Can any navy fags give me any advice on the Asvab and joining? Enlisting soon

Can any navy fags give me any advice on the Asvab and joining? Enlisting soon.

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If you need advise on the ASVAB you shouldn't be joining anyway.

The ASVAB is easy as fuck. Seriously, if you passed 8th grade, you can pass that. And unless you're trying to go spec ops, the NAVY is pretty easy-going in general. It is hard to "fail" boot camp.

What kind of a reply is that? More than prepared but hearing something from someone who took it shouldn't be an issue fuckin pleb

Going for civil engineering, graduated and whatnot so it shouldn't be hard lol everyone's told me it's comparable to the high school exit exam

ASVAB is designed for middle schoolers, aim higher and study for the ASTB retard.

The Asvab is required to join any branch of the military, retard.


Your recruiter has lied to you, go for officer recruiter and study for the ASTB, you don't need asvab for officer

Oh you haven't gone to college so you going for ASVAB

>Can any navy fags give me any advice

I was told I had to be an enlisted sailor for x amount of years before I was able to take the tests to be an officer, maybe I'm wrong. If so I apologize but I don't believe I can go straight to training for an officer

Eight year Navy veteranfag here. What do you want to know?

It worked lol I always see people asking "military fags" for shit lol

What did you do? How hard was the Asvab 1-10 do they guide you in any sorta direction I've always been told recruiters don't really care lol And that's pretty much it lol not really stressed about much just asking questions really

Hell, it was required for us to graduate high school.

Yeah I'm California we had to take the cahsee instead

I was an LS on nuclear submarines and did my last tour on aircraft carriers.

If you want to do civil engineering, go Seabees. That's all they do. They're cool people.

Oh, forgot to answer your ASVAB question. It's easy. There isn't much to it.

If you score a 50 or above you can do just about everything except for nuke.

Whatever you do, don't become a nuke. It's a horrible job.

It is easy do not be worried be careful and do not drink, I got in a car crash because I did have fun in San Diego

Do you think that'd be a good choice? Mainly looking for something good career wise that I won't necessarily hate and I'm already in the construction field ya know

If you enjoy what you do, then definitely go Seabees. They're awesome people and go a lot of places and actually do some good in the world.

They go to other parts of the world and build schools and hospitals and shit. They do stuff that actually makes a difference.

Oh, and you'll also never go to sea. Seabees aren't a seagoing unit.

The only time you'll ever step foot on a ship is when they're shipping you somewhere. You won't be part of the crew, you'll just be along for the ride.

I never met a Seabee that I didn't like.

yeah that sounds dope lol I do tile now and it sucks but I wouldn't mind other things, what would you rate it danger wise lol thanks again for the responses

>Seabees are cool people
>I never met a Seabee that I didn't like.
Can confirm.
Think of them as the Navy's ACoE.

Join the Air Force instead.

On a scale from 1-10? 1

The ASVAB is pretty easy. I didnt enlist, but I took it anyways for fucks and got recommended nuclear engineering. Its just a bunch of common sense/easy math questions. Itll ask you questions pertaining to skills, such as mechanics of cars and stuff. Its a bit random when it comes to those questions, but the mathematics is easy. I forget what else is on it, I havent been to high school in like 3 years.

Sounds like a good choice then

Awesome lol appreciate it bro

If you're really looking for faggots in the military, you need look no further than the Marine Corps. Honestly 2/3 of them are (open or closeted) peter puffers.

Any reasons as to why? Navy appeals the most

Danger wise? I'd say it's pretty safe.

In the old days Seabees would operate in a combat zone and had to fend for themselves but that isn't the case anymore. If you're building something in a combat zone they want you to finish the job. You'll be very protected by Army or Marines.

The Seabees that I knew rarely went anywhere dangerous. They went to places on Humanitarian Missions around the world building schools, hospitals, and water treatment plants. That type of stuff.

They did stuff that makes a difference for people. Oh, and you'll definitely do more than just tile. You'll be building some cool shit.

Once you get some experience, you'll be a supervisor and eventually a Chief. That's will be DIRECTLY transferable to the civilian world. Trust me. Construction companies will probably be itching to hire someone like you with that kind of experience.

Go Seabees man. It sounds like something that'll be right up your alley.

OP. I found this for you. Scroll down to the Seabee section.

Best quality of life by far.

Also, enlisting is garbage. Youre selling your soul to the devil for a promise that probably wont be kept in full. If you want cheap college, go to community college. Graduate with a low-level degree to get a job that isnt min wage, and continue to go to college. Itll take you the same amount of time if you put in the same amount of dedication as the military. Civil engineering is wack. If you take pride in designing bus stops, roads, highways, and waste processing plants, then go right ahead. But if youre thinking about taking part in the developing technological future, then I recommend mechanical and electrical together. Youll make more money than civil. But dont worry about the money if youre already choosing a STEM career because you will make enough to live on your own easily plus some extra lux. Ive thought about enlisting just because I want high-level clearance to work on sophisticated projects with the best military scientists. Most of the time, the military develops new tech first and that is my only reason why I would join.

The Asvab is easy, if you're feeling nervous about it there's plenty of books or resources online that will help you prep for it. I'd recommend going Air Force instead, I just finished my 4 years fairly recently and it was pretty cake, but I really only enlisted for the GI bill. Someone else mentioned Seabees, if you're hell bent on Navy then I'd say go for it. I hung out with some Seabees during tech school at Sheppard and they were all chill af.

But whatever you do, don't get sucked into the military's bs. They don't give a fuck about you or any other member, you're just another cog in the machine to them. Enlist for 4, don't let your lying recruiter talk you into 6. Take advantage of every opportunity while you're in and gtfo when your enlistment is up. Good luck.

You can go straight to OCS if you have a bachelor's degree from any accredited college.

Enlisted recruiters wants enlists and officer recruiters want officers.

Go to airwarriors or some other forum and research.

Why's Civilian Engineering Bad? What would you recommend as a career choice and or major? Just seemed like a decent career and whatnot

What is your view on commissioning as I was thinking enlisting and then changed my mind partly as the AF recruiter took one look at me and was like he won't survive as a enlistee, go officer

OP. Do you have a bachelor's degree?

Haven't really looked into it just thought to start from the bottom

21 With A High school diploma

When I was stationed in Guam I used to drink with a bunch of Seabees. There were some old barracks on base that were condemned and the Navy spent a year trying to get a reasonable estimate from a construction company to demolish them to no avail.

Eventually they just called in the Seabees because it was the best cost effective solution. These guys had a fucking blast demolishing and breaking shit up for the next eight months.

Did any of them have any negative shit to say about their jobs or did they seem pretty happy

Yes, but my GPA is like 2.8

Well then, your recruiter was correct about going officer. Once you get to E-6 with eight years of service you can apply to become a LDO (Limited Duty Officer).

LDO's are cool. Prior enlisted officers are always the best ones.

All the Seabees that I knew fucking loved what they did. I'm sure there are some out there that didn't like it....but you'll find that just about anywhere with any job in the military or the civilian world.

But to answer your question. No. I never met a Seabee that didn't love their job.

Re read what I typed, you dip. I explained your questions.

As of right now being a Seabee doesn't seem to be a bad choice career wise or anything like that I may just have to look into it

Something that I would recommend is creating an account on military dot com. They have a HUGE forum section with an area specifically for Seabee discussions. Lots of vets and retirees post there. They'll be more than happy to answer any questions you'd have about it.

That's where I went when I was thinking about enlisting. I went to the submarine forum and asked all the questions I wanted and got the truth.

not OP but, I'd like a run down of HM please. and the 8404 guys not just 0000. Kinda bad at math and am worried about getting a good enough score to get that specific rate.

Another question. How much of an advantage will an Associates degree get me in terms of rank and pay.
If my post seems scatterbrained I apologize, just got work and tired.

An associates degree will get you E-3 right out of bootcamp. Six months after getting to the fleet you can take the E-4 Petty Officer exam.

Don't try to do gang signs. They make you feel retarded. Learn sign language instead.

Mechanical and electrical together is just kinda vague Because those branch off into a lot that was all lol was wondering what you'd wanna do a little more specifically appreciate it though

Note taken lol

people say you'll be ranked up to at least E3 before you leave bootcamp. What if I'm one of those who make E3 before I get out, will I get additional rank or? Not too familiar with these things. Thanks for answer btw

Commissioning? Don't know anything of it, honestly. Never cared enough about enlisting to know what that is. And what is your purpose for joining? Deep in your heart. Do you feel patriotic enough to serve your country? Are you doing it for the cheap college? Or some lame excuse to "get ahead" on a profession?
Listen man, you're signing yourself off on a contract to the governement and making yourself their property for many years. In the same amount of time, you can learn enough knowledge about your career to apply it towards some experience. And with 4 years of experience that you did alone, you will be treated the same as a person who went to college for that degree.
What Im trying to say ia that classrooms arent the only place for learning. You can learn all the information you need to know right here on the internet for (if you look hard enough)completely free. Once you have the knowledge, apply it alone at home. Work a job to buy tools and things you need for experience. Sketch up buildings in AutoCAD once a day. Build a portfolio. Build experience. But if you dont have the determination and willpower to do this on your own, then go to college. If you're weaker, go to the military to become stronger.

Not just the cheap college but all the benefits, it'd get me out of the situation I'm in living with my single parent/stepmom sucks and nothing in Cali is cheap, definitely not whining but I see it putting me in a better situation, and why not serve my country fuck it

Yes and no. In your paperwork you'll be listed as an E-3 but during Bootcamp you'll be paid as an E-1.

A few days after your graduate from bootcamp they'll zap a bunch of backpay into your account. So yeah, you'll be an E-3 but at bootcamp everybody is treated the same.

This is because you can't have recruits ordering around other recruits because they're an E-3 and another recruit is an E-1. At bootcamp you're all equally worthless.

However, you'll get to wear your E-3 stripes at graduation and a few days later all of your E-3 backpay will appear in your account.

I joined as an E-3 and that's how it worked for me.

Think about what you want to do everyday and work backwards. Do you want to build? Design? Research? Experiment? Supervise? Direct? These are probably what you're going to be doing in any STEM field. So choose one, find a person online who is what you want to do, and see what they did to get there.
Its a shame we use this infinite human knowledge to look at traps and anime.

This really helped. Thanks user.

That's a good way to look at it, work backwards. But yeah as much enjoyment as I get out of it sometimes it is a shame

No problem. Here to help shipmate.

If you keep your head in the game and climb the ranks of the military, all while keeping your goals aligned with your career, then you will eventually become a stronger person. Move to a city that has a better economy. Try to convince your stepmom. If that fails, enlist in the Air Force or Cyber Security and go to Texas. It has a better(cheaper) economy than California and is home to many AF and CS bases.

It's okay to indulge. But if you ever have any questions pertaining to engineering or how something works, Google is a marvelous search engine that will serve that knowledge on a silver platter. Never stop learning.

I Don't think the convincing thing is happening cause she's like the evil step mom and has a career where we're at but I can definitely see enlisting and climbing the ranks. I was thinking the navy and electrician engineering which I don't think would be bad

Or mechanical engineering

This is one of the main reasons I joined. I was a college junior and ran out of money for college. I was living in a shitty apartment, had a shitty job, and was living in a shitty town and wanted to get out.

I joined the Navy and never looked back. I finished my Bachelors on active duty, met a wonderful wife and had a beautiful son, got to do some shit that you'd only read about in a Tom Clancy novel, and now I'm an honorably discharged veteran using my GI Bill on a Masters Degree. Life is so fucking sweet I can taste it in my spit.

I learned a job that I loved and decided to make it my career outside the Navy. The job I learned in the Navy is what I'm studying for my Masters Degree. Life is good shipmate.

Marine officer candidate here.
If you score too low for a good Navy job but you shoot rifles good then we'll take you.
You'll still get to spend time on a boat lol but you'll be spending a lot more time at the shooting range than army or navy.

Thought about doing this. Have shot my whole life but like medical stuff. 8404 is my goal so I can kinda do both.

Sounds like the American Dream, I'm Pretty Much in those shoes minus the school, dead end construction job living with my stepmom and dad, minimal pay just a shit situation and am gonna enlist, hoping for the best. What exactly did you do for work and majors if you don't mind

If you join the Navy as a Corpsman you can go be a Doc for Marines. For a corpsman it's considered a fucking honor.

Exactly what I had planned FMTB or bust. Get chills thinking of serving and taking care of Marines. It might sound corny but I've been a die hard fan my whole life. Would go straight marine but I love medicine. I was going to start Nursing school after I get my Associates degree but I found out what Corpsman was about a year ago and I've been set on doing that since.

Excuse grammar I'm too tired.

I was a LS (Logistics Specialist). It's not a "glamorous" job by any means but it's absolutely an essential one.

When I joined I wasn't entirely thrilled about it but it got me out of the shitty town I was in. After a while I started to enjoy it and found that I was REALLY good at it.

I was a Junior when I joined and my major was Political Science. I had already come to far and it was better that I just went ahead and finished the degree.

Now I'm working on a Masters in Supply Chain Management and I love it. After being an LS for eight years this Masters degree is kinda easy. I already know a shitload of what they're teaching.

In fact, I could probably teach some of the classes I'm taking. The same could happen to you, think about it.

Join up, learn a skill, work on a degree towards it. It'll probably be easier than you think. If you get a degree, apply for Officer Candidate School immediately.

The last I heard, the acceptance rate for enlisted with a bachelors degree to OCS was close to 90%. So your odds are fan-fucking-tabulous.

Go for it man. The Docs that go out with the Marines are called Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and they're a tight knit community. Highly respected.

I've spoken with a few Corpsman before. I'd like to see combat and ear my CAR. But they say I won't be seeing very much if at all. That if I wanted combat to just go full Marine.
And thanks for answering.

Your replies are exactly what I was looking for bro lol I know my experience won't be amazing or anything at first but if they're anything along the lines of yours I'll be happy. And I think mechanical engineering will be a good choice personally

And what exactly is officer candidate school?

I took my ASVAB when I was high as shit and clicked random answers on half of it because I really didn't want to join, still passed it. 11 years later, I'm still in.

Took your Asvab high as shit then passed Meps? How'd that one work

Happy to help bro. If civil engineering is your thing then please go Seabee. I have a feeling you won't regret it.

You sound pretty motivated and that's what the Navy needs. I've been in your shoes and I know it's scary but sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith. I was scared of enlisting because of fear of the unknown, now I'm just angry I hadn't done it sooner in life.

It's your life. Grab it by the fucking horns shipmate.

It's a school where you earn a military officer commission if you have a bachelor's. You start off as a lieutenant.

For civilians going to OCS, the admittance rate was 57% this season on the West Coast

Yeah it's definitely gonna be mechanical or civil engineering the whole Seabee thing is pushing me civil But mechanical is a STEM Career thanks again man

Navy here, can confirm.

What's up shipmate. I'm trying to set these guys straight. Recruiters are giving some of them a bunch of bullshit.

Op here. My two career paths of choice right now are mechanical or civil engineering, would you recommend if so why or why not

Both would be in Seabees. It just depends on which rate (MOS) you choose.

BU is builder. CM is construction mechanic guys. Both are part of the Seabee community.

I have friends in the navy and see them talk about rate a lot and say to watch out for going over or something like that? Not too sure just thought I'd ask since you mentioned, thank you though. So regardless of choice I'd be a Seabee

Yeah, in the Navy we don't have MOSs, we have "Rates".

The Seabee community has a couple of rates. BU, CM, CE, and EA. All of those are purely Seabee rates.

Builder, Construction Mechanic, Construction Electrician, Engineering Aide. If you pick any of those you'll be with the Seabees.

The only rate I recommend that you stay away from is anything nuclear. They absolutely hate their fucking lives.

And what's the deal with "rates" if you don't mind, I'm sure I can look it up or it'll be explained if it's it much

It comes from the old days of the sailing ships. The Navy is ALL about old traditions. If you had a skill on the old sailing ships they would say you were "rated" at that particular job.

A little piece of naval history for you there.

The asvab is designed for an 8th grade education. If you can't do well, you should just kill yourself