/metal/ general: AOTY edition

/metal/ general: AOTY edition

previous edition:

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How many levels of irony are you on

I liek chocolate milk

like 5-6 my dude

open the door do the dinosaur

i am pretty fucking sure that bvb is not metal so gtfo

when will they make new album?


when Duke Nukem gets another game released
pic not related

they already did, but it's not Time 2 and you know how Time 1 was disappointing considering their s/t? Well, this one is even worse.

Hey somebody listen to my old band and tell me if its worth going back to or not.


why are they so good?


Best drummer since cozy powell


Why am they so good?

Why is Pantera unironically the heaviest metal?

no but it's a good numale filter

Yoooooo what the fuck why does this go so hard half way through?

Oh my fuck dude, this is solid. The whole thing is a fucking journey.

yeah sure, sounds good to me
get another graphic designer tho
jesus christ that cover looks like shit

I dont get what you mean

Yeah its just an old design. I didnt want to pay a graphic designer because I was the only one putting money forth for the band so I just had my brother in law do it.

Im glad you guys like it though. Ive been trying to decide if its worth the headache to go back to it or not. As much as those guys get on my nerves, I had a lot of fun writing stories through lyrics

I like it, thanks user

>I dont get what you mean
Like it goes really fucking hard, Idk how else to put it. The lead up to that bridge/breakdown or whatever with the small clean singing bit, like it made me want to go to war

Lads, anyone got anything similar to this? Listened to it today and liked it a lot

Oh fucking duh I get what you mean now. My bad, Its early for me

greatest lows of all time

I have a shirt with this on it.

> Can't wait until I wear it in public!

Duncan is a god


I'll vote for pic related:

Or this:

that fucking killers cover tho lmfao what the fuck is wrong with you? How much drugs you do

Anybody else excited for new Black Dahlia?

Find me an instrumental black metal song as good as this

you know it lad

inb4 briicore spam