove that the dumbing down by the Dems has been very successful. A few know something & others repeat CNN emotional nonsense

>Because this is the reality of the situation with Israel.
Do you know how much money we give away to Israel to buy American weapons? This is literally like richfags buying their parent a birthday present using their dad's credit card.

>What kind of a back water fucking redneck thinks coal mining is the future rofl
dude, what is coal?
You might wanna check where exactly carbon is used in modern industrial nations.
In fact, to spare you the time, you might want to check where it's NOT used.

Only leftist retards think that coal goes exclusively into the oven...

In fact, the global demand for carbon is rising consistently during the past decades.

Well, it pays more than your faggitty Gender Studies degree. That's for sure.

11 out of 44. That's 1/4. That's not "very rare" you stupid fuck.

All military contractors are subsidized with your tax dollars, faggot.
So my tax-dollars buy workplaces so more people can work and pay taxes.
Yea, sounds like an absolutely cancerous cycle...

Naw, I'm just shitposting on Sup Forums.
Thanks for providing my evenings entertainment.

Carbon fiber and other industrial uses of carbon doesn't come from coal.

You know that it isn't just a bunch of conservative twats who have been coming to 4 chan for the past 10 years or more. Some of us are centrists like myself, since are semi liberal. We likely don't have anybody who is brainwashed enough here to be antifa level retarded, but the entire user base has never been all conservative.

Before the "get of muh Sup Forums and stop coming back", no, go fuck yourself with a cactus stuffed with rusty nails and used syringes. And make sure you use corn starch powder for lube.

How do you disrupt a shitstorm?

>Legit liberal
>Strongly dislikes leftists who do crazy shit
>Unironically triggered when people label liberals as libtards

Excellent point.

>So my tax-dollars buy workplaces so more people can work
Producing nothing of value.
>and pay taxes.
Why not just pay welfare and be done with it? Really you Rightards are confusing. I thought that made you butthurt to pay Shaneeza to sit around and do her nails in a gubmint office. This is exactly what you propose, but with gunz.

>Yea, sounds like an absolutely cancerous cycle...
Eventually yes. You can't pay back what you borrow unless you invest in something that makes more money, which weapons production or other transfer scams without investment, can't do.

Then you're welcome to stay.

>retard alert
lmgtfy.com/?q=coal carbon fiber

Haven't you idiots realized Trump is totally unsuited for the job?

Three out of four isn't bad odds actually.

That gives him a 3/4th chance. Thanks for the information user.

Wrong. They don't use coal mined in Kentucky as a commercial carbon fiber source. It's synthesized from rayon.



The left can't meme.

>Producing nothing of value.
except livelihoods for hundred of thousand of peoples...

>Why not just pay welfare and be done with it?
>retard alert
tell me, what finances wellfare-systems?

>You can't pay back what you borrow unless you invest in something that makes more money
You mean like opportunities for more people to turn their dormant labor into active parts of the workforce? You might want to just shut up now. Seriously, you failed hard enough already.

Or keep going and make me laugh even louder.

>retard alert 2.0
lmgtfy.com/?q=coal carbon fiber

That wasn't counting those assainated and their Vice Presidents who failed to get elected. That brings it up to only about 50% who serve 2 terms.


So now you've changed it from 75% to 50%. Do you even math bro?

Do you really think furfags, tranny lovers, and all the other freaks on Sup Forums are right wing?

Also, all the memes come from Sup Forums or reddit now. Right wing can't meme. Their memes are just "liberals are dumb! black people are dumb! look how dumb they are!" That's why you never see meme threads on Sup Forums

You're talking about research for something that doesn't exist yet. There are less than 100,000 coal miners in the US, and that number will continue to fall, even the coal industry knows that.

I don't know how you came up with that number but I can tell just by looking at it that 50% is not correct.


please sir, one more tear.

fifty percent? that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

dude, you came up with carbon fiber, I was talking about carbon in general.
I just had the gratitude that even your one single point is due to change, but carbon fiber is definitively not the sole application for carbon. Not by a far margin.

Now deal with your retardation in silence.

It's 25% if you only count 1 term presidents. It's 50% if you also count presidents who died in office and their incumbent Vice Presidents who fail to be elected. Yes, I do do math. You clearly do not.

>the gratitude
>the gratitude to show you

Fuck off. The world doesn't want you and neither does the internet. Your ideology is backwoods 3rd world bullshit.

The fact that dead Presidents can't run for reelection makes your argument fucking stupid.

And Ky coal is not used for industrial carbon. I was giving an example of industrial carbon usage.


>implying low iq voters didn't see memes of hillary with "facts" on them

Are libtards really this dumb?

Yeah, it's hard to get re-elected when you're dead. He's using some very clever statistical tricks to achieve the outcome that he wants to hear.

He should be an accountant.

That wasn't even my argument originally. Some retard said it is "very rare" for an incumbent to not win reelection. I pointed out that 1/4 of presidents so far have not won reelection. 1/4 is not "very rare".

The death in office and the Vice Presidents who fail to get elected was just furthering the point that incumbency isn't a sure thing for reelection

>I fail to see how flawed I am.
All we need is a citation to info wars that shows that war is economical

Using the fact that dead Presidents can't be re-elected to drive the percentage down and achieve the statistical outcome that you WANT shows that you're a fucking retard.

She has experience as she's lived with a former president.
At least that's what got W Bush elected.

Um. Dubya was the Governor of Texas at least.

I'm an engineer, but that doesn't make my wife EVEN REMOTELY qualified to do my job.

The global demand for carbon sequestration is rising, you nigger.

Can't even spell faggoty
Retake 4th grade English in a country where English is standardized so as to not let monkeys like you pass.

indictments are coming. an orgy of evidence against is coming.

even conservative sources are starting relay that info.

bye bye Trump, Pence, MaConnell, Ryan.
hello president Mattis

Because the Trump presidency is a pretty progressive milestone. First time in US history that we staffed the entire cabinet with the developmentally disabled.

Yeah, I always misspelled "Faggoty" on my fourth grade spelling tests. I don't know how I ever made it out of Elementary School.

>hello president Mattis
Oh sweet Jesus please let this happen.

Yes please.

Cuck and loli porn = family values
Prove me wrong atheists = Religious freedom
Reply or your mother dies in her sleep = health care


Nor do I. Your education system needs work.

who is this semon demon?
>inb4 search
cant be fucked

Yeah, kids definitely need to know how to spell the word "Faggoty" correctly. Otherwise the entire education system is doomed.

What a fucking retard you are.

Fucking hawt.

kesus maximus

nazi memes = fiscal responsibility?

Personally, I doubt he'd lose.

Regressives keep doing really, really dumb shit that they think is "revolution" but is making leftists cringe and making right-wingers laugh and ignore them even more than they already do.

Go to any American factory and ask someone if they support antifa, and I guarantee they'll say no and day they're a terrorist organization (which, being fair, they are).

Remember liberals. It's treason.

Britfags want to tell the US that they're stupid. Enjoy Sharia faggots.