Ask a man who's planned to kill him self

Ask a man who's planned to kill him self.

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When are you going to do it? Soon?

how did you plan to kill yourself and why did you pussy out

why haven't you already done it before?

I've installed the hook to the ceiling and the rope is ready. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon. Ye, think that's a good time

livestream it, dont be a pussy like you been in the past, prove us write faggot

Why are killing yourself instead of trying to better your life?

I've tried before. Got stopped once when trying to burn myself to death. This time there will be no one who can see me.

Promise? You won't chicken out?

of course OP will chicken out! he's still breathing, clearly he cant do anything right in life

Can't promise you anything. All I know is when the stool is gone I'll be helpless

i bet we'll see you back on Sup Forums again next week, youre too pussy to do it

There is no "bettering my life." I'm 27 years old. No mother, no father, no immediate family. Basicly ending the sad line that is my "family"

You can do it! Don't forget to handcuff/zip tie your hands behind your back first.

I believe in you.

do you like pinapple on pizza?

Yes. Yes I do.

Holy fuck. Dude at least attempt to do something about it. Why waste ur one life ur still young. Go travel. Rob a bank or some cool interesting shit. Dont go out all pathetic. To live is to risk it all. Just do something.

just do it, you desrve to die

moralfag, pls go

Me killing myself is only speeding up to the living will not have any impact in this life nor will my death.

please stop with this bullshit, if you wanted to do you 'd be dead now not shitposting on Sup Forums

dude what the fuck is wrong with you. your life must be fuckings sad that you encourage someone to actualy kill themself

how does it feel to be like everyone else Op?

I hate anime.

If you kill yourself everything will end but if you live youre life you will have some awesome experiences and thoughts maybe youre life will be shit for 10 more years but at some point it turns!
Find a wife and make youre own family dont be depressed brake out from youre normal life, travel and enjoy it dont do it!!!

and yet im not the one killing myself ;)

You are lonely because of your own decisions

There is no good reason to kill yourself.
if really dont care about your life, there's plenty of cool risky shit you can do instead.
if you have nothing to lose, why not?

I will be dead within the next 48hrs. Me posting on Sup Forums doesn't have any impact on my intentions

Stop waiting and go and be in peace with yourself
soon you don't have to worry anymore
you can rest in peace

Nice grammar, dick face.

Don't do it OP. 3-4 cups of coffee a day cuts suicidal tendencies in half. Find God.

no but time will, you'll realize how stupid this decision is and won't go through with it.


That's right. A loser who makes bad decisions should just kill himself.

Where better to find god then being dead?

Because there is no meaning in that "cool risky shit" you talk about. It's all bullshit, wasting time until you die anyway. Why not cut to the front of the line?

why not now?

I have to choose a time where there's certain no one will see me.

come on Sup Forumsro , don't, what's the matter? Don't forget you are never alone, you have your Sup Forumstards

Life has a meaning we dont get born for nothing dont be a idiot and waste it


Being a Sup Forumstard doesn't pay the bills

Wrong. We are meaningless animals. Our only "purpose" is to make more meaningless animals. Eventually the planet will die and it will all have been for nothing.

>inb4 we go to other planets -- even if this happens the universe itself will die one day too

>you go to hell
So hell has all the cool people? Doesn't sound too bad to me.

Hell, in many religious and folkloric traditions, is a place or state of torment and punishment in an afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations while Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations. Typically these traditions locate hell in another dimension or under the Earth's surface and often include entrances to Hell from the land of the living. Other afterlife destinations include Heaven, Purgatory, Paradise, and Limbo.

Other traditions, which do not conceive of the afterlife as a place of punishment or reward, merely describe hell as an abode of the dead, the grave, a neutral place located under the surface of Earth (for example, see sheol and Hades).


Top kek. I can say from personal experience after trying 5 different kinds over 2 years that this is all woo science and placebo effect for the weak minded. They really don't do shit except give you bad side effects.

Been on SSRI's for about 2 years. Things aren't getting better.

ask him what?.....


Why tomorrow? Got some stuff you need to do first?

Comic sans kills more people then suicide

Start skydiving like that one dude. Hopefully your parachute wont open and you'll die a mans death. Dont take the pussy way out OP!!!

What's wrong what's your story

When I an hero, my suicide note will be in Comic Sans.

Assuming that no one can come back from the dead, couldn't the matrix just lie to us about hell/reincarnation to keep us in line?

It's about timing. In about 4 hrs I'll do it and hang for 12hrs+. That guarantees the kill

Many tenets of religion are geared to keep the people who pay the bills alive and producing more followers.

If you consider OP cool, I guess. To me he just seems like an angsty bitch with no perspective. Probably played Xenogears in 10th grade and just rode the JRPG wave through the rest of his adolescence and 20s.

Losing friends because he cuts off anyone who offends his ego. Finds ways to rationalize laziness because he doesn't like to expend effort or feel inferior.

How close am I OP?

it's just the bills dude, the fuck, if I would would worry about my credit everyday I would put a bullet in my skull long time ago, fuck it, at least I can have some fun since I'm alive and ok. Never worry about money my friend. It takes you nowhere, there's always a solution.


Fatherless, mother's an alcoholic abused as a child, been paranoid since 10 years old.

don't do it amigo. we all gonna die one day. Yours it's not today.

Don't do it man, maybe you'll fall in love one day and be really happy!

>using shaming tactics on a depressed suicidal person

You're gonna die one day, too, faggot. And 50 years after that, no one will remember you.

I'd rather spend an eternity with OP than with you, hell or not.

>No birth control
>No abortion
>Marry within the faith
>No divorce
>No suicide
>Hell as punishment for breaking these

Everything on this universe have a sense, even a mosquito he deserves as food for other animals to better our immun system.
So look deeper into the humanity we are creating active animals who dont just live there life through the instinct.

Everything will die even the universe at this point you are right but when at one day everything die why we should not live this life to the fullest?

>labeling Uncle Sam with "USA"

Yup I've seen that before. Dad was an alcoholic and gambled away a 100k mortgage instead of taking care of the kids. We starved... we're adults now. I got "over it" by dad telling me "at least I'm not in Kenya".

Fuck that dude and your mom, get revenge by becoming successful in life and being happy. Try getting on new medicine to see if it helps.

Tell me more about what makes you sad. I've saved suicides before IRL.

welcome to this shitty website

>should not live this life to the fullest
Why bother? It's all just killing time. Like life is one big Sup Forums, a distraction from a meaningless existence.


I designed for multimillion dollar corporations and permanently changed the industry and I'm here trying to help a suicide.Hell is not better than heaven. Try again troll.

It's like I'm fighting demons with you people telling others to commit suicide.

Why are you such a pussy?

At least you aren't KKK OP

The problem is we dont know everything about us and our universe maybe theres something out of the "end" and i mean not the death maybe some bigger stuff.
We live in our bubble and think only in the presence but what is possible what will come?
If you want to get success in life you need to think in future.

What we now know is we are dying one day and life has no meaning because everything ends after that...

>I designed for multimillion dollar corporations and permanently changed the industry

>believing this has any significance, even if true

just do it , people that say they are going to do it never do.
maybe you'll come back as a nigger.....

Wishful thinking based on lack of knowledge is not a reason to do anything.

Fuck you pussy it changed the face of the world I'll never tell you who I work for be all smug beta faggot

I'm running out of laughing reactions.

Your best hope of immortality is being featured in a cringe thread.

Moderating a facebook brony group doesn't make you an expert on metaphysics.

neckbeard And a neet,,,,, obvious

Dont do it user, think in her :c

>Wishful thinking based on lack of knowledge is not a reason to do anything.
Sure but we know that we know not everything so if we can clearly say that there is nothing more then we can murder our self.
But at this point i would never say that our life has no meaning or harm my self.


If you aren't just trying to be an edgy teen for attention, and you actually consider killing your self then you're fucking pathetic. Why don't you kill your mom then? since she cursed you with the gift of "life" and brought you to this world expecting the best of you. We're all fucking miserable here, and I guarantee you they are people who go through far worse shit than you have ever seen. The difference is the non-moronic world nuts up it doesnt sit in a corner and cry about feeling lonely. It's noticing that am a fucking functioning human being I understand the problem so am gonna find a solution .

What's better than being dead? Not being a fucking pussy.

OP, waste any money you have on tickets for the biggest lottery drawing tonight. I mean all of your money (why not?). If you win, great. Live on with money. If you don't, you've lost nothing. Proceed with Plan A.

Again, all you're talking about is wishful thinking. You could just as easily live your life based on the idea that a giant asteroid will destroy the Earth in a few days (which is actually possible), in which case there's no reason to ever make any long term plans.

Thank you for your questions. See you all in hell.

Thank you but there is no hell or heaven

My best friend of 29 years took his own life back in May. Was convinced that he was alone in the world. Over 1500 people came to his wake and funeral mass.

The existence of god was invented by our ancestors primitive brains, they didn't realize certain thoughts as there own so they thought they heard to voices of a god so millions died because of primitive intelligence

So suicide can make you popular. Awesome.

He was popular, and very much loved. He had a trigger event in February that caused his brain to consume itself with paranoia in roughly 3 months.

Godspeed, faggot.

Hi, i´ve thought about doing it too. I realize that not everyone wants me to live. And that part of me wants to do it too.

But isnt this the fucking chance of your lifetime to do everything you want to? Why the fuck are you so afraid of living? Im scared shitless to go out daily and meet all these people and to survive and survive more but i still do it coz im hoping for a change.

And there will never be a change if you do it now. No joy no love no kids, nothing. If you do it now you´re gonna hurt your family and me coz i knew you had a choice and that it could be me making this thread.Be a hero for us and dont do it.

What was his name?

Lol, yeah, I really don't care.

Who wants to know?