Logs n bananas part 2

Logs n bananas part 2


Why won't your faggot ass ever get filtered out?! I have countless variations of log, logs, logged ect ect in there, yet you still come up... More importantly, why won't you die?

One of the mods actively log posts and bans people that report the threads.

Post the 8 mile pasta


His butt is sweaty
Knees weak, logs are heavy
There's feces on his sweater already
Looks like confetti
He's anxious, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop logs, but he keeps on forgetting
How to pinch down, intestines groan so loud
He opens his anus but the logs won't come out
He's farting, woah, everyone's departing yo
Shit out of luck, Andy Sixx, end the show

Snap back to the lavatory, oh there goes trickle pee
Oh there goes Andy, he choked
He's clogged up but he won't give up that easy, no
He won't have it, he knows he'll put logs in their throats
He's constipated he knows, it takes patience to go
He so stuffed that he knows when he goes back to his own commode, that's when it's
Back to the logs again yo, this whole Andy meme
You better go capture his logs and hope he don't flush'em

You better suck the logs from his anus, you taste it
You ate it, you never let it go to waste, hey
You only get one log, do not miss your chance to eat
Andy Sixx might feed you once in a lifetime, you better

Still waiting for my banana flavoured Logs

He gave up quick lol

Could learn a thing or two from us good ol logbois

I bet they are having a taste of the supreme Log and need cooldown time to be able to walk and type again


P.S. logging off eating all those steamy dreams got me sleepy

why not both?!






Those are nice creamy bananas.




Poop eat

I want these down my fucking throat.


Going to bed my log friends. Keep it up, keep it bumped.

Be creamy
Stay steamy
Dare to be dreamy




This meme is fucking shit.


Loglight shine bright, give OP stinky log filled dreams tonight


Nobody will ever want to do this, Andy.

Stop shitposting.



They're beautiful



Wot choo lookin' at Loglet



