Trying to think of good scams to run, need the money really badly...

trying to think of good scams to run, need the money really badly. anyone have good ideas/things that work for themselves? preferably online.

Act like your selling a level 30 league of legends account, but don't give the account away.
Once you get the money split.

>Rinse and repeat

i'm not super familiar with league of legends but how much would one go for?
also what would i do to get the money? couldn't a paypal be tracked?

You could get a bot to level the account up for you, let someone purchase it, and uhh the account would get banned in due time for botting.

Accounts usually sell for about 40-60 dollars depending on how much is put into them.

How much are you trying to make? You didn't really specify.

well i need around 500 within the month

The money would come for paypal, or you could hook up with a site that is used for selling lol accounts. It's like scamming in the least illegal way possible.

you done this before?

i don't really have any qualms with it because a fool and his money are soon parted

plenty of times

so i'd just want to make a whole new fake email etc., where would i find the people wanting to buy?

*dumb enough

1year old reddit accounts (no posts) sell for $12-15 on some forums/onion sites, if an account has a post with at least 1,000 upvotes it can sell for at least $40-60.

Pretend to be a girl online (steam, discord, etc), don't have a mic/webcam, too shy to post/share pix or amass pix of some decent looking girl (probably could catfish those pix off a dating site/tinder/etc). Can get some weird guys - ranging from buying skins/cosmetic items, to sending you money via paypal. Recommend you make a 2nd account, get the free games from nvidia/amd promotion (if still available), buy a cheap/sale game, maybe multiple accounts (as to leave comments on your account, seem more legit).

whats up lads

the steam catfishing sounds pretty good too i've seen alot of creepy guys around

just get a job, it requires much less effort than all this bullshit

>a scam
Try getting a good job with a shit resume and keep the job for years

actually just got one but it doesn't start till the end of the month but unfortunately i still gotta pay rent so yeah. lost old job cause my vehicle got totalled

My friend and I pretended to be gay furries (also works), found a semi rich guy who spent $1000-2000 on a tf2 hat, and was willing to send my friend money via paypal (for his "medicine", split personalities, and bipolar meds, since he was "poor"). We didn't go through with it since we were just messing with people, not scamming.

Send me a Money Order for $100.00 and i will give you a great scam

>didn't go through with it
top kek

best i can do is 3.50

We were using our main accounts, didn't make backup steam/paypal accounts. He was also asking for really weird nudes as a favor. Instead we just emailed/messaged all his friends/family chat logs of his weird fetishes.


Sell shit on ebay but on the bottom put "this is for a picture of item"

I did it when xbox 360's came out and got banned on ebay.. good luck

We also had a middle aged guy from canada who was cheating on his wife, looking to be humiliated, used as a slut, into scat + inflatable pool toys + saving cum. So we got all his pix, sent them to his friends/family/job via facebook, then emailed him a lengthy/legitimate looking some legal bullshit that we were actually undercover police looking for freaks soliciting sex from teens. Don't know what happened to him - facebook deleted, never returned to steam.

You can find some really weird horny people via steam groups. We chose furries cause easy targets and too many steam groups for "ERP YIFF".

did u make money off of that lmao

the blackmail aspect of that is definitely interesting.

Goto your local temp job agency and get a job you dumb piece of shit.

You cant even figure out a scam by yourself. Go flip burgers you literal piece of garbage.

no, paypal took it all back. just get a job

Nah, we were doing a bad pun that we were internet detectives - saviors of the vile of christian purity for virginity until marriage/only missionary position/etc. It helped having a fake christian cs:s server that was pretty vile (but not like the 2 I had listed).

Yeah, especially some of the pix of him wearing/shitting in his wifes clothing - with another mans name written on his chest lol.

Oh shit, idk why i replied to you, my apologies, haven't slept in a day and my pain meds + alcohol are messing with me, my apologies.

well damn, what crawled up your ass and died?

Well OP perhaps you shouldn't live outside your means.

And also being a cunt and stealing from others will just have Karma hit you hard.

"young people" who have no real idea how to control their money.

Go to welfare office, Get food stamps sell them 1/2 price. $100 food stamp for $50 cash. Or go to doctor tell them you have anxiety make up some shit say you were raped as a child, Play it like you got PTSD.. Say you have nightmares about being raped nightly and if you go to wal-mart think people are looking at you and freak out. If you play it right you'll get xanax or klonopin and can flip those ez. For long term start seeing a psych doctor, get them to diagnose you with some bullshit like PTSD for said rape, then apply for SSI and get $700 a month for free. Also start growing weed it's really really easy and you make your money back on grow equimpment 1st harvest.

He said scam, not low level drug dealer!

Nigerian prince scams still work on those that don't know any better