Name one good thing that you have done in the last 7 days

name one good thing that you have done in the last 7 days

if you can't name one u have to post any image

Helped an elderly person fall down the stairs

... trying too hard to thing of something.
here's your fucking image you duck.

Punched a communist sissy fag


Broke the law.

Fucked my wife

op here i started learning to play the piano and i've learned the intro to mad world so far

yes let me confirm this website with my personal email and enjoy being put on a goverment list

thank god for this handy pink image to help me along

i placed decently in a competitive videogame.

which isnt a good achievement so heres a bird

Guarded my bro's house while he was on holiday

I had lunch with a homeless guy i met on fairfax

very sweet user.

Bought a load of food for homeless

Stayed of Sup Forums for a whole day


I killed a muslim.

Its good for my european country people who are getting killed by muslims everyday. One less killer on the loose.

Who? How?

When you murder a murderer, the total number of murderers in the world stays the same because you are not a murderer

In CS:GO probably

Told my parents I love them followed by a hug. Told my brother he is looking thin. Donated a dollar at the gas station to stop cancer. Spanked my wife good before she went to work this morning. She has a hard job and long hours. She deserved a good thrashing before work. Told all of my customers that they are progressing and are lookin great! I'm a pt. I ran over a rabbits nest with my lawnmower.

Almost let this poor lady off with a warning yesterday but couldnt be arsed so just wrote her a ticket anyway. She cried. Fuck it, whatever.


Drove a trashy as fuck white girl I didn't know who got beat black and blue by a nignog to the other end of town.