How many people here actually think Hitler did anything bad? How do you back up your claims?

How many people here actually think Hitler did anything bad? How do you back up your claims?

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Yep, because I was told so by history books

god, I cannot wait for summer to be over...

Literally zero

How many people here actually think 70 year old jokes are funny? How do you back up your claims?

He wanted more government. More government is shit. Therefore, he was bad.

>70 year old jokes

What's the best thing about fucking 70 year olds?

There's 70 of them!!

The fall of the Riech is a major setback for modern science. That is about it.

>6 million of anything is too much of it dead.
>shit was pretty brutal
>only benefits to their existence came after their defeat, so that their technology could be used by a free world

Very few good things. Too much bad.

He started a world war that led to the deaths of millions of young people? All jews aside.

b8 M8

You realize you can simply walk away from your computer at any time

No one is forcing you to be here

No one is forcing you to respond to shit you don't like

No one is forcing you to waste your summer complaining about the summer

Go outside

No, you mean what he wanted was bad. He himself was a pretty great guy.

No, the kikes started the war and Hitler was trying to defend Germany. I guess you've only heard the jew version of events....

They didn't even have a country, much less a military. I'm not defending jews, but if you think WWII wasn't a disaster, you're under 12.

I think he did bad things.
He was a human.
Pobody's nerfect.

Where did I say it wasn't a disaster?

Underrated post
Nano thread
The greatest threat, or our only hope? As I laid in bed staring at electron micrographs of virus the thought occupied my mind, that perhaps virus are the only thing preserving carbon life in the universe.
It is possible that this universe is a simulation by a higher form of life that is attempting to exterminate carbon life from it's own universe.
>We need immortality
>We need to colonize mars
>We need to terraform earth
>We need to mitigate seismic instability
>We need better nuclear facilities
>We need better grand designers
>We need better air quality control
>We need better understanding of our drugs
>We need better surveillance
>We need better dentistry
>We need better simulations
>We need better vocabulary
>We need better traitors
>We need better goals

hitler was a psychopathic mass murderer. but it's 2017 and fucktards gotta fucktard.

gott mittens

How can you protect people without hurting people? Or perhaps value all people instead of your own peoples superiority?

automatic script posting

He's cool with me

If you're unironically defending Hitler, you don't deserve to breathe our atmosphere.

Nope Op here I posted this thread

You didn't answer my question

i did one thing right

He was afraid. Look at what the jews did to Russia around the that time. Just google bolshevik jews.

The only thing i know for sure is that the SS came to took my great grandfather for hiding jews and other enemies of the german state. He was in a camp from 42-45 untill he managed to escape. He lost 60 kilogrammes while he was there, i dont know any more than that. So i know for a fact that Hitler did something bad to my family.

I don't have time to explain to you. Ask your teacher.

You don't have time?? Then why are you here on Sup Forums


Did you ever consider that your family did something even worse to Hitler?



it seems if your on this website you have nothing but time

He lost the war. How is it anything but bad ?

Offcourse, but i think its a bit extreme thats all. Thats all i know for fact about the whole mass murdering stuff.

>I don't have time to explain
>But I have time to post in a thread I don't like

Would you mind taking the time?


What if Hitler's soul had the lowest vibration and agreed to embody with soul mission good to go.



you gotta see what they did to germany back then.

>geee jews jews jews.
ffs stfu jews were not the only fags who died durring ww2.




Hitler survived the war and lived out his days in Argentina. Many of his scientists and commanders went to work for the United States government. See 'Operation Paperclip'. A large portion of Nazi Germany survived and thrives today inside the United States. And with them survives their ideologies.


Literally did nothing wrong aside from losing. All the triggered babies here need to do some learning.

Tesla dieing and having his work plagiarized has had a bigger impact on humans than either War.


sure kid, and santa claus lives in the north pole
how old are people on this site?

Did I offend jew? Please gascuse me for any transgressions you did nazi coming

A question, what is the "worse" thing they did? Im sure the people he hid had allmost no serious impact on his reign. I dont think any real leader should threat his people that way. Even if the people in question were conquered, im sure there was another, less drastic way.

I think a better question would be, "How many Jews use this site"?


You wouldn't happen to be from Palestine, would you?

nah man, mine is better

Part of what he said is fact. The U.S. did pardon thousands of high ranking Nazis, gave them citizenship and created communities for them here in the U.S. with cozy government jobs.

Didn't the guy who punched him turn out to be a broken man that got dominated?

why you ask?

and we still punch their grand kids today

overzealous nationalism is a stupid idea and you're stupid if you don't realize that.

>guy who punched him was a bitch boi that gets dominated on porn
Yeah I guess that checks out for you libtards.

>loving one's own people is stupid
Fuck off you degenerate traitor.

Losing, best thing the fuhrer ever did.

be a fucking individual instead of a drone, for fucks sake. The future doesn't need those kind of robots.


Lol that dumb nig hitler. Everything was going in his favor until he fucked with Russia.

Hmm. Hitler, rhymes with nigger! What a coincidence

Hitler had one testicle, you just like traps OP

>6 gorillion jews

Lmao, 2017 and still believing the holohoax

this, the guy that sucker punched him is literally a shit eating cuckold.

Hitler also would inject himself with bull semen and had notorious flatulence

So you don't think all the issues going on for the white race and white countries in general don't stem from whites having very low in group preference? You seem like you really want whites to hate themselves and just worry about themselves. I wonder who could be behind this post?

>how do I tell everyone I don't actually understand anything I read beyond what it takes to identify it as "bad" and post an appropriately responding meme without actually saying all that?

Nailed it.

I'm sorry but spencer's voice is definitely gay, shouldn't have been punched though

german woman would fuck russian soldiers just for a piece of chocolate when they came. many germans are part russian today lol

>doesn't deny that his hero literally ate shit and got dominated
This isn't just some stupid shitposting, the guy actually did it and is actually a cuck. No exaggeration at all, look it up.

He did not finished the job.

what hero man?


> white countries in general

Honestly Europeans, Jews and Arabians go around causing problems everywhere they go. For themselves and others, constantly harassing non Christians non Muslims etc.

It's your own fault. Your problems are your own retardation, Jews are not oppressing you.

The same way you tell blacks pull yourselves up it's your choice, you can always stop watching big black dick porn u faggot

a monument to a true man.

>believes Christians are the problems
>has no idea about the nigger issues or kike issues
I wish I could be as ignorant as you. Only sitting back and attacking the easiest targets I can find, using jokes told to me by unfunny tv hosts, and letting other people tell me exactly what to think. It would be so easy.

They must both be cucks then lol have you heard spencer's voice {{FaBuLouuuussss}}¢¢¢

Oh, right, I forgot we have a difference of opinion because you used delusions as the basis for deductions.

>all the issues going on for the white race
You're still better off in the world as a white male than any other combination, even if that genetic accident isn't quite as cushy as it used to be before all those pesky abolitionists and civil rights activists came along.

>white countries in general
Again, still better off living in predominantly white western countries than anywhere else in the world, regardless of your race.

>You seem like you really want whites to hate themselves and just worry about themselves.
I don't think anyone should hate themselves, and I think everyone should just worry about themselves. Ethnic pride in any case is fucking stupid.

>I wonder who could be behind this post?
Yes, the jews are behind everything you don't like, just like how all the libruls' enemies are hitler. You're all fucking stupid.


Who brought the black slaves?
Spain - white Christians.
Who set them free? Lincoln - white Christian.

Who writes the lyrics for and buys the majority of "GIBME MUH REPRASHUNS BITCH BETTA HAV MUH MUHNNY I'LL KILL YO ASS" rap music? -white Christians.

Who spreads that shit across the world? White Christians.

Who buys majority of interracial cuck porn? White Christians

> STOP blaming the Jews and blacks. No one forced you to invade India, China, Africa, etc.

And kill yourself please

>better off as a white male
You mean where you get fired if you stand up for yourself or your people? You mean the one group that isn't allowed to have pride in its people or else they raciss?

>Again, still better off living in predominantly white western countries than anywhere else in the world, regardless of your race.
They were made this way by white people, for white people.

>ethnic pride in any case is fucking stupid
So everybody should just lose all sense of self or pride. Gee you really seem to hate the idea of people having their own culture or background.

>i'm a centrist that means I'm smarter than both sides
No, that just means you're either too stupid or too cowardly to form real views on anything.

Stopped reading there, if you're this ignorant and want to bring up slaves as a "oh poor black people aren't whites the devil" argument there's no point in you even breathing.

He killed Hitler.

>I didn't read

You read the whole thing.

For America it was Europe, I said before "Europeans, Arabs, and Jews",

We're talking about euro Christians here not Arabs.

You pretend like Europe did nothing wrong when I give you proof of the opposite you can't handle it and squeal like a baby


Please, kill yourself

Wow no wonder Christian whites have been in Africa for forever and the condition is so shit,

Meanwhile China has bearly been there and they already have high speed rails, running water, airports, wow the yellow people are a godsend compared to whites

yuo are a fagot here y. Sup Forums belong us not summer go now.

choose one fgt