
Other urls found in this thread:




ask the good people at area 519 dash 455 dash 4007 how long they are going to allow that unemployed loser to live there.

It's this disgusting old bag who sneaks around at night peeking in people's windows and damaging their homes and cars.



This was stupid the first time I saw it.


I hear she's hoping her mom dies soon so she can get the house







Oink Oink

Ah the pussy turducken.




dis thread sucks





Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry
>We need better simulations
>We need better vocabulary
>We need better traitors
>We need better goals

This was actually informative.

Quickmeme.Com using old Sup Forums posts as new meme, I am disgusted

>people with guns stop other people with guns
LMAO, okay

you suck ass

Thats what the cops do. Of course we could take the guns away from cops. Yeah.

no u

is this actually true?

Oldfag to the rescue. I will make this thread funny.





fine, let me re-write that for you to better state the statement.
>Citizens with guns stop other people with guns that are shooting up the location they are at in the USA


Why so europoor? Why can't you take responsibility for your own life?


Hurry up faggot


I'm posting as fast as I can.

reminds me of the opposite of that copy posta when user works at a block buster and dates this girl that has him hear this thing over his dick to make it bigger and he gets cucked by jamal



The cancer is burning up this thread

OH shit I remember that one








This is one photo that still confuses to this very day. I know it is highly photoshopped but still weird as fuck.

















Regardless of your politics, there's no punchline here






Agreed. It's a pretty flat statement.



















