My girlfriend just posted to gonewild

my girlfriend just posted to gonewild.
no face but i can tell from the distinct striped bra.
how can i confront her about this without admitting that i browse GW? or should i just not bring it up? pic not related

just tell her a friend sent you the link

Show pics for proof, so that we can confirm with you.

Fuck off with this autism you lonely sperg.

Break up with her with no explanation. Then block her number immediately. She is a whore and you don't owe her closure.

fucking retards

>Looks at other women
>Pissy because 'his' woman posts pics for others to look at.
Typical 'Murican

more pics of her would be nice

>no face but i can tell from the distinct striped bra.
hurr durrr only one bra that looked like this was ever maade4 durr hurr hurrrrr
do you not realize how big the fucking internet, and the world is?
stupid egocentric retarded faggot OP

need pics first.

otherwise i wouldnt call her out because if there's no face there's no proof unless there was like a tattoo.

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you kid?


asking for more of the girl in the picture, oops.

so, where is the fucking link?

OP quit sweating your ass off over a girl who happened to have the same bra as your girlfriend. post pics NOW

its a pretty unique bra and pretty old so the odd are slim to none.
and shes posted again since then... in a bikini i recognize too so i know its her.
still looking for advice

So, you browse porn, so what? She posts porn, that's really what. You saying you look at naked girls probably won't eclipse that she's sowing random dudes herself. And trust me, face pics and numbers do happen. So, when's the last time you got a girls number?

since ive been dating her, never

She's going to cheat. This is cheating behavior. It doesn't matter if it's anonymous or not. Get solid evidence, present it to he, tell her it's over.

Or, think your girlfriend/wife is a unicorn. She's not but you've every right to live in a fantasy.

Anyone that has or had a gf knows you can recognize the tit itself.

You're fake

>trained to believe looking at porn and your gf/wife spreading her leg fort he world to see; are the same.
Typical Cuck

Sauce ?

if really your gf, and not troll. Just log into her account on the computer or look at her phone when she is away. What don't share info/devices? Then she is not commit for the longterm and your better off finding another chick.

Just look at the account and see the other posts

Post the link
My GF looks at porn all the time. I look at porn all the time. It's no big deal. We just end up fucking more often

Seriously though
Post the links. We wanna fuck while checking her out

Agreed. Sauce ?

"Hey girl, I sent pictures of your nudes to my best friend, who told me he saw that exact same bra on GoneWild. I went there only to see if it was true and I totally recognize your tits. WTF girl? You whore or something?"

Yeah, hold your horses.

What brand is the bra?, is it a common cup size?

That a girl has posted herself with a bra like your gf's doesn't mean it automatically must be her.

neither of you saying anything about it, just break up. It's obvious she doesn't feel totally comfortable with you if she's willing to post on gonewild (or knows you browse) and you're not totally comfortable with her since A. you need to look at porn B. you won't tell her about sid porn.
Do Sup Forums and the world a favor and break up.

fuck you jerk off and be glad you're dating someone who's hot

First of all there's no shame in browsing gonewild

Call her out on it then have makeup sex it's not challenging

No pic, never happened

I present OP's gf

>striped bra
OP was too specific, he fucked up.

>"you're not totally comfortable with her since A. you need to look at porn"
You are a twelve year old retard.

You'd think he could ID her from the teeth.

Body, room, half face... Nah it's the BRA that he recognises!



Bruh, she has a mole on her left nipple and you still can't ID peoperly? Confirmed for shit boyfriend.

Just eat her pussy and make her cum like a good bf.

i like her butthole its very nice

if this is her, she had been posting for a WHILE