Help I have a lot of blackheads like pic related what do

help I have a lot of blackheads like pic related what do

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get some glue and plaster that shit on your nose, wait until it dries, then peel it off. repeat a couple times until satisfied. best to do it after a steamy shower as that opens your pores.

Nose strips dont really work to absolutely get rid of them. Get them tho.

just press them with your nails, is really easy and i dont know why the fuck everyone have so much problems with blackheads

there is a tool that you can use to squeeze them out, but it hurts like a bitch. Once you squeeze them out apply rubbing alcohol to the area.

Those aren't blackheads. They're natural pores in your nose which produce helpful oils for your skin.

You need to squeeze out the unhealthy pus plugs that are clogging each pore, and then apply rubbing alcohol. Do this twice a day, cold water after doing this will shrink your pores

Get a girlfriend she'll pick them out if shes the one

This guy knows

Buy one of these things.

get a better diet



Had the same problem, if you have really big pores it's tough to not have really noticeable blackheads at times. Search up where you could get a local blackhead extraction, I had to pay about $20 for a whole face extraction at a beauty school. After that just keep up with your face washing, don't touch your face with dirty hands and keep your pillows clean/put a clean towel under your head every night.

You can do the extraction yourself, it just takes patience. Don't listen to those people saying those pore plugs provide healthy oils.

you need that peel off mask that puls the contents of your pores off with it

also: blackhead tweezers


you're welcome OP



Oh my fucking god, toward the end it gets hidous. what even part of the fucking body was this? Why the actual fuck did they have so many pussy filled pores holy fucking shit, aaaah AAAAAAHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH


Yeah power to you if you have the patience to sit there and do it yourself, I just say professional because I know if you're too rough you could do some damage and leave scars which if OP is worried about blackheads, I doubt they want scars

>you are now aware this is a hypertoolz viral marketing campaign

They also have some pore cleansing and closing shit too, that's why I say go somewhere

I have, and had the same issue since my school days like 18 years now, and I still haven't found a method to clear it up. I tried about 20 different things. Sucks all around.

Yes... and when the sebacious oils clog the pore, oxidize and turn dark they are called blackheads.

wash yourself

what the fuck if your skin is this bad you need to fucking shower more often

Beautiful. I love watching these. God knows why, I get spots like that...

strips only snag surface level blackheads so theyre a waste of money. you can do that yourself with your nails

a condome extractor or whatever its called will occasionally get a nasty one but again if the blackheads are not surface level, good luck (unless you want to rip your face apart)


it's intelligently designed that way

Put some drops of pure hemp seed oil on your face every morning after face washing. Those fuckers will disappear.

this guy knows

Tea tree oil soap works really well on my skin, I'd give it a try

Make it chocolate covered maybe?

Get a GF and let her purge you

10/10 would suck those black sporatic grease and grind them between my teeth.

The royalty free music makes me trust this video much more.

Stop fucking smoking.

I get this but not as bad, I use a thick guitar pick to remove them. Just press the pick down and drag it and they pop right out

this is real

how can i grow big and thick blackheads into my nose?

t: blackhead freak

>put glue into your pores
seems legit

Scratch them off.

you're welcome

>but it hurts like a bitch
It hurts bitches. Everyone else doesn't give a fuck.