So sick of this meme of Sup Forums hating reddit. We ALL use it. Let's just admit it

So sick of this meme of Sup Forums hating reddit. We ALL use it. Let's just admit it.

I use Reddit and you know what else, I like getting karma. It gives me comfort and validation. There, I said it.

you whore

It isn't a meme. It is a terrible website. It is a hive-mind of shitty opinions and the glorification of being a beta. It is like witnessing an autistic 4 year old talk to himself.

that description could go for Sup Forums as well

i will never forgive reddit for shadow banning me i sent gore to benrie sanders and asked him why i should support him or genocidal Israel pic related of of the ones i sent the commie cuck.

No, because Sup Forums is full of bots AND reddit users. It has been dead for years, but it still manages to be better than reddit

I bet you have it open in like four tabs right now tho

O hai. Sup Forums is the bestest! Post mor trap and logs and celebs and sfur and mebee you'll get dubs! Check em faggot! Hurrdurrr....

Reddit hate has always NEVER been a meme, sincerely a 2010 poster.

stop projecting, faggot
>can't read
>doesn't understand how bots work
Well done

IF you want to be edgy talk about Sup Forums getting along with 9gag.

Reddit is only good for tech help. That's it. If you use it for anything else, neck yourself.

I mean sage

Reddit is only good for some of the niche hobbies I have like vexillology, cartography, model trains. Places like /r/funny, /r/dankmemes, /r/marchagainsttrump are all inoperable brain tumours

reddit sucks balls and so do it users.
shit site that downvotes unpopular opinions that are original , only the sheeples posts get read....
no way can you compare /b to that shit

who the fuck cares. Go post this on reddit

yeah but lets be honest, if you want an actual topic discussion about, oh lets say, an indie game that no one has really heard of, Teleglitch for example, if you post a thread on Sup Forums about teleglitch, no one will reply but on reddit they have a subreddit for it, plus I dont have to see tranny porn all of the time, I can go to a certain place for it, I hate the fucking people but atleast all of their shit is put into subreddits, plus they have good porn, way better than adult gif, reddit is good for if you want to know something specific without getting 0 replies and or getting called a nigger, Sup Forums is good for bants because redditors are faggots who you cant joke with.

True. I guess both sites are just teenagers. On reddit, they think they are grown up, on Sup Forums they think they are funny


Both websites have aspects that make them a shitty hive mind. The anonymity of Sup Forums vs the structure of Reddit create complimentary websites. Regardless, if internet points make you feel successful in life then congrats on the low bar by which you measure your self worth.

wow liek that was well rude apologise

Fuck off, faggot


If you go to Reddit and go to Sup Forums to talk about it, you're unironically autistic

Speak for yourself faggot

Truth. Both sites are overrun with teenagers who have more spare time than working adults. Neither site would openly admit this to itself though.

Here's the deal. An user over on Sup Forums revealed the truth about Reddit and Sup Forums. We called him IT user.

Basically he showed data from analytics websites like Compete, Alexa Pro and Google Analytics that proved there is a 95% CROSS OVER RATE between Reddit and Sup Forums. And with Reddit's much larger audience this is definitely not a surprise.

So 95% of the people you see on Sup Forums also visit Reddit.

Reddit is for beta faggots to make themselves feel welcome or achieved with the whole bizarre points karma gold thing. Most times posting in a subreddit your post gets removed because it doesn't follow some obscure meticulous control rule like you put a word in the wrong place. On Reddit, opinions are literally silenced and called "bad comments". I'll use Reddit for porn and whatnot, but the community and infrastructure of it's cogs and gears is absolute cancer


Reddit is full of drones that act like the thing the subreddit is based on is god, like jesus I saw a post criticizing pubg having micro transactions and it was bombed to shit

I read the links. I don't read the comments. The comments is a bunch of social darwinism bullshit, overmoderated and inhabited by self important cunts that pat themselves on the back for their acceptance by others.

I come to here for comments because it's the fucking lord of the flies. everyone is on equal footing. The only thing I hate is that if you say anything remotely mean during the summer, some summerfag high school cunt fresh out of their anti-bullying classes pops up to toss in a "2edgy4me" or spout off defending morality, decency and other nonsense.

This place is supposed to be a cesspool, goddamnit.

There's a difference between using Reddit as a tool vs using is avidly as a cuck. Literally everybody on Sup Forums has visited Reddit at some point in time.

100% true and can be confirmed by anyone with access to Alexa Pro or Compete

>Reddit is for Beta faggots
isn't Sup Forums?, I cant see anything alpha about this site

to sum this thread up both sites are shit but in their own ways

I'm an oldfag and I'm a chad goddamn

People disagree with it

boo fucking hoo

You are the reason that shoveldog exists. Fuck you, I like dogs.

Reddit users are whingy faggots. STOP POSTING. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO POST, RETARD.

We're not on reddit you ass.
Quit assuming shit.

found another one

Sup Forums isn't designed to incubate betas into feeling alpha. It is pure utility. Nobody is classed or builds points to look better, everybody is equally unimportant and can browse and post without worrying about mod cucks telling them they don't like their opinion so your post is going on page 10. Fuck Reddit.

you sound really upset about this

no I don't

he really doesn't. But your attempt to take a passing comment and add your own narrative is very reddit-y.

Seriously, what sounds upset about "found another one"?

>we all use it
No we dont fag

>not using the glorious porn

Reddit looks empty because it doesn't have images.