Waifu thread

Waifu thread


Remmy sauce!! You're still here!!

Still here and Yes it would be creepy to just know that about someone





Hello new friend


Returning for Rei

taiga aisaka claimed

Morning, pals




I prefer to not be awake at that time

I could say the same about noon


Exactly. Night is the best time

Ow shit a new comrade!


Hey... I said hello to you

Still dead, coming to say hi and chat for a bit ; - ;


Haven't spoken to you before comrade




Hi Saya


Hi Binbou

Welcome back Rei

Welcome back

Hi Chitoge

Just a little bit.

Rude, I said hello


So how are you comrade? Done anything fun lately?

How goes it


You know, like an earth. Though, you won't understand this idiom anyway.
Playing fallout all night is fun? Yeah then.

Nope, the only real literature I've read were Russian and soviet ones.
And playing games all night is of course fun!.... even though I would prefer stalker over fallout...


Hello senpai i'm so bored ; - ;

Maybe masturbate? Joking aside, I don't know how I can help with that, since I'm slowly dying.

>Nope, the only real literature I've read were Russian and soviet ones.
It's not from the literature, it's from the movie.
> even though I would prefer stalker over fallout...
Both games are beautiful in their own way. It's just a matter of developing sequels. Besethda does that, ukrainian developers do not...

A вooбщe-тo, гoвopя c тoбoй пo-aнглийcки, я ceбя идиoтoм чyвcтвyю.

Huh that's a bulge

What happened senpai?

I'm in Houston, smog is pretty bad and I'm losing blood from nosebleeds. Everything hurts.

One of the pics of Ruka, i like most.

Pyccкий?....Кaк? A ты aooбщe oт кyдa?

Anyways, very nice to meet you! I guess I'll stay up a bit longer.
BTW: do you have discord or anything?

Stop ignoring me :(

D-dont die senpai please feel better ; - ;

Guess everyone I replied to put a filter on me.

Eh, I can't stop sickness, I can only get used to it.

It was nice I guess

B дeтcтвe мaмa c пaпoй нayчили. Hy пpaвдa жe.
>A ты aooбщe oт кyдa?
Живy нa Зeмлe, кaк гoвopитcя.
>Anyways, very nice to meet you!
>BTW: do you have discord or anything?
Yeah. Although, I prefer telegram, but discord is also an option.
>Guess everyone I replied to put a filter on me.
You're terribly wtong, fellow.
It IS nice.

What's your TG?


Well, this sure is something I didn't expect to happen, I don't think I've ever met another Russian online whilst outside Russia. Sorry if I don't speak Russian but... My laptop doesnt have cyrilic keys so I use my mobile for it.

Sorry but I don't have telegram (nobody I know uses it and it has a terrible reputation here after all the terrorist attacks).
My discord is: phinal#6673

Uh sure....

>nobody I know uses it
Here's situation is absolutely different. Almost everyone I know uses it and no rational people give a fuck about terrorists.
>My discord is: phinal#6673
Got it.

Well.. same can be said about vk and facebook, I only use vk to stay in contact with a few people.
But how come I've never spoken to to you before?

Take care of yourself senpai i dont want you to die ; - ;

>Well.. same can be said about vk and facebook
Your guys are truly strange fellow.
>But how come I've never spoken to to you before?
Very easily. I only started visiting Sup Forums waifuthreads about a week ago.

Again discord causes me a pain in the ass. How can I write you anything? I only managed to send you friendship request. If managed.

I can't really when the air is bad.

I replied to you but you didn't say anything.

Was I supposed to?


I take it as you don't want to progress this conversation.

I'm out anyways.

J-just dont die senpai ; - ;

Hi Remmu

"-Hi! -Hi! -Bye! -Bye!" conversations isn't worth starting them. In all other cases toy are welcome.

No promises.


I forgot everyone who replied to me sorry


rem by kenx

It's fine



>A foxxy claimu

I like that one

QOTT: What pose do you like seeing your wife in?



Das not foxxy

like this

me too



It is! But mostly you can see balls.

Is vury foxxy

What kind of hideous mutant is that? Her fuckin eyes are on her cheeks.


Now dats foxxy

It's the same boy, mate


>Claiming husbando


Back in my day, a waifu was a girl

Liberals ruin everything

Best is sitting legs crossed m8s

Trump is a retard and so are his supporters

Too bad there isn't more

Best is her reading a sweet text from me.

>make America great again
>implying America isn't always great
Detected the commie
Blow 'em up, boys


Post a nicu Space-lady


I'm not a communist, comrade
I'm a red-blooded American
I eat MacDonalds and Apple pies at the baseball games