What's the hardest thing you've been through in your life?

What's the hardest thing you've been through in your life?

Multiple suicides close to me. I dont like to talk about it. Every day is a struggle not to do the same...

My penis.

Got super drunk and rear ended somebody

Crazy thing is I didn't get charged with DUI. But I still feel horrible about the whole thing

Two suicide attempts, therapy, living on the street,

Two wars, in which my family lost a house, apartment, 2 cars, everything else we possessed, and also an uncle and a cousin. Living in extreme poverty for years afer that, getting addicted to heroin, death of my girlfriend...pretty much all my life in the last 20 or so years is the hardest thing I have been through.

Hiding a crippling drug addiction from my wife and family (a "to be continued" story as of now)

Lost the love of my life to a stroke, one week before I was supposed to fly out to see her and ask her to marry me.

The months of hoping against all sanity that she might recover anything.

Losing contact with her kids because she wasn't going to recover and their father is a sociopathic cunt.

It'll be a year this Saturday and I don't know what I'm going to do.

where are you from

Croatia originally, but I lived all over ex-Yugoslavia as a refugee.

Shitty man. Hope you get better user. You still homeless?

Well, i'm white. So not much.

Probably being put away for a significant amount of time because I got high every day for months and told someone I live with I see 'things" and they called people sooz...... idk it sucks being born that wayy and they try to get rid of you for it.

We have rapefugees among us, Sup Forumsrethren.

damn dude, what's your story? how did your family lose everything in the conflict? like what was that about/howed it happen

Gonna be soon again, man. If I don't kill myself before that. Will see

Molested by drunk step mom and having my dad tell me he doesn't believe me and made me apologize to her.

Don't kill yourself man, take up drinking coffee as it staves off suicidal tendencies by 50% and vaping makes depression go awayy. Plus they're cheap.

That's hot af

Shit man.
Hope it all goes well for you

I once took a shit so big I felt gay.

It wasnt when I was 12, I now have the fetish but it made me have uncontrollable shaking and anxiety. I also cant be around drunk people or ill lose my shit on them.

Did you try getting higher than a motherfucker? Should fix the problem

>age 14
>installed keylogger on computer for shits and giggles
>inadvertently catch mom cheating on dad
>confront her
>she says "it's only a fantasy"
>they're still married
>haven't talked about it since for all these years
>still have the evidence
pic: related


Eh, its a long story, but in short, I come from a serbian family from Croatia, and there was a lot of shit going on between Serbs and Croats during WW2, Croats mainly siding with the nazis, Serbs with the monarchist, and a part of them with communists. Anyway, Croats killed close to 500 000 Serbs in concentration camps, Serbs slaughtering Croats as a response, on so on. Fast forward to 1990, socialism breaking down, a lot of fascists who escaped to Latin America after WW2 came back, they were welcomed by both sides, propaganda starting on boths sides how the other side is going to kill as just as they did in WW2, we must arm ourselves, and so the war begun. My father was not a nationalist but he was forcefuly mobilised into Serbian army, and he fought for 4 years. Rest of my family didnt want to run away and leave all our stuff, so we stayed in a war zone. I was pretty young then, so I didnt mind the war and all that chaos that much, we had a city without any police in it, we had no school for most of the time, for a teenager, it was pretty fun. I mean, we had a lots of land so we grew our own food, I was not hungry, I had my friends and my family so I didnt mind. But at the end of the war serbian side started to lose, and we had to flee our homes. My uncle decided he has no reason to run because he was disabled and didnt fought in the war, but he was tortured and killed anyway, and our house burned down. My cousin who was 22 at the time decided he was going to be brave and he didnt left his military post, so he was killed too. My family went to Montenegro, with literally only clothes on our back and nothing more. Now, Montenegro is very little, and very closed society where they hate foreigners, even if we were a part of the same state once, so they made sure I was not welcome. I had to almost constantly fight with the locals, in school and out. Then NATO bombing of Serbia began, and it only got worse, now even the locals were extremely poor. cont.

Haha, faggot

took a big poop once

My doctor said i was going to die from a cerebral ill.
Another said I had cancer.

Still alive


Thank you, kind user

Dude that sucks ass man. Hopefully you can get your addiction under control and maybe start over? I dunno man. Kinda makes me feel ljke a giant pussy for beind so depressed i cant wake up and face the day.

Currently Multiple Myeloma

aside from coming to terms about mortality, Cancer ain't so bad.

Here's my story

In the past 7 years I
> lost 2 dear family members one died in one week after being diagnosed with cancer, the other died after several strokes
> my parents divorced the same day I got the news that my dear grandpa (who was almost like a father to me) died.
> I had to watch as they fought and screamed at each other, listening to both my parents telling me how much they wanted to die while they were drunk, fucking up each other cars, breaking shit...
> my mom took off to another country
> my father went to live with a GF he later found
> I was left alone in my house and my 60% mentally handicapped sister who my grandmother "adopted" so I could, at least, be alone without the need to help her (since i was in high school back then)
> My ex tried to kill herself and said it was because i wasnt giving her enough attention, I cut off all contact.
> I gained so much weight I wasn't even myself anymore, I was made fun off at school, lost all my friends because while I was going deep into the depression they were actually doing shit.

At least nowadays Im finishing university and I dont need to see them anymore (aside from christmas or something).
I lost 40kg out of the 50kg I had gained and am "normal" again.
Hopefully next year my body is back to normal after almost one decade of being borderline morbidly obese, and I will have my degree done.

I just wish I can get my dream job after this, live a somewhat independent, happy life, and forget all about the place and people I knew after coming to university.



having twins as stay at home dad with zero fucking support from family and less from friends

kys faget

Fuck, hope you're doing better now that is fucked

Vaping makes depression go away? What.

Coffee triggers anxiety like a mutherfucker.

You trolling?

>tfw mom had a live in boyfriend in her studio and when dad lost his brother to suicide instead of supporting him was basically like "I'M FUCKING FRED WE'RE A THING FUCK OFF"

she used to bring him to college to see us

>tfw mom and dad still together, never talk about it

saw a man stabbed to death when i was 8

bullied like crazy throuout skewl

have aspergers

very few friends

an ex-gf laured me to an apartment with 5 guys who gave me drugs robbed me and beat me to an inch of my life


a guy TRIED to rape me

sleep with a loaded shotgun next to the bed so i know i have a ticket out of this world when i cant take it anymore

So after I finished school, I tried to get a job, but only thing that was available for a refugee was the lowest jobs that locals didnt want to do, sweeping the streets, digging ditches, construction, working on fishing boats..so I did all those shitty jobs for a while, then decided to try my luck in Serbia, after that in Bosnia, it was always the same, break my back for 12 hours a day with a pay just barely enough to eat. After 4-5 years I decided to go back to my parents, who in the meantime got a tiny apratment from Norwegian government as a part of some help program, so I didnt have to pay the rent at least. Then i got conscripted in the army, finished a year of training, got discharged, and thats when I started messing with drugs. At first only weed and E, then a lot of psychedelics, and finally heroin. For someone in a shitty situation as I were, it was really a miracle cure. So I continued to work shitty jobs, had a lot of meaningless relationships and sex combinations, and then I met my girlfriend, and for some reason she was interested in me. She was rich, beautiful, smart, young, everything that I was not. I was really happy for that year I was with her, switched to suboxone therapy and was going to get completely clean soon. But last year she got killed in a car accident, and I decided there is no point in getting clean, so I went back to heroin. And there I am, working my ass off on a dead end job, planing to go to Germany in a few months, to try my luck there. Or maybe I will kill myself, I havent decided yet.

A brick wall.

> I was left alone in my house and my 60% mentally handicapped sister

so you had a built in fuck toy?

having to read through this

I had a really bad breakup
I know that sounds like a pussy thing but this was horrible and she made me feel guilty for shit I didn't do

yea women are vial creatures

car windshield

You've gotten this far my dude, you can make it the rest of the way. Your parents sound pretty fucked. You go and do better and don't let their bullshit trap you into the same life they have.

Omg user, that's horrible.

I feel for you. Whatever that means to you. Stay strong my dude.

Having my leg ripped off and the other very badly broken in a motorbike crash, I almosy died and was at deaths door for a few days but managed to stay alive.

Then I had to go through horrendous pain and mental anguish from not being able to move and not being able to go to the toilet myself.

It got better, but the initial part of the experience was almost enough to make me want to kill myself, I went manic for a few weeks from it where reality became a never ending cycle of pain, humiliation and anger.

Yeah, it is a matter of perspective. Everyone has problems and thinks his are the biggest problems, but I tell you, I would be happy just to be able to live in a normal country, not this balkan shithole full of criminals and primitive thugs, and to be able to live off my honest work, just to pay the rent and have food, it would be great.

Thanks, but I think I got to a point where I just cant take it anymore, so much shit, for decades now, everybody telling me you must fight, life is hard, but you must live...but I dont...and thats a great comfort for me, knowing that I just can end it all, painlessly, if I wanted.

my cousin got stabbed by his gf two weeks ago, nicked his heart and now it looks like he's got permanent brain damage from it.

so tell us about your really bad breakup

Thanks for trying, but i've been here so long i am immune to your newfaggotry.

Goddamn, I normally don't give two shits about anyones problems here but you have had it rough. I hope it works out whatever you decide to do. I will think of you when I drink tonight.

My father's dick.

post stump

91 here. just nice to see "older" folks

Lol. Try harder newfaggot.

Have you tried moving to the US? It seems like you can speak English, and you're clearly willing to work hard and do almost any job. You would have options here. A lot of people from the Balkans and Russia migrant here too.

>wahh im incapable of doing a teenager tier job with no support
>haha but suicide isnt a real problem tho haha what a pussy

yea thats exactly what happened to the guy when i was 8 there was so much blood it shot out a good 10 ft in fron of him


teenagers get to leave at the end

Set up a hookup on craigslist when I was 15 (was bicurious, it was a guy) just wanted to try sucking dick, but he ended up raping me .Never been interested in guys since.

Went to a party with one of my best friends long story short nobody knows what happened for a certain time frame but all I know is that him and a couple of other people beat the shit out of me and robbed me then for the fuck of it they beat me almost to death I woke up in a coma about a month later

Taking a big boy log up the butt

Thanks, it really means a lot to me for someone to recognize the shit Im in. My family didnt give me any support, my father always telling me how I am just a pussy, how he watched his friends die in the war, and I have "everything"...it really pisses me off, people here live like animals, like slaves, they work without insurance, social security, minimal wage, just wild west rules...and they are "thankful", just to be alive and to eat 2 times a day...it really gets on my nerves.

Here's the thing user, and this is something I have a very difficult time accepting myself. Everyone's problems, tragedies, and struggles all differ in events and scope, but yours are no less valid for it.

you must be a real piece of shit to bring that on yourself

did your mom give you good boy points for pleasing her boyfriend?

Welcome to being a father. Shouldve wrapped it up. You get no sympathy because your life isnt hard.

nigger I paid over $100,000 for fertility treatments to have babby

you be thankful if you get a kid out of just "not wrapping muh dick"

Yeah, I thought about it, but legally it is next to impossible. Only chance was immediately after the war, when US had political asylum for people from Balkans, but thats long gone. I could get there illegaly, I have a good friend in NYC, he is there as an illegal immigrant...but I would prefer legal ways, thats why Im thinking about Germany. Now that I managed to get croatian passport, I can work there. Only problem is I dont know the language, but Im learning, I will be able to get basic level of understanding in a few months hopefully.

Hey bro, we're one. I lost my wife to cancer three months ago. I'm also slowly losing it.

watch out society, check out this cool kid

I lost my board to cancer but that was years ago.

Calculus 3

Actually at the time of this I wasn't I had been working so much I just wanted to chill out and drink some beer and my friend hit me up asking if I wanted to go to a party and they jumped and robbed me for about fifty bucks

You've gone so far user, survived so much. Please, keep on fighting. If life was a game, you'd be too close to high score to quit.

Sorry man. Don't know what else to say.

Sleep with your ginger on the trigger and barrel in mouth


Tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Teflon coating
Lead contamination in soil
Lead paint
Estrogen in drinking water
Radionuclide contamination in high phosphorus fertilizer
Slag exposure
Food shortage
Over population
Civil unrest
World peace?
Dark wizards
Class warfare
Class warfare
Accidental injury
Criminal behaviour
Fluoride in toothpaste
Under exercise
Tooth decay
Poor oral hygiene
Fire ants
Killer bees
Climate change
Illegal dumping
Orbital drift
Gender warfare
Black widow/brown recluse
Gamma radiation
Seismic anomaly
Political warfare
Devaluation of human life
Drug abuse

this is a thread for people who got through their shit


>Multiple suicides close to me. I dont like to talk about it. Every day is a struggle not to do the same...
Sounds like you were the common factor in all of that.


It will never be the same, but it gets a little better. I try to remind myself that she'd never want me to feel so miserable, and to try to be happy again. Eventually, the little things everywhere that remind you of her will stop tearing your heart out, and maybe even give you a little smile as you remember the great times you had with her.

Quitting drugs. Never again.

Never quitting again or never starting again?

OD next time, then you won't have to quit

Never quitting again lol
Smoking weed right now


choose life user


My dad dying when i was 8

What's the matter, user? Can't face the truth?


My dog just died 4 hours ago.