Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
how many times do you guys masturbate a day?
i masturbate 4 times a day, is that a lot?

Same user,prob more then 4 most days to be honest

Only the once but today it lasted for six hours.

Sometimes up to three times a day. most days don't do it at all.

Three times on average.
I'm no longer in control...

same yeah untill yesterday when i decided to take a break for a week so i can enjoy it again

I jack on usual anywhere from once a day to 12-15 times a day.

Depends on your sex drive, everybody's different.

Myself personally, I sometimes have bouts of hyper sexuality so sometimes I just jack and jack and jack and jack till I physically wear my junk out till the point it bleeds.

Probably 4 as well

once a week maybe longer.

gotta say it was hard af the first morning since i often fap one out when i wake up

12-15 times well holy shit, doesnt that hurt?

I like taking a shit load of muscle relaxers then jerking off. My eyes twitch when I cum

12 to 15 times that must hurt

12 to 15 times that probs hurts

Once every other day or so is enough to satisfy me, but that's just because I'm not a little bitch who can't edge for more than 4 hours.

Man, sometimes I wake up at 2 am and don't manage to cum before sunrise.
I guess we're all fucked, in a way.

24hour rule

You might think so, but surprisingly not. It's just the same as jacking the first time, just you're a little more worked up than usual.

Other than that, its all good. Just have to handle yourself properly as to not wear it down.

> 4 times a day, is that a lot?
no. i go at least that. the most i've gone in one day is 10 times. i average 5 times a day normally.


usually twice but I'm on a 16 day no fap streak my best effort ever

Sometimes I get hard, fap for a few minutes and then just stop. I'm often not even in the mood to cum.

Last time I came was like 2 weeks ago

on average once. at most 3 times. recently discovered doing butt stuff (homo) and it's the greatest, so thats increased it a bit.
Dunno if anyone's had anything like this before, but at the moment, when I cum basically nothing comes out. like, the tiniest amount. it's disconcerting af, wasn't always like that

^got that too, barely any cum when i fap

Hardly ever. Wife gives it up whenever I want it so I just bust in her cunt or mouth or whatever.

Some general advice.
Fap less often.

Stop watching porn completely, forever.
That might take a few weeks of no fap, and probably a few attempts before you reach it.
But once out of it, as the months go by, you'll feel a lot better, no longer dependent on it, and with a cleaner mind, you'll feel free from it.

After the porn is under control, from 2-3 weeks no fap, just masturbate to you imagination about a girl you've spoken to and like.
Imagine penetrating her in first person, keep it simple.
Masturbate 3-4 times a week, you should be fine.

Don't no fap for too long as that might reduce your over all libido.

No porn dude.
You are stuck in a habit, I doubt you even enjoy it really.

Reduce fapping, little by little.
Distract yourself with things that keep you busy or around other people.

You are training your brain to sit on your butt and do nothing all day.

used to jack off every day and night for years in a row
suddenly the urge stopped as soon as i turned 17
i think my dick is retarded

Anywhere from once a week or so to 5-6 times a day, varies a lot