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Fill me up bigboi


Omfg yes

Too bad Planned Parenthood is wiping out your genepool. Enjoy your slow slide into extinction.





God I can't wait

37,144,530 blacks in US today
~19,000,000 black babies aborted since 1979 Roe v. Wade ruling.

Do you even math? Mixed with community violence and gang killings we shouldn't have to worry about you even before redheads disappear.

Math doesn't get white bitches wet

Did you actually bother replying with facts to a psychotic delusional nigger? kek

Sauce please? Can't find it anywhere

Tnx god My Grandpa is Black and I'm 1/4 black but I wish I was 100% black. Give up white boys. BBC is the best and you know it.


>black persons destruction

I'm unironically that big though. Albeit Stormtards would argue I'm not really white.



I'm a white girl and I love black guys
All my white girfriends have black boyfriend

no you are a faggot who hangs on Sup Forums

Banged up job thus far bruh. Drop me a call when the Ferguson Space program begins.

haha stay mad whitey you can never have me


>Bigger cock = Better, more advanced

Kek. Neanderthal women judged their mates by how big their slongs were, the biggest being the first to mate. It is also hypothesized that the first humans were niggers. You having a bigger dick literally means you are less evolved and more ape-like than the far superior white man.



Those are some big words for a nigger to use, Shlomo.

The black man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The black man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man.

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The black penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the black man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the black man impregnates.

In total, the black man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the black man is the epitome of masculinity and male dominance.

White fathers on suicide watch lmao

>epitome of dominance
>been under the foot of whites for all of humankind


>When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

This is actually a true thing though, women in relationships with black men have stated in studies that sex is a thing black men do to them, that they just lay there and take it, and that they rarely if ever climax because its just a nigger pounding away for thirty seconds and blowing his load. Black men are the most common sufferers of premature ejaculation, its just that they only care about getting themselves off and don't consider it a bad thing that they do it in thirty seconds.

>Replying to a copypasta
>s a g e

you're ignoring the fact that black men are incredibly retarded

Oh really?
Stay mad whiteboi haha

Same old same old stuff. This is now an oompa loompa thread.

get fucked you damn gorilla

Not white, but this shit is so retarded. I've met just as many dumbass niggas as I have anyone else of any other race if not more.

Sigh...Low quality bait. Even a total newfag would be able to know how often you go on Sup Forums posting this bait. It sickens me.

Apart of me wants to refute what you're saying and I can quite easily,but I'll just be wasting my time since you're an obvious troll and won't reply when you know you're wrong.

Example If white men are so infertile then how come the white race is still alive today? Levels of melanin have no effect on fertility what so ever. If that were the case, white people wouldn't exist to this very day including Asians.

I have acouple relatives that pop out children faster than Hispanics. In already 6-7 years my aunt has given birth to 4 children and is already very pregnant. The women in my family are very very fertile and they're all white.


Like I said I'd be wasting my time arguing with you to an uneducated monkey such as yourself. I already have. I'm going to go and do something more productive.


...a fake penis that isn't even close to the correct skin tone will destroy me?

Real penises when erect, that are connected to real people don;t move that way. What a waste. If you're going to make a fake cock, at least do something worthwhile.

Some white bois have embraced their natural submissive nature towards big black cock


That is absolutely disgusting. What a useless whore. This bitch has to be more fucked in the head than all of you niggers combined to agree to do some foul shit like this. You can have her. I will now speak for the white race as a whole, and we reject her. She is no longer recognized as one of us, the true master white race.

Do I see that?

I see a door made with power tools and machinery invented by whites, and still not reproducible by blacks in Africa.

I see it painted with a white semigloss derived from the study of chemistry and manufacturing techniques invented by whites. In Africa they paint their straw huts with shit.

I see a brass door handle. Possible because of metallurgy and machining. Two things not invented by blacks even though whites mastered metalworking thousands of years ago.

I see a room lit by light bulbs and electricity. Non existent and not even understood by 90% of Africa today. Even attempts by whites to modernize Africa have failed because stealing power lines is more important than having electricity in the villages.

Do I see that?

Yeah, I see that.

>how to treat white women
so you're admitting you're racist?

u mad?

big mad? or lil mad?

I have a nigger problem. It is like a nervous tick, whenever I remember something embarrassing or feel I am being stupid - I say 'nigger' over and over again. Sometimes it evolves into 'nigga what!?', but mostly is just nigger-nigger-nigger.

This felt like the right place to drop off that particular thought....

what part about "she is no longer recognized as one of us" do you not understand

This is the best food a person can eat.
Don't @ me

Top Fucking kek

Can you account for a white cocks greatness?


How can you even compete

My sides....I fucking love you user

everyone knows the stupid fuckin chinamen will kill the blacks ya idget

>Light snack
>Tastes better
>Can use ketchup, mustard, etc

Niggers and white women, a win-win.

They remove broken, ugly and defective women from the white breeding pool.

They publicly show their status as unacceptable to the world by being seen with a nigger.

They brewed with niggers, inserting superior white genes into nigger blood lines improving the black race, bringing them closer to actual humans.

Crossbred nigger children have higher IQs and make for more easily trainable janitors, soldiers and factory workers.

Crossbred nigger children tend to be less violent and prone to crime.

Crossbred nigger children have a more evolved vocal system and can be understood easier, and can actually learn proper English.

All the things Blacks have created:

let's start with that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

Blacks are the supreme race! Post this in every thread! Spread the Word!

Forgot pic

pretty much everything on this list is false

tbf Samuel L.jackson likes hentai too, are you calling him a faggot ?

lmao, like. i don't git into the whole BBC thing either but this dick is clearly real, how insecure are you ? it's pretty average even why be so defensive ?

Things that don't exist in Africa unless whites introduced it, let's start:
>let's start with that computer you're typing on
>- the software that drives it
>- the internet & nearly all web applications
>- recorded music
>- motion pictures
>- tv
>- radio
>- camera
>- telephone
>- light bulb
>- the automobile
>- rocketry
>- satellites
>- spacecraft
>- airplanes
>- skyscrapers
>- telescope
>- printing press
>- eyeglasses
>- contact lenses
>- microwave oven
>- metallurgy (most discoveries)
>- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
>- 95% of medical advancements
>- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
>- modern food preservatives
>- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
>- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
>- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
>- sea navigation (most advancements)
>- discovery of DNA
>- microscope
>- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
>- harnessing electricity
>- nuclear energy
>- wireless technology
>- air conditioning devices
>- refrigeration
>- modern agricultural techniques
>- modern democracy
>- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

lol nice try nig nog.


how does it feel whitebois? to know your mom was once like this?

You catch many fish using such poor quality bait?

Give me a better food than this
>Protip: you can't

wasnt nuclear energy discovered by some polish bitch

my moms racist tho like really southern racist


With that whole list, I'd accuse blacks of inventing plagiarism, but that means inventing reading and writing.

Something they never did.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Real erections don't work that way.

french-polish. both are white in my book.


cheater lover detected for your mom

Polish people are white.

>dicklet confirmed

When will white boys learn?

They are the lower-middle class of the future.

barttledoo i say barttledoo

marie curie i believe

They dont care as long as they get they crack.

Tits or gtfo

what ? why would that help me sleep at night ? he's only average and yes erections can work that way, especially if you're not 100% hard. you do know there's a thing as a chub right ? you're not always completely hard or completely soft. i'm probably the same size as him as i'm white.

Lol dindus be so gross. Mo' STDs!

tbh the picture itself says 'state your business" so if she doesn't make any request or want anything it doesn't require tits + timestamp. that said i also don't really believe it's a girl but. just saying.

Egyptian here
Blacks have no knowledge of Egyptian history. They just use the "we wuz kangz and shieet" to show that they were masters for a one time.
actually black people were slaves to arabic/greece pharaohs. White women/men were considered and still considered Superior to everyone in this world

cheating wife




...she's not in pain, she looks like she's trying to clam her stomach.

The only goal for her is the paycheck.

Can confirm. Asian from Japan here. Everyone here is racist as fuck, we hate niggers.

How do you expect to get all the white women in the U.S.A.? Blacks make up 13% of the American population and are miniscule in Europe.

In truth whites will not go extinct if some simply fucked niggers because their child's DNA is going to be mostly white anyway. Niggers whose families lived in predominantly white countries for long periods of time are bound to have at least 20% European DNA at least.

bbc not even once
incluiding whitebois

You don't even lift so who cares