Who here is a Supreme Gentleman, with good looks, charm, class, style, and money, yet women won't fuck you...

Who here is a Supreme Gentleman, with good looks, charm, class, style, and money, yet women won't fuck you? Why won't women fuck us when we have everything they could possibly want?

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Women are stupid and unfair. they all go for the ugly weirdos and not us, we'll have to teach them a lesson soon

whats his youtube channel again? forgot his name

its funny, its so funny now that they are mine they cant get enough of me. did they deserve to dy , noboddy knows. finders keepers i guess

Ray William Johnson.



i am not consider very attractive compared to some of these rich fag infact i think that mentally ill fuck on this pic is better looking then me how ever...i give no fucks and I love women i do not know how i do it but i get them i felt bad for some of my friends i wanted to show them how to get them like i do but i do not want to cause damage and affect someones destiny. I have been considering writing a small book on my experiences i was even thinking of charging a super rich dude that cant get any because he has no game some money to open up the doors to get some bitches

Most retarded thing is the fact that after he died, hybristophiliac bitches all over ovulate at the very sound of his name, they finger themselves to a dead guy. Fucking sick.

Women love run on sentences

just look at how many stupid sluts followed Richard Ramirez the serial killer, i was like wtf thats why these dumb sluts end up a f up and why i look down on cucks like this fag that killed himself he could have had a nice decent girl if he stopped being such a cuck

they sure do bitches are dumb dude

checked OP

broads want to fuck me, but not the ones i want to fuck

This young man was a gift of God to this rotten world. A gift of which we have sadly not proved worthy.

>Why won't women fuck us when we have everything they could possibly want?

Well, not everything they could possibly want

meh the poor kid was driven mad by feminists

maybe its the crippling narcissism

you suck ass

He is truly a Savior, whom mankind has most urgently needed in the hour of need. His words and messages should continue to live in our hearts forever and make the world glow in glanz. For we, too, must become aware of the fact that this degenerate, worthless society has forced him to commit this very act.
If a woman had only recognized the grandeur and absolute superiority in this man, his act of heroic heroism would not have been necessary.

Nah the only lesson here is that women wont fuck guys with squeaky voices

Such a shame. He had nice lips, nice eyes. Probably could have been feminized with some success.

I think most Eurasian betas would fair better as girls, wouldn't you agree?

Women who do not recognize glory in this man and therefore have no sex with him, should not be allowed to decide freely about their bodies.

cause they are free to choose?
stop giving a fuck about it
2D is WAY better anyway



good thing shes wearing that shirt

The perfection of his appearance is truly the proof of God's existence. Only God personally could create something so wonderful

Yup both pussy and tits marked out of bounds in one go


your type ?

girl would be considered anorexic today

times and attitudes are always changing i bet this airline was fun

>Why won't women fuck us when we have everything they could possibly want?
Because all the money in the world doesnt overcome that whole "so creepy I fear for my safety" vibe a lot of people give off

that works in both directions woman

Not everyone is interested in obese women. They are unhealthy, show a great lack of self restraint, and pass on their weak genes as well as their poor habits to their children.

Ever notice you dont see a normal healthy family with 1 giant tub of lard? Or a whole heard of fat fucks with 1 healthy child?

For sure. Ive meet a few women who after 10 minutes of conversation, I could already tell they owned cats and fantasized about cutting off a guys dick while he slept

well the fact that you're still here proves you weren't drinking at the time

For some reason my psycho alarm is actually stronger when I drink

women are stupid and I don't respect em, that's right, I just have sex with them

Nope the alcohol just makes you think it i,s think about some of the women you have bought drinks for then ask yourself why