It is good to vent Sup Forums, so let's let it all out. I will start

It is good to vent Sup Forums, so let's let it all out. I will start.

Got fired from work today due to people's feefees being hurt for minor shit I said today. This lovely happen stance is in the face of people saying the same shit before me, but I guess I was just the wrong person to say it.

This of course is also in the face of people constantly shit towards me and the company fucking with my hours.

that's capitalism, eat shit commie fag
freedom of speech doesn't mean there isn't consequences for being a faggot

Sure fag.

25 yo NEET, no formal education outside of GED, constant emotional abuse by my own mother, father disowned me because I have high functioning anxiety and he thinks I just don't give a fuck. Most family is abandoning me and have no clue what I'm going through and wouldn't care at this point if I told them. I have DV charges because my mother lied to the police, most of my friends stole from me, I'm falling deeper and deeper in alcoholism as time goes on. Spend all my money on pot to escape. Upped from 1 pack a day to 3 in a week recently. I fear schizophrenia, my body is falling apart (mysterious undiagnosable chest pains preventing me from putting any pressure in the area). I struggle with my bisexuality because my dad was a homophobe.

The worst part is how capable I am. My short time actually working led me to insane popularity, I was even dating my suicidegirl supervisor (not fucking trolling you, fags).

I just don't have the willpower to get out there and re-establish things anymore.


what did you say nigger?

get away from them you fag. save up your pot money and LEAVE

20 currently. In a couple months ill be elligble to buy a pistol. Im going to drive up to my home state with a briefcase of money and shoot myself in a park.

Oh wait, this isnt confessions. Whoops.

All it would take is white knuckling it. I know it's the solution. It's just without outside support I don't know how to cope with it. Substance abuse is now a factor, and I feel like I have to overcome that before I make any steps forward

>Upped from 1 pack a day to 3 in a week recently.
>my body is falling apart (mysterious undiagnosable chest pains preventing me from putting any pressure in the area).
>from 1 pack a day to 3 in a week? how is that upped??
cause of your chest pains there

I meant one pack a day to 3 packs a day sorry.

And nah. I was smoking herb and coughed too hard one time, felt a pop in my upper forward chest. Breathing became difficult and for about 6 months I basically just took shallow breaths. I may have collapsed a lung but I never went to the doctor (didn't have insurance, too young and naive to get state healthcare, didn't know it was a thing). Ever since then I've experience lasting chest pain any time I put pressure on it. Learning to sleep on my back sucked.

baby steps bud baby steps. Focus on getting out of there and keep a clear goal of where you want to go in your mind.

Should help motivate you.

Yeah... I've got to overcome the substance abuse now. Problem is it's a direct result of my environment and that isn't changing. And I'm not sure how to develop the coping mechanisms necessary without money, friends, family etc. I really feel like whiteknuckling is the only solution and I can't bring myself to do it.

>3 packs a day
>drinks a lot too
>and smokes weed on top of that

You are a retard, destroying your body and not letting it recover with all of that constant abuse. Everything will keep getting worse if you keep it up.

Preachin to the choir dude. I'm well aware of my self destructive behaviors. Like I said I don't know how to cope.

join the military

Eh, my dad was USMC. He groomed me for it and it was so overbearing I've got this strong resistance to it.

Anyways I don't want to fucking kill people for Trump.

Everything goes well for me but a struggle always arises. I am a student about to go back to school, my gf is needy of attention constantly, I am physically sick, and the condition of my skin is deteriorating due to acne. On top of that I have stacked classes, including Mandarin, so it will be a tough semester. It also seems likr I over sleep and I had to quit my job to study and pass an exam. Nothing comparable to anyone in this thread though.

you have little options being a neet, if you are not dumb you could join the airforce then do something after. It would cure a lot of your vices for sure.

Or, I could learn coping mechanisms and follow my dreams of programming and daytrading. Military isn't the only option.. I refuse it to be

you have to start somewhere. How can you learn day trading or programming without schooling? If you do learn it for free online no one will probably hire you. If you are independent good luck because you have no capital. 4 years of the military would get you money, off of those vices, and you could go to school. I personally think your current situation is unwinnable unless you really start doing something different. But good luck user.

This is a veil of support with the intention of getting me to join the military.

I've passed the prime clearly, I'm not going to have a masters by 28. But that doesn't mean I can't succeed.

Preying on the weak is shameful user.

are you that guy tht got fired from google for being an edgelord?

I give solutions not emotional support. I guess this is a vent thread though. I wuod hardly call what I did predatory by any measure.