Watch as liberals learn what Guam is for the first time...

Watch as liberals learn what Guam is for the first time, and then go pretend to know what they're talking about on Twitter.

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How difficult do you think it is to understand the concept of an island?

What difference does it make if you learned what guam was today, yesterday, or ten years ago?

How the fuck did you turn a threat against the U.S. into a liberal hate thing?

Why are you more concerned with scoffing at armchair experts on twitter than you are with this news?

What the fuck, user?

Liberals actually have passports

only because they overstay their visas

The Liberals haven't quite decided if Guam should be nuked or not. They don't have someone telling them where they stand on the issue.


Lol Epic.

They always cared about Guam, they are worried too many marines will cause the island to tip over.

Lol you think that the assholes who support Trump, Palin, O'Reilly and the other morons are the SMART ones? Ahahaha

And every republifag doesn't listen to Fox news? Are you retarded?

>grouping trump with those two
I don't think you quite understand.

Guam is a US territory, and US citizens do not need to have a passport to visit there.

Are you a fucking moron?

Nope just Canadian. Not a republican, don't watch fox news. Not my fuckin' country. (Thank Christ)

assblasted, low IQ libtards fucking confirmed

>understanding anything, ever
nigga what

No, there is no Fox news equivalent of John Oliver and Stephen Colbert. Fox News is merely controlled opposition, all media is propaganda. You're still a little bitch puppet and you don't even realize.

I actually cannot comprehend where you are pulling the "fuck liberals" narrative from on this one? Did you literally just see a country name and go "hehe i bet liberals r stupid imma call em stupid"? On a story about Trump being retarded?

If NK hits the military base as Guam it's no real loss because the only ones who die are the trash that make up our military and they're a dime a dozen.

So let me get this straight....they supposedly have an ICBM, but decide to use their 1 free surprise nuke advantage on an Island that would have no cause or effect to the infrastructure of our nation lmao...yes okay...okay man...I'm sorry...I honestly can't even fathom why Guam would even be a target considering the U.S. navy has a vicegrip on the pacific

The fuck are you talking about? What meme makes you think Liberals have no idea what Guam is? You know it's conservatives that find colleges evil, right?

Wasn't there a thing where conservatives wanted to stop immigrants from Guam from entering the US? I'm pretty sure John Oliver did a bit on it during the election.

They'll claim they don't even though their fucking president makes policy decisions based off what Hannity told him to do on TV the night before. This has actually been correlated before.

>fox anchor says X
>Trump does Y or comments on X shortly after

>If NK hits the military base as Guam it's no real loss because the only ones who die are the trash that make up our military and they're a dime a dozen.

Trumps ICE tried deporting a Peurto Rican.

>implying soldiers aren't trash

Seem to recall a bunch of conservatives getting pissed at Porto Rico trying to became a state because "3rd world countries can't just join the USA"

I'd much rather be with the guys holding Nazi flags. They seem reasonable.

They're made because le America must be a white nation even though that ship saled centuries ago.

>news is reported
>Trump comments on news
I'm a nigger and I'm not sure I could be more retarded if I tried. Holy fuck you're stupid. This is pretty funny.

Are you okay or just having a retard attack?

drumpfkins eternally btfo. how will they ever recover?

Considering how they think nuking Japan was a mistake, they''ll say we deserved it.

The only thing I can think about is a demonstration of power. And think about it, if they attack we have to decide how to retaliate. If we nuke them we risk the end of civilization. If we invade them we risk Russian involvement. It's a no risk situation for Korea, high risk for the US.

China wants NK to nuke the US so they don't get the counter attack and can rule the world.

Trump is on vacation.

Soon all Americans will die.

Idk,you tell me: are you about to attack? you're definitely butthurt enough to.

Trump is 100% right about China. They are a much greater threat to the West than muh russia.



I don't think Russia / China are eager to back NK up. Chances are they'll just move in on NK to prevent U.S. influence and the loss of a buffer zone between SK and China / Russia

no becase most dont pose a threat to the USA

Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

Liberals want us to keep playing NK's games until NK masters nuclear technology more and can hit anywhere in the USA then we should become their little bitches and acknowledge Kim as God because we should fear nuclear war.

NK needs to be liberated before it becomes an actual threat. It sucks that dealing with NK now will have really bad repercussions on SK but it's now or never and later will be a lot worse for everyone. Even if we leave Kim's family in power, eventually one crazy enough to nuke the USA for no reason at all because he's god will nuke us.


Russia is a mafa state that just wants to make money and have regional power.

China thinks they have a divine right to overthrow the US and rule the world.

But it's time for Trump to take action on China - kill them economically. If their growth doesn't continue, their regime will fail. Then split the country up.

Ban the mod moonspeak moot

I say bring back the nuke. It's about time humanity used the power of the atom to bitchslap those who threaten the free world. Maybe it'll settle things down for another 75 years.

Man, the Japanese are really upset about making us nuke them to end the war.

Lol wtf are you talking about?
Who the fuck doesnt know what guam is?

But it's never that simple. Now a days you can't use one without someone else laying their finger across the trigger.

Only for direct flights.

No, I am just going to tell Sean Hannity to comment about you tonight.

I am liberal and was stationed in Guam. Fuck off op. Everyone know's your kind loves traps. Homo.

There are people in Guam who don't know what Guam is

Who else would launch a nuke if the US turned Kim Jong Un into a fat cloud of manvapor?

You really believe that? We provoked them into war in the first place with embargos. It's a little bit what like the war hawks in Congress are trying to do right now with Russia.

>If we invade them we risk Russian involvement
The Russians aren't friends with North Korea. They've placed sanctions against North Korea as well.

>If we nuke them we risk the end of civilization
Assuming they have enough missiles to accomplish this. We would only fire a couple at them.

>It's a no risk situation for Korea, high risk for the US
They risk having their entire nation destroyed by being nuked or invaded by several countries.

Guam is the most obese part of America. 75 percent of Guamians are morbidly overweight.

It'd be good riddance if Guam was wiped off the face of the planet.


That will require raising Americans living costs exponentionally during a time the republicans wish to raise Americans living costs exponentionally already

Liberal. I worked with a bunch of guys from Guam in the service. Good guys.

I'll take my cookie now, gfy op

Americans think that liberals, communists and the left exist in the US. Meanwhile the rest of the world is just sitting there like "WTF you only have conservatives and far right conservatives"

>do stupid shit
>get punished
Is that what you say when the cops shoot at you after telling you to put the knife down?

>libtard comebacks
just stop. you're embarrassing yourself. I'm also afraid of your aforementioned "retard attack". Please calm down, retard. Don't attack me....

8/8 nice b8 m8

NK *doesn't* have miniature nuclear weapons. If any of you fags were born before the year 2000, you'd be scared shitless by how similar this is to the period of time right before dubya invaded Iraq.

Republicunts have no plans on anything, they're all opposition. Their tent is made up of people who want free trade (Paul Ryan), despise free trade (Donald Trump), support immigration (the Koch brothers, Lindsey graham), hate immigration ( session, trump).

The only thing they have in common is the hate for the left. Which is why nothing is getting done despite them being in power 100%. They are an opposition party, nothing else.

Russia is less of a threat than N Korea and only conservatives seem to fear them.

this comment made me think i was on yahoo news comments for a second


Russia. Putin just wants an excuse man.

t. has no fucking clue about politics outside of the baseball team mentality. You'd have to be pretty fucking dumb to describe a country where I can get food stamps and welfare as "far right". I bet you're a fucking aussie.

tfw you discover what "liberal" actually refers to.

>liberal views
>many views
>hence the "herding cats" phrase & problem of trying to corral them
>vs conservative
>conserving an ideology
>a narrow set of beliefs
>more easily led by authority figures
>hence the daily talking points memo from the GOP to keep everyone on topic

I hope for your sake you're very new to this.

>far right conservatives
do retards actually think this?


>there are people who drink the CNN koolaid and actually believe this shit

Fuck off whore. I am liberal and in the military. This may shock you, but many military members are liberal.

Kim doesn't give a fuck about the end of his nation. He's delusional man. He sees himself as a god.


That's an incredibly false statement. I'm not a conservative. Try again.

fair trade

Don't watch the news. Try again.

Funny considering that the only platform the DNC has had for the past ten months is "lol fuck trump amirite".

Liberal or conservative, all military members are the same trash.

>you have conservative and far right
>only far right

Your utter fucking stupidity is showing.

I'm calling it now. If the US does strike, they play it up as if there is a impending launch from NK. It gives SK and Japan time to brace themselves for the retalliation.

Fair trade is the most retarded term. We have fair trade now. No one forced your ass to shop at Walmart and no buy American. You don't want to pay higher prices.

Are you really implying the dnc agree on fucking anything?

>modern Liberals are liberal
you're an idiot, nigger. Modern conservatives/libertarians (not neocucks) are closer to real liberals. "Liberals" nowadays are generally more authoritarian and not pro-liberty.

I hope for your sake you're very new to this.

Ironically it was Russia who was getting Japan to surrender when we nuked them.

>But it's time for Trump to take action on China - kill them economically

lol you really expect him to stop buying Chinese steel for his buildings and cheap labor for his suits?

I'm starting to think that you people genuinely do not know who you elected as your president. its like you have this image of what trump is in your head, and you totally ignore who he is in real life.

what's this from?

I literally can't tell what you're saying. I mean, I could just be completely retarded, but I really think you're the problem here. What in the ever loving fuck are you trying to say.

They agree on taking more money from people that have it.

The Orange tard will put us all on the cinder and you'll still be bitching about "libruls"

The left has been meeting with everyone under the fucking sun trying to remind them that just because they're in power, doesn't mean more than 50% of the electorate just disappears out of existence.

Literally meeting with these cunts on issues is all they can fucking do at this point. They have no other power.

I guess we'll find out just how effective the THAAD really is.

>literally too retarded to understand a basic sentence

Your utter fucking stupidity is showing. Oh, and go back to you know where, you fucking faggot.

Anyone know why we don't detonate a bunch of low altitude neutron bombs over military sites?

Since when is knowing where Guam is a liberal vs. conservative issue? Geography is pretty much a nonpartisan subject.

>libtards trying to understand politics
this is hilarious

You probably still think based President Trump was put in by the Russians too.

FUCKING BULLSHIT, why dont they show a clip of that state media?, why the fuck do they get scared about somme kim ung illest boasting like he is playing in fable?

Are we really going to start a war because some fatty beta vidya playing zitface scares you?