Writing a suicide not for my wife to be. I just can't go on any longer. I love her but I died inside long ago...

Writing a suicide not for my wife to be. I just can't go on any longer. I love her but I died inside long ago. What should it say

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I am a big pussy, so I am going to destroy you emotional. You will probably never recover from this, buts that ok beacuse I love you.

"Suicide not" god u fucking idiot kys


OP, stop being a bitch and get some therapy and/or psych meds.

Don't do it OP, take up vaping and drink coffee, both stave off depression and suicidal tendencies. If you love her stay with her and be happy for life.

Find God.

Have you even tried anything?

Go eat a bunch of psilocybin mushrooms, sometimes you just need to jumpstart your 5ht receptors.

>Getting married while suicidal

OP is a selfish prick and should kill himself

Hey asshole! Some of us would kill you just to have a wife-to-be! Consider yourself amongst the lucky ones & be thankful for all the things you have that so many others don't. Hell gloat about it if it makes you feel better, but don't go ruining your fiances life jus cus you lack perspective. If we here on Sup Forums can all carry on with our shithole lives, then so can you buddy!

Tell her how shit your life is and how the world will be a much better place without you.
Let her know that all you want in life is to end the torment of exisiting.
Tell her it's not her fault.
and then kill yourself... helium or carbon monoxide are probably your best options.. quite clean and non-traumatic
do it faggot


let him do what the fuck he wants...
the only bitch round here is you

sounds like the world could do with another suicide as well as OP's

OP what method you'll be taking? It better be something cool and edgy

It should say something like, "I thought about explaining, but i just can't go on any longer. Toodle-pip."



like I give a fuck about your citation
Let the guy do what he wants instead of giving half assed 'you could feel better' advice
do you have any idea where you are?

Still waiting for the day some absolute madman pulls that off

I did it once, worked like a charm

OP, Both my parents comitted suicide and iv'e been hating them for life


> Some of us would kill you just to have a wife-to-be!

Now that's just perverted.

you shit
it was your fault they wanted to die
it's just a shame they didn't do it before you were born

Im a little bitch boy short and stout
You broke it off so im going out
Out with with a bang not fucking about
When I blow my brains out don't you pout
Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Teflon coating
Lead contamination in soil
Lead paint
Estrogen in drinking water
Radionuclide contamination in high phosphorus fertilizer
Slag exposure
Food shortage
Over population
Civil unrest
World peace?
Dark wizards
Class warfare
Class warfare
Accidental injury
Criminal behaviour
Fluoride in toothpaste
Under exercise
Tooth decay
Poor oral hygiene
Fire ants
Killer bees
Climate change
Illegal dumping
Gender warfare
Black widow/brown recluse
Gamma radiation
Seismic anomaly
Devaluation of human life

Just make sure you donate sperm first you piece of shit.


why the fuck would anyone want this worthless nothing to reproduce?
He's doing the genepool a favor by killing himself without leaving his DNA to contaminate humanity

Fuck you faggot we try to help suicides on earth not tell them to do it, gg 14 year old grow up


>we try to help suicides

> we try to help suicides

some more help

no, I'm from 2010 bitch kronosfag skum you will never understand what life is past your "hurr durr" memes

just write down the Prince of belair lyrics


please complete and send to a mod