Is the season 3 of Rick and Morty the biggest dip in quality in the history of TV shows...

Is the season 3 of Rick and Morty the biggest dip in quality in the history of TV shows? It certainly feels like it because holy fuck are these new episodes cringy and terrible.

I like this season more than last season the commercial improv eps were kinda of a drag

what are you talking about? everyone else seems to love the new series

Pickle Rick was amazing, seriously

I liked that they implied Dr. Wong was a scat fetishist.

would have been had it not been way overhyped and leaked to the point of near redundancy


These first 3 episodes so far were fucking amazing. The last one was in my opinion the best in the entire series.

Am I the only one that doesn't watch this show?

kek I just got that

Season 1 and 2

Was cring and over rated
Also had a rape joke

>ITT shills

Are you stupid, it was mr goldenfold

Rick is a pickle! Lolz so random xD xD fucking forced shit

they´re clearly pandering to Sup Forums to get you to advertise them for free
its planned commercial move

I mean she kept an album of her shit-eating patients, and she was very laid-back about the way she asked if any of them ate poop.

My theory is that she likes to watch people shit.

Season 1 - Oh boy new thing!
Season 2 - New thing is back, yay!
Season 3 - Why is the thing not new anymore?

Wow - early in the thread for the "I'm a bigger contrarian asshole than OP" guy, but here you are...

It's still good. You're just a flaming faggot. Don't like it, don't watch it.

it wasnt.

you clearly didnt follow the plot or even at any point tried to be coherent in your shitty response.

justin is that you!?

The show always sucked.

Who keeps a photo album of her shit-eating patients? She's a pervert.

if you dont like it, stop watching it

why do you feel the need to have your views reinforced by an anonymous community.....are you that insecure?

You're a fucking moron. You're hating on an incredibly funny, smart, and creative tv show purely because it's popular. Quit being a cuck.

Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry
>We need better simulations
>We need better vocabulary

Syphilis is a bacterium not a virus. Most infectious disease are bacterium. Most lethal virus are provirus. Most difficult to contain are retroviruses.
But if this is a simulation intended to destroy carbon life the most important thing to do is secure carbon life by all means.
I don't know what technologies are worth pursuing but on the off chance this is not a simulation intended to design a way to eradicate carbon life, we should be researching the effect virus play in nature and weather it would be beneficial to destroy them or protect ourselves against them, and if so, then how to do so.
water and air cleaning technology is necessary.
If Radical Eugenics is the greatest threat to humanity than the industrial food production need to be monitored MOST carefully.
Also pharmaceuticals and education and industrial centers that can be repurposed to dispense poison gas.

yeah, I don't really get the same feeling from the new ones. Like pickle rick, yeah I get that it was supposed to be a big plot point, and it all comes full circle in the end, but everything in the middle was just gratuitous. I would have rather watched twenty two minutes of the therapist talking than watching pickle rick do nonsense.

>be op
>be faggot
>watch reddit and morty
>uses the word cringe
>complains that cringy jokes got more cringy

just off yourself faggot

Looks fine to me

You're a moron. She had that album because her PATIENT eats shit, he just left, and she left his stuff for his session on the table.

I really enjoyed the first episode, as much as any of my favorite episodes from the other seasons.

I did find that the next two episodes, while entertaining, weren't as good though.

You can't beat a rat exosuit though.

As she sits on a brown, lumpy, hair chair

Also she specifically asked if they knew anyone who ate poop that could come see her. It's like being a necrophiliac mortician


>ITT: people who are bandwaggoning the "Rick and morty is shit and I have a superior intelligence" gimmick

It's because Jerry is getting less screen time. Jerry really made that show.

This. Episode 1 was great. The new ones not so much. The divorce plot seems to have too much of an effect on the episode structures and it does t reaasally mesh well with the sci fi adventure stuff. Its like they are trying to do a divorce drama and still have the zany non sequitur sci fi stuff and they just dont come together well. The show worked so well before when it was about Rick and Morty's relationship.

You do realize that they're probably gonna do one this season as well right?

Fair enough with the chair

>Sounds counter intuitive
>Is true

It's because all the female diversity hires they've got had no appreciation for the art form.

True but the last two episodes actually werent as good as the other seasons. See Also Jerry is such a massive part of what made the show funny and hes been 86ed from the past 2 episodes.

We're all here for the same reasons b/rother.

what are you talking?
the story is coherent about the characters of rick and morty and his family. the sci-fi stuff is multi-level side stories that depicts more of the characters' flaws and strength.
With the divorce plot every figure represents a behaviour pattern (plus each one's usual symptoms and syndromes).


The aftercedits of episode 2 was the funniest part of the episode. What the fuck bring Jerry back.

I think they're trying to tie-in to Pocket Mortys. Also who is calling Jerry a loser in ep2?

basically this. op, you're feeling a symptom of glutinous consumerism where you just want to be spoon fed endless supply of entertainment and gratification. itll never be as good as when it first grabbed your interest

Show's ok, but got nothing on the king of Adult Swim

>pic related

>new episodes cringy and terrible.
2nd and 3rd are horrible bad. Just plain stupid. The first like.. 50/50

The last two episodes weren't that good.
I think the main thing, for me at least, was the fact that the characters were too self-aware.
Like Morty Flipping out on that one dude to take out his frustration about the divorce was kinda funny the first time.
But then they just kept on doing it
In episode 3 they have a therapist just TELL the audience about everyone's character arc.
That's not character development, you're just spoon-feeding their feelings to us.

i LUVE Rick & Gorpy

Adornian detected.

I sort of agree with you, but at the same time, that's something I always loved about the show; the mundanity of the B plot with the family, juxtaposed against the insanity of the A plot with Rick and Morty.

I kind of like how they're getting divorced and how it's affecting the kids, because as funny as the show is, the episodes that always hit a deeper emotional level were my favorites.

It's just that, to me, it seemed like the season started out with a really great episode, and the next two just couldn't keep up to it.

did someone say

It's because they now have female writers for season 3. Previously, the entire writing team was male.

>just plain stupid
>didn't get any of the psychological theories behind the character developpements
>didn't get the subtle jokes


it's a good show,but the fanbase is the worst
even anime fans who write fan fictions are not that retard

Yes. It's one thing to treat shit-eating patients. It's another thing to ask for them specifically.

And you are right about her chair. It does look like shit.

Yeah well at least one of us enjoyed it.


You're trying to explain this to a bunch of creeps who watch animes about tween girl troubles at ninja high school

I guess without a half naked child as the main focus they can't get exited about it.

rape jokes ftw sonny jim

I like how we're all here to argue about one thing, and there's a handful of you guys having this sort of irrelevant side argument about poo eaters.

You are the sort of people that Sup Forums deserves and needs more of.

Kek could be, didnt he say he posted on Sup Forums?

Fuck off with your forced meme faggot.

Fuck off

>what is post-modern literature
yes, the therapist basically told us that Rick deals badly with family problems and would rather go on adventures than everyday family struggles.
YET, we don't know any of his motivations about the whole rick state szechuan sauce birdperson revolution thing.

Thank you. The evidence is clearly stacked in favor of her being a shit-fetishist.

She asks for shit fetishists specifically, she's casual about it, her chair looks like shit, and she keeps an album of shit-eaters.

>YET, we don't know any of his motivations about the whole rick state szechuan sauce birdperson revolution thing.
What are you talking about? They've explained the Citadel of Ricks, the Szechuan sauce is just really good, phoenixperson shall rise

Justin, you faggot, we know it's you.

You are just growing up

Shit is like game of thrones and walking dead. Just something for a bunch of retards to circle jerk to.

I love you. If I wasn't an anti-social autismo who can't maintain intimate relationships and didn't have a disdainful apathy of strangers I would marry you.

then quit letting your opinion get cucked by others opinions or excitement and think things objectively. Sounds like a personal problem

Settle down, OP. They didn't promise to cure cancer. Or autism.

I think that it's just starting off slow and it was way too anticipated. Just give it a couple more episodes, I'm sure it'll pick up.

Season 3 ep 1 was great.
The next 2 have Rick doing shit that is all out of character. You can tell the women wrighters are calling too many shots on the creative process.

thread is discussing the quality drop of the show, how could OP possibly be Justin?

I realize this. It doesnt work. Like, i get it, Mortys monster arm was a representation of his surpressed anger and the arm allowed him to vent it (why he starts yelling about the divorcw in the thunder dome. How the fuck does that make for a good episode? It doesnt mix. Turning the sci fi elements into sympolism and making the characters "represent" things only diminishes and contradicts what made them and the show good in the first place. You wanna know a good rick and morty moment? The end everyone loves where rick and morty kill themselves and take there place. Everything about that scene, the sci fi wackiness, the consequences of their action, the trauma on morty, the more clear unhealthy effect rick has on morty, the music, the arguing family slowed and foreign in the face of a shattered reality. THATS the stuff that make rick and morty good. It was ABOUT the sci fi stuff, it was ABOUT the characters being involved in these specific events and their consequences while being wacky and silly but having real emotions and friendships and realizations wrapped up in their wild and destructive plots. Now its a divorce plot using the sci fi stuff to tell the divorce plot through deus ex outlets and plot devices. Its not about rick or morty or beth or summer certainly not jerry and most of all the sci fi stuff, its just about the divorce and how these people walk around it, and how sci fi stuff can symbolically tell us more about it, and it kind of sucks.


>believing the szechuan theory
are you trolling?
I'd rather guess that Rick is just fucking with everybody about the sauce in case there is a more real meta-world on top of their universe and they need to be bamboozled.

I thought we grew out of post modern irony years ago? Its cringey now.

Because Justin Roiland is a insecure neurotic individual who has admitted to starting similar threads in the past, where he would shit on the show too.

how is
>not giving fucks
>evading feels
>killing for fun
>and ultimately take care for his family
out of character for rick?

What are you talking about Jerry was the worst character on there.

I love the show so much and it kills me how accurate this is.

Eat a dick you bag of shit.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Thats why hes the best... if jerry wasnt on this show it would be so gucking full of itself itd be unwatchable. There would be no counter or Rick it would just be genius masturbation

Holy shit this made me cringe.

well, where the fuck are we now?
I think we're left with cursing and calling cringe.

You think that was bad? Think about this.
1 Beth got Rick to do something he didn't want to do. (Go to therapy)
2 The therapist got Rick to admit the truth.
3 Rick shuts o Morty, while praising Summer. His new sidekick now.

Yeah, seems pretty damn different (all of a sudden)

Thank you for your critical opinion. But it is not constructive and so it is of no value to me, you bloated vagina. Call your mother she misses you.


I hear you, but I need to disagree. The show is primarily a science fiction comedy, driven by wackiness, but on a thematic level, the show is a cosmic horror that explored existentialist and nihilist themes, using the science fiction as a device to drive the plot. It always had been, especially the episode you mentioned.

The show is hilarious and zany and incredibly insane, but under all of that, it has an incredibly depressing, or at least, emotional theme it is exploring.

If I remember correctly, Dan Harmon has actually dealt with his own issues regarding nihilism or apathy, and this comes through in his other show, Community.

While the Divorce plot does seem extremely blatant, the only real difference is that in the past, for the most part, the issues of nihilism, existentialism, life, death, and purpose of being we're explored in single episode plots, as opposed to a season wide arc.

>reading russian literature before smirking about cretins
be more specific.
what physics do you have to know?
what references?

>be user
>sitting at home
>go to Sup Forums
>reply to every thread on Sup Forums
>select only one specific picture that's not even close to funny every fucking time
>solves verly long captcha
>solves another very long captcha
>and again has to solve another annoying captcha even though he's not a robot
>captcha strikes again
>select every car
>crop out the street sign
>finally post
>0 (you)'s
>he he he I annoy them so much!!
>o..or do I?
>few hours pass
>every thread the picture was posted in is dead
>user turns off his pc
>sits alone in his room
>turns on the tv

a day well spent I'd say

Well now we are cleaely in an artistic depression. Shit movies shit books shit music. The only good stuff coming out of any of those fields are ones made by people from previous eras. Post modernism was cool in kike 19 fucking 60 when it started.

Got one line into that. You're a moron.

wut? At least Jerry is funny, what does Beth even do? They got rid of the wrong character.