TFW fell for the /r9k/ and Sup Forums NEET meme and now I'm 21 years old with no job experience, no skills, no friends...

>TFW fell for the /r9k/ and Sup Forums NEET meme and now I'm 21 years old with no job experience, no skills, no friends, no education, simply no future

The kicker is, the best part is, that i didn't even make any use of my abundant freetime in these few years. While I didn't work i could have at least done something useful like gotten proficient at a sport, learned programming, read many books or at least learned some basic skills using youtube videos and the vast collection of on-line tutorials. For goodness sakes' I couldn't even invest in the crypto boom due to having no money.

The "NEET meme" was the worst meme of my life. I have a suspicion that the "smug neet pepe" pictures and the entire existence of the "neet master-race lifestyle" memes were simply created by Jews, or wagecucks to create less competition for themselves. By shilling the NEET meme so hard on internet forums and glorifying laziness they have effectively reduced the amount of competition for the esteemed positions that they hold.

Other urls found in this thread:


World's gonna "end" in less than 3 years (everyone's not gonna die, but they'll be gone from this planet at least), so unless you think you could've been a millionaire by then had things gone different (which is unlikely, since life as a wagecuck is in some respects more miserable than NEETdom), then staying inside and playing video games is fine.
If you have something right now you'd rather do, then do it, but stop giving a shit.

everyone has a future

The fuck is gonna happen in less than 3 years?

You're still going to be gullible.

Stop trying to Jew me

Could be anything. Ayy lmaos, thermonuclear war, Pedogate REALLY hitting the fan, a re-ignited space race, whatever.
Point is that all the shit you see around today is going to become ALL sorts of irrelevant, in one way or another. This society is due for collapse.

But how can you be specific about the year if you can't be specific about the cause? Do you just get a vibe that shit's going down? And even then how does that excuse OP being an incohensible faggot?

what? you could become the greatest neet of all time or something or a notorious pedophile that raped 500 children in peru, everyone has a future even if its crap

Doesn't change the fact that Sup Forums tricked me. I guess I'll keep spamming the same sob blog stories here every fucking day

There have been doomsaying lunatics for as long as the human race has existed. You're trying to get blood from a stone, my dude.

Please, keep your jaw-dropping stupidity to yourself.

Sage is the only cure for cancer.

Men wiser than me have predicted the fall of previous civilizations, and lo and behold, shit came to be.
The last major prophecy of note was the 2012 "time of great change" shit, and since then, the only thing that has changed is that news cycles have just been doubling in volume and traffic every year or so. Public opinions on issues are landsliding in one direction or another based on how people are feeling. A bunch of people are doing shit that we previously thought impossible, examples being Trump winning and Elon actually getting a shuttle in the air. It's only a matter of time before humanity has another mass "HOLY SHIT" moment like the enlightenment, or again, thermonuclear war. Like dude, literally today Trump said "don't escalate or we'll nuke best korer", and now Kim is threatening Guam. SOMETHING has to drastically change.

Trump will seek reelection, his poll numbers will be so low that he will start a war with another country. When a country feels that they are in Denver they are more likely to surrender their rights and trust in someone that they think will save them therefore his numbers will go up.

The problem is WHO will he start a war with. The main target is North Korea given the rethoric and the fact that they are pretty much alone in the globe. The problems with North Korea is that they have nuclear weapons and Trump doesn't know geopolitics so this will easily backfire sending the US, NK, SK and maybe even Japan into the Stone Age.

Also a lot of people thought 2017 went by MUCH faster than 2016. Are we drifting fast towards something?

Nigga I still feel like I'm in the second or third month of the year. And yes, that's basically it. It's useless to talk about "when" and "what", because those details aren't relevant. The things that happened already came to pass, we just have to see it with our eyes at some point. Any medium is fine.

>Doesn't know geopolitics

Taiwan exists because of the U.S. North Korea exists because of China. China will not let the U.S. start a shooting war right on it's doorstep. They are called buffer states. They exist for a reason.

NK falls, Taiwan gets nuked, China gets nuked, the U.S. gets nuked, Pakistan nukes India, India nukes Pakistan, Israel nukes the entire middle east, Russia starts flinging their shit, and now we live in the Fallout-verse. GG.

I would say it's impossible, but given the world that we live in atm... it's totally not impossible. God help us all.

Duh. It's just something that losers tell themselves. That they don't want to be part of society. You do. You really do. Look how great society is. Have you tried sex. So many pussies to fuck. Or asses if that's what you're into.

Congratulations, OP, you sat around doing nothing for a few years, and now you're angry because you're facing the consequences of your own laziness. What's it like to be so stupid?

You should really just kill yourself right now before you steal any more oxygen from me. Think of it this way: Killing yourself won't just end your misery, but will also be your highest contribution to society. It's the only way to atone for your wastefulness.

Nice projecting

Iran probably also has nukes. We're in for a ride

Lol yes. I am in that boat. Haaha. Jk. I have crippling depression and other things. If that was somebody's idea of a joke haha you got me.
Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry
>We need better simulations
>We need better vocabulary
>We need better traitors
>We need better goals

Oh and smoking pot in social settings. You get high and have a conversation. It's amazing. Especially ones about technology. I just had one about artificial intelligence and how impractical the Turing test is. This guy was convinced that artificial intelligence was going to take over in 10 years. I had to explain how hardware limitations in regards to how we currently make the chips made that unlikely. Shit probably won't get as clever as us monkey's.


Reply to my thread

It's a bot. Someone's coding experiment

>Clever as we monkeys.*†

>†: Great apes

>Nigga I still feel like I'm in the second or third month of the year
what the fuck?! just realized we only have 4 months and a couple weeks till 2017 comes to an end
i know that every year people say "oh this year went by so fast", but holy shit, this year went by SO fast!

The elections feel like a month away. I understand that this changes from person to person but I've yet to see anyone say "2017 is slow af".

It's leading up to world war three and complete societal collapse.

What if I told you that people have been saying this for as long as we've been keeping track of time?

The older you get, the faster time seems to go. Childhood is fleeting, and now it's time to grow up, kids.

I'm an 72 year old woman and can confirm 2017 was the fastest year in the past 72 years

What are you doing here?

>The older you get, the faster time seems to go.
i'm not him, i'm one of the ones who said that this year was ridiculously fast
but that sentence is his alibi for anything that you say
and i guess it also is just as old as time itself
but seriously, this year was way different than the others, even though it is "supposed" to get faster every year

Nah, some years were hectic. Again, the enlightenment was an incredibly different time than everything that came before and after it. I'm sure that people thought the rest of 2001 went quick after 9/11.
But believe me when I say that 2017 is like half the fucking length of any other year people have seen, it's not even a contest.

I don't remember

Welcome to the club


is the secreat board where all the cool kids hang out and where this pasta came from.

No it wasn't, grandma. The clock ran, hour by hour, day by day, at the same rate as it always has and always will. There's a bloody atomic clock that proves it.

The physics of the universe haven't changed, and never will. As disrespectful as it feels, I gotta call a spade a spade here. Grow up, you old bird. You're being paranoid.

It doesn't get faster, your perception of it changes. You deal with a lot more monotony and routine as you get older. It wears you into something of a rut.

>all the cool kids hang out and where this pasta came from.
>all the cool kids
>their "pasta" is a thread made by someone who's starting to feel that sweet depression growing inside of him
is Sup Forums for losers only

you sound boring as fuck tbh user

Thanks smartass but your post isn't something new. We've all noticed this shit while growing up, but this year there is a HUGE ammount of people who report it was EVEN FASTER than usual. I think it's cause the elections were a huge thing and not much have happened since. Syria is a stalemate, Russia the same, N.Korea and Trump are insulting each other back and forth etc

is a Sup Forums without 90% of the board being porn. If not fapping on the same thread with a bunch of edgy 15 year olds make you a loser then oh well

If you hold evidence as being wholly superior to your own perception, then why not die? All the evidence suggests that your life amounts to death, and nothing more.

21. You are still a fucking baby you retard. Get a low skill job. Earn exp and grind up

so chilling on edgy boards filled with just as many edgy 15 year olds shitposters is cool? got it

You're 21. Go to school. You're still a child, you have plenty of time.

How is /bant/ edgy? You get the shitness of Sup Forums but without going through 5 billion porn threads. And it has IDs. If you're posting on Sup Forums I don't see why you'd dislike /bant/

Sure, people have claimed apocalypse as long as weve been around, and a few have been right, and a few have been wrong.

But this shit cant continue the way it is right now.
Theres 8 billion fucking people on this goddamn rock, and every last one of them thinks that theyre entitled to fucking everything. Does it not bother you that human beings have covered, and ruined, almost every last square centimeter of earth?
Just like a cell when covered in viruses. Its bound to collapse soon. And this "we arent hurting the planet" bullshit is really just a stupid way of thinking. Just like when yeast takes over a sugar solution, eventually their waste product (alcohol) will overwhelm and kill all the yeast from a toxic environment, provided it goes long enough.

Not only this, but the human race is using every resource on the planet faster than it can be replaced, countries are on edge around the globe, global warming is a real thing and the poles are melting, and every dumbass out there refuses to recognize that a planet can quickly become uninhabitable from a toxic environment. Not to mention the GMO shit is running rampant, oil companies still do whatever the fuck they want, we are seeing mass extinctions around the globe, and the oceans are bleaching. People still think nothing is amiss. I hope every single one of them dies a horrible death.

Also, the 2012 prediction by the myans was not "everybodys going to die in a fireball" or some shit, but a great change would come. Only 4 years after this, trump is elected, a d the entire world is on the edge of their seats again as resources dwindle, global temperatures continue to rise without any sort of break, and nuclear war is again at the forefront. Do you not see these things user? Seriously come on now, are you really that blind?

why the fuck are you even advertising /bant/ on Sup Forums anyways you retard?
if /bant/ is so cool, why don't you try to keep the "edgy 15 y/o" away instead of advertising where you say they are?

>be me
>still neet, have been since 19, schizophrenic
>have own place, self reliant, learning to draw, play vidya, lift, learning guitar all day, maybe programming next

boy life sure is good for a neet

Cause /bant/ could use the extra traffic and lots of people here would like a Sup Forums without the porn?
Why the fuck are you mad you retard?

Shit the myans were off by 4 years, on a prediction they made thousands of years ago.

Everybody was sitting around thinking

Being 4 years off from a guess thousands of years in the future is fucking crazy. And now that its not 2012 anymore, people dont even think about it. The fact people dont see this, or anticipate even the sligghtest ammount of lag is just retarded to say the least.

This feels like some sort of datamining thread or psyop by gov or marketers

So you admit to wasting your life, but blame Jews for it?

That makes sense.

You're a waste of space. Off yourself before you waste more of the world's resources. I'd rather have a nigger than you.

I am. When did I say I wasn't? I'm pretty sure I've always been an grouchy old man in my heart.

Holy quads.
>A HUGE ammount of people
This just in, a HUGE amount of people are idiots.

Perception is subjective. Evidence is objective. I prefer the latter when making judgements on things of a purely objective nature.

Why hasten what will happen inevitably? I paid for the ride, I'm gonna stick around until my number is called.

You really think Trump's presidential run started on that ONE day in 2016? You really think that it wouldn't have been possible without all kinds of other shit working in the background, like Wikileaks dumping shit and Sup Forums leveling up in meme warfare?
The "change" wasn't Trump getting elected, it was people's minds being changed beforehand to allow something like that to happen. That was the 2012 apocalypse.

if they really wanted a Sup Forums without porn, they'd be there dude
it's not like /bant/ came around yesterday
they want Sup Forums for what Sup Forums is
and fuck that gay id bullshit
i'm unanymous
i'm legin

ID's are ok-ish. Flags should gtfo
Well Sup Forums still has its charm kinda. /bant/ is only 3 months old and not that many people know about it.
Anyway Imma go fap to a pics you weren't supposed to share thread with a bunch of 13 year old

alright. nice chat my dude
have a good one

I never said trump was the turn around. But right around the time of his inauguration, alot of shit finally started falling in place and people are just now starting to hear about it. Global changes, heat changes, you name it. The world is changing, and people are trying to fool eachother by saying

Dont be nieve user. The world is entering a new era, and nothing is pointing to it being a good one.
With humans around, its only going to get worse.
They can neither help themselves, or others.

Are you not human yourself user?

Nah I get it, I was just commenting on the dude saying "THE MAYANS WERE WROOOONG, WHY THE LAAAAAAG". Trump built on the kind of information disseminated in 2012 much the same way we're working off of the climate generated from 2016. Everything is growing in an exponential way, it's hard to say when exactly the "happening" started.

can you prove that i am human?

There is no "happening". Time flows in a straight lines and the world changes by tiny tiny triggers which pile up and lead to other triggers

For all I know you are the Queen of England. The post you made is PROOF of your existance, the fact that your post was coherent and made sense in the English language makes me ASSUME you are a human since only humans have been observed using it. Not sure if that proves or disproves anything

>For all I know
that proves you don't know shit, my friend

I fail to see how those 4 words lead to that conclusion

I have a simple proof.
Anything that is intelligent and non-human is most likely enlightened and ascended in some way. Meaning there is no pressing need to be on this planet.
Earth is shit. The fact that you are here for any length means that you're cattle like the rest of us.

>Space race or Pedogate causing the apocalypse
>Aliens ever visiting earth

You are one stupid motherfucker.

Only possible cause is nuclear war, and its highly unlikely, and if it does happen its going to be some poo in loo tier countries like India, China and Pakistan going at it.

>Earth is shit.
>not knowing that earth is the best planet for shitposting
gee you guys really are new in the universe

Did I ever say that I was excluded from this?
When I say every, I mean every.

Ps - fuck you faggot, literally every time i make that statement, some retard always has to come out of the woodwork saying YOu aR a H00m4n TOo user!

Do you fucking think i dont know this? God.
Humans by nature are evil. Even if ghandi has a kid, doesnt mean he will be the upstanding example his father was. People need to go extinct.

I fail to see how anyone with such huge hatred for humanity hasn't off'd himself yet. I deduce that you're one edgy faggot

he shouldn't just kill himself
since he hate humans so much, he should anhero and take as many people with him as possible
he's just a puss puss keyboard warrior, just like you

Both the space race and Pedogate means that over 70% of people currently in government positions would resign almost immediately, creating a power vacuum open to the most industrious and intelligent people the world has ever seen. That would shake shit up a bit.
I was talking about Ayys, but if that's a bit too freaky for some people, here's an alternative: human beings from either another time or dimension. It would apear to us to be exactly the same as aliens, but time travel and interdimensional travel technologies WILL be invented at some point, there's no arguing that. Meaning that these beings would have used this technology to visit US at some point. If the anecdotal evidence of shit coming down from the sky at VARIOUS points in human history isn't enough to convince you, logic can.

Logic could convince me. Let me know when you find some.

>Durr aliens and mens from other dimensions are coming and the whole US government will resign at the drop of a hat

You have no idea how crazy you sound.

Uhh, I separated my posts into two paragraphs for a reason. One was addressing you saying that Pedogate and space race won't matter, and the other is you completely denouncing the possibility of other shit existing in this universe. Don't smosh them together into one argument.

Because im waiting to see everybody else die first. Are you really that fucking stupid?
And if Im going to off myself, im going on a spree beforehand. Im not going to be the only one dying in that event.

People like you are why I hate humanity. Stupid ass comments and assumptions fit for an autist.

Both were completely batshit insane, and could be summed up in one line.

>Because im waiting to see everybody else die first
that's a funny way of saying you're a fucking pussy

Good effort, but you still messed it up a bit. I said shit ALREADY came, not going to come, and the United States itself will probably always exist in the normal timestream, it's just that the way it functions will be overhauled dramatically in a short period of time.


Thats a pretty fucking stupid way to interprit what im saying. Youre not the brightest bulb in the box are you?

I deduce from everything youve told me that you never made it past 10th grade.

I hope to personally meet you in the coming years, faggot. See you in the Wasteland

>I have a suspicion that the "smug neet pepe" pictures and the entire existence of the "neet master-race lifestyle" memes were simply created by Jews

>What is a scapegoat


> a rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, notably those of the lily family, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy scale leaves or leaf bases and lying dormant over winter.

>"Always exist"
Using Science Fiction buzzwords doesn't show how "hip" and "informed" you are, faggot. Every entity in existence minus a potential (yet unlikely) deity can only and will only ever interact with things in their own "Timestream." You can't just go shake your "Dimension 438"'s grandma's hand because she's from some alternate reality/different universe/whatever. The two of you will never meet, and it'd take literally infinite energy to even try.

See, you arent going to convince anyone with shit you pulled out of your ass. Irrational nonsense like this is not logic.

Aliens will not and have never visited us. The distances are too vast. And even on the off chance that an advanced civilization exists at this present time in this galaxy at all, there really isn't much here to interest them if they ever found our one miserable little planet.

>Dimensional beings
>Time travel
>Alternate Universes

Nigga what? You've been on the crazy side of youtube or something? It sounds a lot like the people who make videos about the moons existence being a NASA conspiracy or Jesus destroying Atlantis or something

I love how out of the entire OP you focused on the Jews being scapegoats part you absolute faggot

He watches Rick anduuuurrrpppp Morty! Warbledarble nugnug! He's a-a-an illiterate pedant, Morty! He has no grasp of the actual calculus of existence Morty! He's a dumbass, biiiiitch!

I LOVE Rick and Morty, to the point of being caught up on Season 3, and even I have to say: That show plays fast and loose with actual physics. If anything is close to accurate in it, it's the metaphysics.