Alright Sup Forums my stepsister admitted she had a crush on me. How do I go about asking her if she would fuck me...

Alright Sup Forums my stepsister admitted she had a crush on me. How do I go about asking her if she would fuck me. Pic related

more pictures first

You could just rape her

Take her out for coffee or just blackmail her.

I don't want to rape her I want he to enjoy the moment too

is your step sis fat?

Just get her drunk.

If she already said she has a crush on you, just ask her if she's down to do anything with you.

Not fat but has a few extra pounds too her. She use to have a crush on me but I have no clue if she still feels the same.

How you get these pics of her?

Ex bf shared them

>"hey bro, I'm the brother of your ex, mind sharing a few pics?"
>"say no more!"

So should I bring up when she told me she use to like me and tell her I feel the same? See where that goes?

>How do I go about asking her if she would fuck me.
Dude... you don't. You don't ever in your life propose sex in such an overt way. Your actions are going to be the deciding factor in if she wants to fuck you, not your words.

Chances are she doesn't have a crush on you at all, she's just fucking bored and you're around. You go straight in and ask she's just going to be disgusted.

What is your living situation?
If things were gonna go down do you have enough privacy at night to go for it.
Best solution is just wait for her to go to the shower, and walk in with a hard on a go from there. Works everytime

It's a full house honestly but I go in her room to talk to her and she locks it o keep the dogs and the little brothers out. My dad and mom are never upstairs

Im telling your mom on you.

Without saying anything, go up to her room and have her lock her door or whatever. Sit down on the bed beside her or whatever the routine is. Look her in her eyes, she will speak out of nervousness. Don't say anything back.

Scoot closer to her, remember not to talk. Move in very slowly like you're going to kiss her. Your heart is going to begin to race, so will hers. Move in 90% of the way and just wait. If she reciprocates in any way make out.

If she backs away or acts disgusted play it off as something else. Make fun of her for blushing and make it into a joke about how bad you got her.

Either way you get your answer. If you go up there and ASK to kiss her, or ASK for sex, her pussy is going to dry up.

If you go up there and show her you aren't scared to make a move for what you want, you will get the answer you're looking for.

don't ask anything. Go lay beside her on her bedroom watching TV. Casually start making some jokes and try to engage in a tickle/pillow fight. Once you're in it, it's almost guaranteed to brush on boobs and belly, you'll start having a hard on, and if she's horny, it's very easy to turn it into a kiss/groping/fucking. Play your cards right.

good job Dr.fil you cracked the case that op is a faggot and cant man up about his life decision about something we already knew

Ez, talk to her - confront - fuck her into the pussy
And use a condom you retard.

I got quite a similar problem so I won't make another thread for that, but here's the story
>14yo me
>living with my mom, my stepdad and an aunt (mom's sister)
>Aunt is pretty hot
>I sometimes stole her underwear to masturbate
>Then they get in some fight, she moves out with her bf, we don't have contact for a good few years
>a couple weeks ago I started talking to her again, we really get along
>she's like 40 now and single
>I'm 20
>I would really want to fuck her

she never really showed any interest, except for walking around in underwear around me when we were alone at her home
I also don't want to do anything stupid, because if she tells anyone from the family about it I'm fucked (and that's the opposite of what I wanna accomplish)

Nah make that bitch swallow a plan B

Why dont you go to her house and help her with the laundry. That will be the only for sure way to know.

How exactly is that "an only way", am I supposed to go through her panties and ask her "hey, would you consider fucking me?" during the process?

your fucking retarted bruh

exactly women love that shit with perverts going through all of their belongings

I'm sorry if you feel offended, I just couldn't see the working out


My highschool crush. How do i approach her?

>How do i approach her?
from behind
with chloroform

kill her family and be there for emotional support!

Some dog treats and belly rubs

Start a casual conversation after a shower. Walk into her room wearing a towel and ask her an innocent question (Where are the Q-Tips / Do you have any powder / Have you seen my razor / etc), then strike up a brief conversation. While talk, you can gradually loosen the towel, then let it drop. Once she sees it, she'll go for it.
You've got the good, user. Now clean them up and present them to her, then let nature take its course.

A wise man does not concern himself with the approach, but with how he may best strike from a distance.

but what about the Q-Tips / powder / seen my razor? Dont forget to keep your self healthy user

Naturally. Finding the items is the ruse, so one must be sure to actually use them prior in order to maintain optimum health while simultaneously maintaining the deception.

Guys!!! Enough with THESE MACHO HEADGAMES... i need real answers. NOW!

>I know her
>shes a sophomore
>your under 18
>also shes been on my dick but keep it on the DL

You dont know her. Shes not from Merica.

Neither am i?
Use mercia terms for the tards
Uk m8

This. Also, a word of caution: my bro and stepsis didn't even go all the way, stepmom found out, dad flipped and kicked bro out on the spot. Bro was 16, stepsis 14. All hell broke loose, huge rift for years. Make sure she won't feel guilty later and get you kicked out. Make sure no one is home if you go for it. Do not, I repeat do not even slightly flirt in front of family.

are you fucking 12 or virgins?

holy kek