Hey Sup Forums. I have a plate full of snails. Wut do??

Hey Sup Forums. I have a plate full of snails. Wut do??

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put em in someones garden

Heat up a pan of oil to deep-fry temperatures and throw them in.

make salt labyrinth
put some water on plate
or i got even better but your
mother will die if you dont
reply now faggot why did you
even read a comment on b

UPDATE: I put them in a box. they think they can ford my impenetrable wall!
Kill yourself faggot
Nah, too time consuming.

Waiting on the escargot live deep-fry

I've never seen a land snail IRL. They're kinda cute. Make a terrarium and keep them as pets.

put on penis for the snail blowjob of a life time

This nigga right here is my favorite. He doesn't flinch or hide when I pick him up and he's so persistent on escaping.
No, I need these boys alive. I'm thinking of holding public executions for those who try to escape. I'll make them earn food. I'll create a snail hierarchy.

Dumo salt on half and beer on the other half.

The drunk ones will laugh at the disolving ones.

Put.. put them in your butt

Salt barrier.

Will it blend?

sell them to your nearest Frenchmen for 100 euros

Get the fuck out of here go to imgur or reddit

There he goes again. Name recommendations?
This is definitely an option.
Not so much this, but I'll consider it.

do it
do it

Answer the trips

If you're just gonna act like a faggot and ask for names and not do anything interesting then fuck off

one guy's name is Khadafi I guess

A lot of them are giving up hope. I like that.
Nice trips but I'd rather not ruin the interior of my blender. Moreover, see

Eat shit. I'll bash a squirrel or a puppy any day, but I spent four hours amassing this collection and I'm not just going to bash them.

Enjoy the ban

Use different Sharpie colors/designs to identify the your snails. Put your snails through a series of various challenges until one is crowned the victor.

Khadafi it is, then.
I like this. I'm doing this.

eat 'em ya dingus
for your health!

Get a can of axe body spray and a lighter and torch them while playing nazi propoganda

Level 1 - Race Down
All active snails will have an opportunity to race down this stick of deodorant. The winner goes on to face another competitor. The top 5 go on to level 2. The remainder are either bashed or set free. Next dubs decide.

better put them in microwave.


>Maroon your armpits
I kek'd. Rooting for the one on the left!

rollling rolling rolling


up the friggen pooper

those are poisonis. source: i am a zooologist.

paint some snails red and some blue then put them in a bowl and scream at them until they snap and kill one another

Aight. I'll go set up while this race finishes.

you have to introduce meth or crack first

Just torch the losers please, preferably paint a star of david on them first

Sup Forumsehold, the winner or round 1. He's a shy little victor.
The star's a little elaborate, but I'll torch them.

kill a fly and glue the dead fly parts on the snail to see if it can walk with the fly legs or fly away

Congrats to Nevin everyone!

Level 2 - Endurance
I'm going to drop this battery on the top five from round 1. The rules are as follows; if the shell breaks, they're out. If they retreat into their shell, they're out. Top 2 from this round go on to level 3.

you can actually prepare them as a meal. google it. it's easy to do and top chefs say snails from peoples garden can be delicious, if well prepared ofcourse.

what if they all retreat do you just cut off their testicles

I looked it up for you OP

Aha! Our first causality (possibly fatality). His shell broke under the weight of the battery.
Much obliged, maybe I'll eat a few.
Losers get torched at the end of level 3 once a winner has been decided.

If OP fails to deliver this user will

when you're all done playing with them, get some glass, put a cam underneath and make a barefoot snail crush video an sell copies to foot fetishists at a profit...

i suggest you paint their shells that way you know which is which

I won't forget.

These are the two winners btw. Level 3 will commence in a few minutes. I need to set something up.

Here you go annon...


Roomies are asking what I'm doing. Fuck them. I'm going down to the dollar store to pick up some little supplies. Pref something like this. I'm manufacturing an arena.

II.e. something like this
The fact that it's a shitskin doesn't help. Also that the nig filmed while some aircraft was flying over his mudhut.

Lulz - Fucking genius!

You would think in such a fancy restaurant

Put them in a bag of reeces puffs and give it to someone

Why not keep em as pets. all they need is a jar some soil a little spray of water and iceberg lettuce.

My girlfriends obsessed with them, she had five as a pet and had to release three for a hamster, since she ran out of room in the house. She wanted me to hold onto her two favorites, Zoomie and Squillium.

This thread reminded me to check on my snails, and sure enough, Zoomie just laid a big batch of eggs.

Thanks OP.

give em carrot, not lettuce. carrot chunks dont mold/dry out or go mushy and last over a week.

better photo

Got these and some axe body spray. Let's let the two champs duke it out for their freedom.

Here's the axe. Sorry for shitty pic

This is the most exciting thread in the past couple weeks

Is OP actually going to deliver?

On Sup Forums?

oh shid

.. and on the second day: God revoked life.

put them in the microwave

Neither of them are up for a fight. I guess they fell asleep while I was at the dollar store.

It didn't pick up well on camera but there's a thin ring of salt around the two of them.


do this to one of them

I have roommates, they're already looking at me like I'm an insane person. Would rather just burn them. I'm taking them out to some asphalt or a tiled floor and burning one of the losers. gimme five.

Scooped up onto a plate. Fun tidbit, if I described the smell to you...you'd never eat calamari again.


Fingers smell like ass, but that wouldn't be the first time (stupid lenny face maymay)

Post a video

I know I said I was going to burn all of the losers, but the axe coupled with the smell is rancid. I'm letting them go back into the garden.

your fucking with me

This one goes out to all those who were lost during the snail-lympics.

youtube.com/watch?v=nSz16ngdsG0 **

I actually cried. well done op you were pretty humane today. gordon ramsey would be proud



thanks, OP

Just free them, fucking autistic kiddo.

Catch up on the snailympics spergy

You might be the biggest faggot on here. Burn them all or go kys you fucking pussy

Burn some snails with axe in a tiny flat. Fuck off cunt.

Id love to see you two sit down and have a conversation
