Would you walk down this tunnel for $48 quintillion?

Would you walk down this tunnel for $48 quintillion?

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i would walk down it for £10

I'd walk down it for a pack of smokes.

Yes, what would I be afraid of?

>48 quintillion
For that kind of money, I had to figure that the probabilbilty of me getting murdered in that tunnel is about, probaly, 100%

I'd walk down it just to fart at the other end and hear it echo

I'd walk down it for the touch of another human

i would do it for free it looks neat

that tunnel has demons for sure

fuck yes


I've worked in worse places for significantly less money.

I would but I don't have $48 quintillion

I'll just walk right through with my Bible in hand and therefore have more power through Christ than any of those miserable entities

i'd walk down it for the candy at the end

I'd walk down for free

There's a giant spider hiding in the dark.

i'd walk down.. oh wait

Just bring your own gaint spider to protect you.

I have a tunnel like that on my way from work every day...

I would literally not want that much money. It would be a huge problem. I would walk down that tunnel to get rid of that money.

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry

I welcome death, and so I walk.

id moonwalk down it for 48 bucks

I don't have one.

I've done it in a similar tunnel for 0 tillions. It was over a kilometer long and there was also ~30cm water from start to finish. I really enjoyed it. Pic related, OC

>get naked
>rub your self blue paint
>put on backpack with boombox in it playing the sonic theme

what like 47 quintillion?

You a fellow explorer?
Ever been in the Paris catacombs? Now there we can talk creepy. I do that shit for fun.

Top kek

where the fuck is this
it looks awesome

What happens if you get caught? Do you get arrested? Fined?

i actually am kind of interrested to be there alone with a cheap flashlight with weak light

can i come along? also i like to travel without gear

I cannot say I'm a fellow explorer, but when I have a chance I will certainly use it.. it just happened to be few kilometers away from where I used to live and I gave it a shot. Apparently I haven't been to Paris catacombs, but I've heard many good things about it. The picture I posted is done in Eastern Europe, and it should be a part of the Peter the Great's naval fortress I suppose.

Money for a stroll?

Nothing was stated about not having a self defense tool, so id do it.

I evaluate abandoned mines for a living, that is a cake walk. It's also more money than I would make in a trillion lifetimes, so....

Yes to see what's next

lol, what is this gif from? I'm strangely aroused

What do you evaluate them for?

Why are these facebook tier posts getting on here

i would go in just for curiousity the fuck OP.


The locals who showed med around said you mostly get a warning. There is literally a group pretty much living down there who are really friendly towards explorers. Cataphiles they call them self.
They show you the areas tourists never see.
>can i come along? also i like to travel without gear
Sure but you gonna need lot's of flashlights and batteries down there.

Cool, having local spots to explore is awesome.

I suggest you all check out Josh's video on it

I actually met him down there near the secret room and he's a really cool dude.

Thnx for a vid, have fun and safe exploring!

I'd walk in your mom's tunnel for a dollar

No, because then one person would essentially have all the dollars in existence, and the dollar would become worthless.


We look for deposits that were either missed, not viable to extract with the tech of the time, or not viable to process with the tech of the time. Although I'm just the safety guy, a glorified pack mule who carries gear and makes sure my partner doesn't get lost/killed while we are down there.

I'd follow this dog anywhere.

