Anybody got the rozelli nudes? I lost the ones i saved

Anybody got the rozelli nudes? I lost the ones i saved




Huge difference between that and this

that face is priceless


does anyone know what happened to her?

why am I attracted to this?

Like what?

why would you want dis?

None of us knows

Big pussy lips.


honestly, I'm completely bewildered

she's vile but I want to bang

I feel like she'd let me roleplay the holocaust with her and have me put her in the oven anytime she "attempted" to deny me sex

more like this and less scary pics


she said she had an isis fetish

Kek why

She said she had alot of em so I think I'd work


yeah sure

either way, she screams mental illness

post her nudes
i mean her nudes she posted when she was 13
she was such a whore at this time
just great
she also did a dog
i saw all of that shit
shes just great

whoa yesss i saw the vid wit that dog

Screen shot or it didn't happen on the dog fucking

Post it or it didn't happen

where's the vid

Like wich one?


I reckon she's on the autistic spectrum to some degree


Sharpie in the pooper?


also, she's obviously hypersexual, and hypersexuality is always an indication of some kind of psychological imbalance, so there's probably stuff on top of being somewhat autistic

also she likely hates herself considering how below average in attractiveness she is, and her hypersexuality will at least partly be overcompensation for that


yes... just like the thing with the dog

That part is fake unless you post proof

the other guy in here knows it too bro... its ultra rare

yeah, beastiality is always symbolic of some kind of major psychological dysfunction


... mostly... but some dysfunction can be a nice thing

I reckon that it's called samefaging

not symbolic, indicative. sorry, high as fuck on painkillers rn

Says the guy who probably wants to fuck a horse

so are you trying to say you once found a video of a girl doing a dog and you didn't save it?


i saved it but its some years ago... i lost it :(


I second this. Who is she?

i think she was 15 at the time she did it

some autist that posted AMAs and replied with nudes
saw some of her posts around may

Yeah sure and did you from a video you saw years ago recognized her?

Stop making shit up to get out of posting it

The queen of b

she turned 18 this year, so, if the video is true, which propably isn't, you once had a video of a kid doing a dog

you recognize that face at every age
shes active at posting for years...
seems u r a newfag

yeah... after she turned 18 she stopped beeng a child... sup... graeat argument... just draw a ageline :)
ignorant suckers

I don't think she is been actively posting for years got any proof of that?

what's the last time she posted?

Still not a sign of proof

she dit post it in here... others post the pics they can gather anywher on the net... she got a secret blog since she was 12

i meant didnt

Somewhat unrelated but on the topic of ugly girls that have been posted a lot, anyone know that Anna H girl that's been posted a lot the last few years? We ever get new shit or info on her?

A few days ago

Uh-huh. And I make $700 an hour sniffing my own farts. Funny how we can all claim shit without proof.

Cool story bro

i just tracked you...
boi you gonna be roasted



just like fucking trump... and all the other faggots do for years nd eons...
humanity its near to the end of existence...
its just done... get used to it

she looks like a fucking spider

>referring to August
she's autistic alright



she is European they write dates differently

where she's from it should have been 3/8. i think it's that way in every European country


So, no vids or anything?


SHE IS GREEK NIGGA which explains a lot because most greeks are retards.

Doesn't look like her but more

that doesn't look like her

Search her name on pornhub

Yeah not her

becos of the different angle and the light...
its her trust me i am a scientist

k... this is her mom in law

Nice try


thats the dog
she did him good

thanks... now write my name on your cheek


write MINK

are you retarded?

no i#m just becoming a meme


Steve Buscemi/10, would not bang


i would like to see a pron where buscemi is doing her

More dog
