No fluffy thwead?

No fluffy thwead?
Dancie babbeh make fluffy thwead and dance fo new daddeh!






Dancie babbeh wuv daddeh but weggies getting tired






Fluffy wegs take forever sleepies but still dance for you!

Dancie babbehs suck! Post abuse.





I only like the dancie babbeh ones and nice ones or ones where they're mean and someone saves the fluffy. Also weirdbox

>2 posters
God damn you guys are autistsic, I couldn't imagine waking up every day and thinking its fun to make theae threads, you're garbage and even cringier than an sjw


More abuse pls

You must be a pretty important and totally not autistic person.

I only just now realized those are foals, not a few kidneys and something else




I'm actually going to bed I make these if they aren't up then when I wake up I have a whole fluffy thread to read while I poop before going to work.


Kill that derpy fluffy


>not have internet for nearly 2 months
>get back on Sup Forums
>new fluffy content
aww yiss

more like this

You're lucky you weren't on yesterday. It was a nightmare.


what happened?
moralfags flooding the thread?


Yep. And it kept happening. I hope the finally fucked off, but if they didn't we're just gonna have to deal with it.







anyone there

I'm lurking.





Good Dance Babies. YOU ALL GET SKETTI ! From Daddeh





i want more chirppy babbeh abuse




y'all other fuckers better start posting



I would love too see her owner see her one last time saying i'm not taking you home. you ran away like a bad fluffy. i only want good fluffys in my home.

actually i wouldn't mind if she the the Sorry Newspaper again to see her in pain ( but not lots of pain )




I have no content to post, I am but a lowly lurker


if i was the owner i would Severely punish that fluiffy


Watching the abusetards shit themselves whenever somebody posts non-abuse fluffy is the most fucking hilarious thing I've seen on Sup Forums.

this is the kinda i love babbehs right into the world and dead

thats Sup Forums for you
i got you nigga

Thats just retarded, what a fucking moron! Who would even do that...

Its clear he's not using correct safety equipment with that, jesus if he catches his fingers!

thats my shit



anyone got that comic strip of the herd of shit colored fluffys killing a herd of non shit colored fluffys

I would take that fluffy and shove her face in shit and take the green one home to nurse and give him or her a nice home

Oops, wrong file



my nigga

Gore threads. Trap threads. Memes. General trash threads.....

Then we have this, grown ass men who are not MLP fans, but write like a toddler would talk, with the delusions that come with this autistic fanbase.

No wrong way to live life I guess, but you all are cutting it close.


in its own way it is a rekt and gore thread just drawing and not real people or animals getting hurt





ok i dont care just someone other than me start posting because once i finish this comic im out


>ywn sabe cawwot


why are we getting so many newfags like this one lately? is this summer?



well im out fuck y'all

So the newfags are autistic for not getting this rat babies thing....but you all arent autistic for making this crap.


this is just one big victory for the brown fluffies and green i guess too. it's why i like this comic