That girl who knows she's the cutest

>That girl who knows she's the cutest
>That dumb hik who's never been on a boat before
>That idiot who forgot to pack a bikini and runs around naked like a retard
>That girl who's worried she didn't put on enough suntan lotion
>That girl that smells the fart
>That girl who farted
>That girl who knows she didn't put on enough lotion
>That girl about to sneeze
>That girl no one remembers who's barely in the picture
>That girl who wouldn't buy a bikini and wore a geeky one-piece because she was self-conscious about her tummy

And I slept with them all

Oof, so close to trips. These girls are shaking you down for that last digit.

I was just one digit away too. Somebody's stealing our trips.

Damn, must have caught an anti trip bug from one of the cuties

Does the boat owner have an ugly face fetish?

No, those are typical Asian cuties

Pic related is typical Asian girls

The girls on the boat look like autist goblins with down syndrome.

And how would you feel if you found out one of them was your mother?

I don't have goblin genes.

Lol oh god nasty ass FoB bitches.

Yes, they look like 3rd world goblins.


I rather like goblin girls


thai/fillipino/cambodian or whatever the fuck they are are the mexicans of asia

prove me wrong

(india is the niggers, try again)

>I don't have goblin genes
>goblin genes
Gadam, gimme back my sides

But you are correct. Some men just like mexi-asia-goblins

I sure do

UGGGGHHHH I love when Asians are shaved clean. It's so rare to find.

Fine, I'll give a you some that are more cute by your lousy "traditional" standards.

Another reason for them to keep their thongs and loincloths

That's a whole lot of ugly. But all you have to do for most of you fags on here is slant an ugly girl's eyes and then she becomes the most beautiful woman in the world.

Fuck me… I want a harem of Asian women who walk around wearing only thong loincloth things

And I will make many halfnhalf babies

Thongs and loincloths it is then!





I agree but I'd fuck them all probly.


Gonna need some more bald Asian snatch. Me rikey




They're so smooth when they want to be. Why do most of them have nasty jungle bushes?

I think i could get into asian porn if it were japanese or chinese asian, without all that censored bullshit.. also no

>"Well, my great grandparents came over here from china"

I want to play with those nipples so bad...

Apparently there were pearl diving girls that used to go to work every day in nothing but a thong and a bigass knife they would use to cut open the clams. Pretty cool bit of history there. I wish they still did that.




>That girl on the right making the stupid face

>That one girl in the middle who remembered to shave

Right, dug this one up just for you, bro

This one too



Shit tier Indonesian/Filipino Asian chimps.

I like when girls bully each other too, but I don't ave a lot of that.

Holy shit that's perfection

Well ,then why don't you post some cuter girls? Or more chimps, those are nice too. I actually like the southeast asia chimp girls better.





I want to make them squeeeeeeeel
and moan in that high pitched voice they cant control

This is one of those topless pearl divers I was talking about earlier. Hard to find pics in color for them.

That pic is from a promo shot for a Japanese comedy that came out in the 80s. It's still hot tho. You liar

Well how was I supposed to know that? I'm not the master porno wizard, I just search for sexy pictures.

Thanks anyway, though! I'll keep that in mind next time it comes up!