S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floofs!

Other urls found in this thread:








Fuck off.

Youre being an ass for no other reason then because you want to be an ass.

Go here if you want female and lesbian only

The s in s fur means pictures that appeal to straight men. not the the porn is straight.
naked girls are what is posted in s/fur.
Quit being an ass. if you want your fancy new segregation and rules then you can go hang out in your own threads with your rules.
this is the long established terminology.

No, thank you.

well you dont have to be an ass just because you dont like the way things are.

I am posting straight pron in a straight thread. You are the one being an ass. I even made a thread just for you all dickaphobes what more do you want?!


Is that you, koreanon?

I don't think so?

Again, the S in S/fur has NEVER meant straight, it means furry for straight men.
and straight men dont want pics of guys having a wank.

It's a simple concept, I'm sorry that you cant understand it.

You're not sure?
Sounds like you are.

You're trying to change something that has long been established, and acting like you're not doing anything wrong when no one else wants it. I told you why it won't work, but no one listens to me of course.


"s/fur/ or bread: A thread in Sup Forums focused on dumping and discussing straight furry porn."
en.wikifur.com/wiki/Sup Forums





Stop giving him the attention he wants, you retard. Hide his shit and ignore him.

It is straight , for it's intended audience.
it's intended audience is straight men.
your fag pics, are not straight to straight men.

Again, you're just being an ass.
It's a choice you've made.
I will never like you because you're an ass.
That's a choice I've made.


I filtered his tripp now, but It's still not right for him to force himself on you and everyone else.


I could care less of you opinion of me. The fact remains I will always post straight content in s/fur threads. You can hide me if you wish. I reccomend going to or making a f/fur thread for female and lesbian only, or stay butt mad either or.


I come back and see there's 4 s/fur threads...why?

Make that 3, but still

That sharia guy is being an ass.

Ah, that whole thing about dicks and stuff, boy o boy.
Also, Shia is chick btw


I'm a grill btw XD



your thread sucks and you suck.


furry fag get off Sup Forums




It looks like this one beat you by a hair




the cancer is multiplying, fucking hell

That's a dude


oops my bad


what about h/fur tho

Oh, I hadn't seen that one.
I'll leave this one on a slow bump.

Also, Greetings Mer 8bit.


What about it?
Also not straight, they have threads for that.

I mean if s is for the people fapping being straight, would h mean its porn only for hermaphrodite people?





It means for people who like herm crap.
Herm people are fixated on cocks, straight people arent fixated on cocks, so...it's not straight.

Oh damn, that's actually a good point.
But no, it's more just because both the straight and gay posters vehemently deny that they include intersex/herm.




That...makes total sense.

Today I learned

No need to be an ass about it.

I didn't feel like he was being an ass lol

I didn't intend to be...
I could have used more polite anatomical words, but I cant think of another way to describe it.
I apologize if it came across that way.




I like how you fags cant go a day without fighting about useless bs

"herm feces"?


What else is there to do...


btw, I'm still learning that whole namesync thing, how do you guys get a name in red?

How was that fighting and not a positive argument that resulted in learning?

this is Sup Forums
this is what Sup Forums is for
now fuck off, you delicate faggot.


Ahh, I pretty much never use the word crap to mean feces.
crap to me is stuff.
Poo is feces.

Would these threads be "straight crap" then?


you could kys
learn to kys, ya piece of shit
>thinks Sup Forums is for arguing about useless bs and whining like 12 yr olds
hello newfag

Yeah, they would.


oh boy you're really winning that one


>you could kys
I've been thinking more about it.


Still a dude

Aww. dont do that.

we all know that fur fags are just a bunch of abnormal pussies who are fucked up in a lot of ways

You're not entirely wrong though


That wouldn't be the reasoning.