Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to...

Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?

No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.

I'm just posting because this bait has been around for too long.

Lets turn this straw man around, is the only reason you won't kill ten thousand infants because you fear punishment in the afterlife?
That's pretty sick man, wanting to kill all of those kids and only being held back by a belief.

Not op but atheism seems like nonsense to me. How could the universe be so complex and consistent at the same time yet also be completely the result of a random arbitrary process? A watch doesn't exist without a maker, how could the universe exist without a creator?

>being held back by a belief
>being held back by nothing
one is better than the other.

Always fascinates me to see how a theist's brain works after a lifetime of having their brain buttfucked by religion. Apparently without the ever looming threat of eternal punishment they would likely engage in child killing 'for no reason'. I suppose I should be grateful their religion keeps them in check.

I've never wanted to kill ten thousand infants though, in spite of my being an atheist.
I have an instinctual distaste of the notion of hurting a child, a response that makes pretty good sense if you want a species to be successful.

Yes, and the religious person also has this instinct, they also have their religious belief holding them back.

If you were an atheist without that as an instinct, what would you stop from doing it?

Ehhm I don't know I'm an atheist and I've just never felt like there was something in presens like a god ore such. I don't want to kill babys. Pardon my English I'm german

You drew that conclusion on your own, religion is just one the factors that deter a religious person from murdering children, that's an extra factor that keeps their morality in check. An atheist, on the other hand, doesn't have that extra factor and is thus more likely to murder children. QED

Well, your god died in 1948, so it's understandable.

religion is for stupid people

retarded americans are even worst than those dirty muslims

Wasn't your god the one with the boner for killing babies?

I don't know, I'm not mentally defect as well as an atheist.
You're setting up a situation where a person who lacks the instinct to protect children, is either a theist or an atheist and implying the theist one would hurt the kid.
That is patently false though, there are plenty of examples of both theist and atheist people hurting kids, their beliefs didn't come into account, their lack of protective instinct did.
You want to imply that being an atheist makes you dangerous if you are mentally deficient individual, putting the emphasis on the atheist part and disregarding the deficient part.
Which is intellectually dishonest.

theist one wouldn't hurt the kids*

Funny how your so called God himself slaughtered tens of thousands of infants and even children who, unlike infants, have actually started living as complex human beings and THAT'S the argument you're going with.
gg kthxbye

No, it's not it's simply a fact. What you're doing by discounting religious influence is intellectually dishonest, in case where both individuals are mentally deficient saying ''religion wouldn't play a role'' is just like saying the existence of religion is the same as not since it has no impact on reality. Even though it's quite well known that child murders are usually sociopathic in nature and cannot empathise, as a result, are extremely self-centred and narcissistic. What would a narcissistic self-centered person fear the most? The punishment of hell.

Thus it's demonstrably true that the all factors being equal and religious belief being the only point of contention, the theist is less likely to murder children than the atheist.

You're the one making a call to some mythical objective morality as a reason to not murder children, I didn't have to draw any conclusions. It is your hypothetical scenario, and as laid out in your own argument it is what prevents you from child killing. I as a normal human being with an interest in seeing the species continue need no reason to weigh the pros and cons of not killing kids and do not need a mythical ever present parent figure to dissuade me from doing so should the cons win out.

anyone sane person is capable of feeling empathy for others. you don't need religion to be a functioning human being with moral values.

late studies have shown that even chicken are able to feel empathy when a peer is tortured or suffers in some way. they release stress hormones.

you can be an atheist and not be a psychopath. big news!

You're the one making the assumption that that distinction is singular (i.e the ONLY reason theists do not murder children is because they are theist) I would counter that a theist has all the reasons an atheist has to not kill children as well as his theist reason, therefore all things being equal the atheist is demonstrably more likely to murder children due to the absence of that extra factor.

>Why are watches at $ 0?

I have heard so many stories from people I know very well that they couldn't hear his voice at first. I know it is very very very frustrating at time but you cannot cannot give up. I am always praying for you if you didn't know. I always pray for the most important people in my life. Now is the time to pray harder and tell God that you are having trouble with faith. Trust me that he will listen and be there. God gives us our answers in many ways. Not just talking back. You just have to have persistence with him, I really don't want you to give up on him. I know that I seem like one of the most catholic and holy people you know but I have trouble too. A lot of trouble sometimes and it makes me so mad when bad things happen or I don't feel a connection. I found what helps me is prayer through writing in a journal. I try to write in a prayer journal every night and just talk. Talk to him about anything that's going on, good and bad. Trust me it works sooooo well. It would break my heart and Gods heart to see you give up on faith user. Sometimes even praying to Mary can be just as effective. Ask her for her intercession to help you not give up on God. Pray to your favorite saint, st Therese actually is a great one because she feel in love with the Lord at such a young age, 15 so praying to her will help. user if you ever need to talk about more I'm here. I encourage you to maybe go with my to my youth group this year because it's very effective. I encourage you to even say I love you God at random times because that's a prayer.

God is secretly a dirty commie

fucking americans and their stupid religion

freeduhms = allah snackbar

Give me a break, there has been plenty of christian serial killers.
People who are fucked up like that come from all backgrounds, religions and ideologies.


This is why you will never go to heaven

Because Christians are the majority of the population, actually Stalin, Mao Tsi Tong and Pol Pot were all atheists. So Atheists have had more than their fair share in the killing market.

checkmate atheists

No, I am saying it is interesting that theists need the additional reason not to behave immorally or in ways that would otherwise be detrimental to society. You see, without the taint of religion and superstition in my brain, it honestly just wouldn't occur to me to engage in such behavior or even question whether or not I should. It really is fascinating to me how religion weakens the mind such that it must then continue on daily with a permanent poison seed buried within it.


It's not a random process. The watchmaker argument fails because we understand how watches are made. We have detailed knowledge of the construction of watches, and watches are made all the time. We don't have any information on how a universe is made, so postulating something without reason is, obviously, unreasonable.

Except for the fact that atheists are not the ones that have been abusing children for centuries. Theists are

You're inferring that of your own accord. Only empirically observing that the fact that more obstacles in the way of a certain act lessen the chance of that act coming to pass. In fact, it speaks loads of your projection that you came to the assumption that religious people think in such a way. It speaks of your arrogance and a false sense of superiority. You may not worship a god, but you sure act like one, passing judgement on people's unknowable thoughts and intentions.

We do have working on theories how the universe was made, the big bang is one of them. Postulating about the creation of the universe being unreasonable is an unreasonable argument onto itself, due to self-evident reasons.

No, because when atheists abuse children, the news doesn't say atheists are abusing children, but simply people, because defining someone by a lack of identity is rather absurd. Also, the actions of religious people are/is not the religious doctrine itself. If you break the rules or laws of a system is the system complicit or at fault because of your actions?

If satan existed he'd actually reward the people disobeying gods rules

and he does, if you haven't noticed, the people at the top financial echelons of society aren't exactly the most ethical bunch.

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry
>We need better simulations
>we need better vocabulary

This wasn't funny in 2015.

Yes. I will kill all your babies after I've raped them.
Then I will cook them and eat them for dinner.
After that I will torture kittens and eventually drop firebombs over orphans and laugh while they scream.

You're my hero

Someones gotta do it.

But you're the one supposing that without a deity to be subservient to that human inclination would include a propensity for murdering children. Since this is what you cited as a possible desire to act upon, it is clearly a projection of your own desires since you were the one that brought it up. I need not claim any superiority over you to know you would never be the first person I would choose to keep watch over my kids. I simply wouldn't take the risk that the rusty cork wire of your religion might give way and there wouldn't be enough reasons to prevent you from engaging in infanticide.

Where did I make that supposition? I merely stated that if an individual *did* have the propensity to kill children and they were a theist, they would have less reason and more obstacle in the way to do so, all other things being equal.

Theists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you can just pray to Jesus for forgiveness and you will not be punished?
This kind of morality is abhorrent. The fact that secular societies the world over are far more moral than theistic societies is proof positive that getting your morality from fear of punishment after death simply doesn't work. Reason is a much better foundation for morality than bronze age superstition.

But the majority of humans, even the ones living in secular societies belong to religious denominations, ergo you're wrong.

Even if this were true, the trends of Europe have shown that as a country becomes less religious, and more secular, violent crime drops, suicides go down, literacy rises, std rates drop, to name a few markers of societal health. Even without countries, such as the US, this exact same dichotomy is observed, with states having the higher rates of church attendance (the South) having the worst crime, prison population, highest std rates, etc. Also, there's a wealth of information that the more secular a country becomes, the more it gives in foreign aid and to charities, whereas the more religious a country becomes, the opposite is the case.
Could you imagine if these stats were reversed? If the theistic countries were the ones plagued with the best markers of societal health, while the secular countries were the ones faring the worst? And if jails were overwhelmingly populated with atheists, instead of theists? You and every other theist would use it as overwhelming evidence that your position is correct. But since that's not the case, and the exact opposite is reality, you're forced to make sophomoric attempts to sidestep or explain away the issue. So pathetic.

Numbers 31:17: (Moses) "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him
The Christian god seems to be pretty OK with killing, particularly of children. In fact you could argue that, since God says that he has numbered your days before you were even born (implying that he has planned out your life), that God himself is the most prolific abortionist of all time. If every time someone dies everyone responds "it's all god's plan" then what does that tell us about the 1/3 of all fetuses that are miscarried?

Basic human decency

Don't get me wrong here, I truly am grateful that you have Allah or whatever telling you to just marry the 9 years olds rather than murder them. As you pointed out originally, without that in place you wouldn't have anything preventing you from killing and eating the young. I really don't mean to sound like an ingrate for all that religion has done for the mentally inferior. Yes, the Abrahamic religions I particular have been really awesome guidance for societies around the world. I really love the uses for rocks you folk have come up with!

>I really love the uses for rocks you folk have come up with!
My fucking sides. You win the Internet for today user

Ah, the false dichotomy at the forefront of the anti-athiest movement. What an ignorant belief to think that one cannot have morals without religion

Without religion, you have good people doing good things, and bad people doing bad things. But for a good person to do bad things, that requires religion

Watches are at $ 0?

>I observed a trend, therefore, its true XD.
If your logic is right then it's just as true in Mao's China and Stalin's Russia, it's either none or both ways buddy.

>Atheists murdered 100's of millions of people in the 20th century.

DAE religion is about molesting kiddies? XD *tips fedora*
