Anyone else like to play the dating site game on hard mode...

Anyone else like to play the dating site game on hard mode? I make profiles with super cringe pictures and write the typical loser stuff then message girls to try and see if I can get a date.

And whats the result?

You so just try to be yourself?


My okcupid profile is my bloodborne character. He's blue.
My message to others usually starts off by explaining that I am a nymphomaniac.
I don't have any pictures of me.
Wish me luck.

Here's 1/2 pictures that I'm using at the moment.

Here's my summary: "I am an intellectual of the highest degree. I enjoy philosophy, political discourse, and street magic."

Post some good results later


Messages coming next

I found someone near me that does cosplay and is cute. I messaged her, but she hasn't been on in 2 days, waiting for results.

Here's Beth. Most of the time I just say something about their pictures or something because reading profiles is boring. With Beth however, she is as plain as they come. So I just made up some bullshit on the spot and she took the bait. I just started this account but any future wins I'll save up and post in a batch.

I love the message you sent to her. Very clever user.

Animal activist Rachel coming through. I saw she had a few pictures of her with horses or something so I laid a cheesy line on her with a battletoad twist

Don't you dare assume April's gender because I still don't know if this is a guy or a chick. Anyhow they're sort of attractive regardless. If you ask trannies what they are they flip shit so I'm steering clear of that for now

Also Beth just replied so I'll be posting that next.

Beth is coming off as a bitch if you ask me

Here's a few messages I sent that weren't well received.


Anyone reading these or am I just entertaining myself?

These are great. Better when ya catch one though

you certainly have my attention this shit is hilarious

Yea I think I'm going to use this for about a week until I get a few dates going then post the win.

Glad to hear. Not much left though

The irony is I'm going to roast this bitch alive if she ever responds hahahaha

is it just perspective, or does she have a very long nose?

Umm girls like street magic. You're not playing it hard enough. Say you like dungeons and dragons and porn

Post more April


Pretty sure it's 1/3 of her body weight

That's too obvious bait. Also don't confuse those Facebook videos of guys kissing girls after doing some trick as street magicians. They're posers

Sure but you know "she" has a cock right?



Interestingly, someone messaged me. 99% sure this is a guy.



I lost, hard

I find a hot guy pic in /hm/ and dick pics from rate your dick here. Then go to OkCupid and find girls who are looking for hookups. Ask if interested in hookup. Then convince to trade nudes before meet up. Get as many you can before she starts asking more from you. They usually use kik so just block it afterwards.

what happens when you get a date? you gonna show up then what? cause obviously they are expecting your profile pic. unless you like catfishing folks with no real interest in getting dated.

Stand them up of course. Can you imagine what a crushing blow to your self confidence it would be to be stood up by a guy that looks like my profile pics? Or I might just watch from afar and lol

do you have any interest in dating?? i hear this woman is interested in you

Where's the fun if they come to you? Also i'm heading out guys. Feel free to keep the thread up but I'm not going to be posting any more messages. I'll probably be posting again in about a week with some updates and possibly some greentext if I get a date

just kys

This thread is great, out of curiosity, would you actually go on a date with any of them? (assuming one of them takes you up on it)