Hey shillbot, Donald Trump sucks!

Hey shillbot, Donald Trump sucks!

Other urls found in this thread:






>spent $787 billion dollars the government didn't have
>forced US car manufacturers to take an unwanted loan from the government
>quit including people that had been unemployed for longer than 6 months in unemployment statistics
>saw inflation devalue the dollar by 20%, meaning the DOW's real value dropped 2%

The fact that there are still people who voice in Trump's favoris just... embarassing, for human history, not just of muricans.


well a good number of them here are paid russian shills



i want korean girls




>spent $787 billion dollars the government didn't have
the budget was in balance when W got it
>>forced US car manufacturers to take an unwanted loan from the government
they wanted a handout, he gave them a loan. he also took out saturn, pontiac, hummer like a ganster
>>quit including people that had been unemployed for longer than 6 months in unemployment statistics
his infrastructure plan was so good, your emperor is copying it
>>saw inflation devalue the dollar by 20%, meaning the DOW's real value dropped 2%
that's what a recession does to things, and what the next one brought on by the embarassment will do

>cut job losses by half a million
Because of him unemployment went up significantly before dropping back down to what it was in 2008. Try harder libtard. Obama's only accomplishment for America was killing Bin Laden, but eve then that led to ISIS gaining power and retaking parts of Iraq after we pulled our troops out



but putin said they're not. don't forget bannons shills paid by click baiting




>pulled our troops out
you'd rather lose troops than drones? fuck you i hope you die

Get some real sources faggot.
Literally using a left wing blog as your source. Go back to your high school government class you aspie

Did I say I disagreed with pulling out troops? No. I said that it led to isis taking over areas we monitored in Iraq as soon as we left. God you left wingers are retarded

>that led to ISIS gaining power

Flynn says no:


only the embarassments twitter feed produces shopped charts

actually go to link and scroll to bottom for sources


>inb4 factcheck is librul medya HURRRRR

their government sources are listed at the bottom of the link

21 posts 7 posters...

Sum1 is very angry.

iraq didn't start back up until all the hate rhetoric from the buffoon started and he killed 180 civilians. our troops were hanging out by the pool when obama was president, oh shit drone


one wingnut vs. the world

Not gonna lie OP. I did put them sorta on the same level. I voted for Jill stein. I wish I didnt... My apologies humanity and planet earth

atleast russians are white

that's normal fucktard. especially when the buffoon just threatened north korea with fire and fiery. he's goig to go to war just to get his tax bill done


Sad thing is since they scream and whine until they get their way, theres no end to this ludicrous thinking.

I thought long and hard about voting for Stein, but I went with the only candidate who could realistically keep this fuckhead out of office.


Give it up, cnn. Nobody believes you

nice try cnn


[two different awards]


he is not on vacation just went to his safe space cause congress cock blocked him hard

it's funny how you guys attck cnn and not msnbc, b/c then you might have a point

Stein is a socialist whore, she would run America downhill twice as fast as what trump is. She knows what she's doing and she'll use it against anyone that disagrees with her. Trump has no idea what he's doing so America is probably just gonna idle for 4-8 years

At least one of us had a brain.



You DO know what a RECESSION is correct ?



that was a great idea, helped people build credit to get out of poverty

so you're saying every president runs up public debt.



good thing hes not being investigated

white guy walks into a pizzaparlor looking for sex slaves, with an ar and a hand gun, blows off two rounds and lives





what award is there that the president should be wasting his time on a talk show host

let alone one who is a suspected pedophile

Dude what is wrong with you

would be fun to see how big D handles a financial crisis, oh wait he just produces one and I'm shure h'll blame everyone else for it


the embarassment takes a $300 million handout from teh gov't on his 95 tax return and you think he's rich


Everyone hates Hillary dude. This is a really weak argument

>what is wrong with Newmoot and the 2017 Sup Forums business model

i wish you morons would take on ellen

morally bankrupt liberals defend pederasts.
apparently child molestation is A-OK so long as you vote democrat.
can't make this stuff up.


take on how ? she has children on her show singing about fucking

shes sick



>morally bankrupt
you're goin to have to build a wall to keep us all in

>can't make this stuff up
actually, they did








was that the retort to the embarassments yahct party speech to the boyscouts? "accuse them of your crimes" hitler


>morally bankrupt liberals defend pederasts.
>apparently child molestation is A-OK so long as you vote democrat.
>can't make this stuff up.





what are you even talking about?





