Alright Sup Forums, i need to feel tonight. I love resorting to the movie "Her"...

Alright Sup Forums, i need to feel tonight. I love resorting to the movie "Her". What are some similar movies i can feel to?

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It's a different kind of feel, but it got me good. I also love her, so maybe kindred spirits.

Frank was a pretty interesting movie. I liked it.

Lost in Translation. Gets me every time.

I saw that movie last week. Didn't care for it.

Blue Valentine got me post break up



Green Mile

The people who said Frank, I'm honestly concerned for your mental well being. Fassbender is fantastic, but that movie is just fucking strange. Do yourself a favor and watch Lost in Translation.

Different kinda feels, but it'll work.

Every. Fucking. Time.
I like to watch it with ladies to see their reaction, cry/10.

Also, this.


Also Drive, American Beauty, Millenium Actress...
My go to movie is The Tree of Life though, gets me every time but you got to be patient and 'observant' to appreciate Terrence Malick.
I kinda sound like an elitist ass there, sorry, I'm drunk and I can't find the good words.

Dancer in the dark. also cyclo and go go second time virgin.

i loved drive, the aesthetics alone are comfy. but imlooking for feels. that movie didnt do it for me.

this movie is complete garbage fuck anyone who says otherwise

I was smiling today and was told there's nothing to smile about. I stopped smiling and haven't smiled since.

I see, did you watch any of the three others I suggested though ?

American Beauty is bredy good, but I don't think it gave me feels. Must watch anyways.

actually the only movie that made me cry holy shit

i have not. will definitely take note of them though

The Shawshank Redemption.

It's casual tier, but that final scene gets me every time.

I cry to this movie every fucking time

It made me cry too. I cried because of how fucking shitty it was.

I'm puzzled, no feels in American Beauty ? WAT

I highly recommend this if you want to feel things.

Oh shit, I remember now.

Holly shit, this movie almost made me kms. Really good tho.

Born into Brothels.

I can affirm this.
I felt like I didn't need to ever see another movie again. Like, I had pretty much seen all there really is for a movie to show you at that point.


Yes you do !

Hey thanks user, wanted to watch it 7 years ago and I totally forgot it even existed, that's the next thing I watch !


Falling Down with Michael Douglas

This one is a classic, I remember watching it as a kid. Pretty feeler if you ask me.


that movie sucks dick OP

This brings the feels for me. My dad isn't dead yet or dieing but he tells me a lot of stories from "back in the day". Just makes me think how shitty it's gonna be when he goes. Not sure if anyone from his stories will show up though. We've been going to everyone else's funerals. Seems like my dad might out live all of his friends. I've heard some of his stories several times but after seeing that movie i don't stop him. I just appreciate the time we have.

Manchester by the Sea
The Lobster

Yeah and I recently found out it's based on a novel by Daniel Mannix. I'm going to order it. It's apparently very different, sort of like Call of the Wild by Jack London

This guy fucks.

damn, youve got quite the dad user


Some may say it's overrated, but Inception got me.

Of course, didn't want to post because of the potential "muh overrated movie iz shiet" but damn, the feels !

I don't think it's overrated, but Gravity is pretty overrated.

i actually plan on watching this with some friends tomorrow, but good choice user, it is pretty depressing if you think about it

Cloud Atlas

Samefagin really hard here, but you anons must watch any of these if you haven't already.

This niggas.

I've heard people say that a lot but the movie was kind of shitty plotwise. The father/son relationship and the son's innocence towards the apocalypse were the only redeeming things.

Yo true story, no fucking movie has ever made me bitch cry like a little faggot the way this movie does.

I could be fucking Kim k in the ass on a bed of money while Donald trump dressed as a clown fists himself with elmers glue as lube with one direction playing and I'd still bawl like a little baby for this shit.

I dont know what's wrong with me man

I don't wanna be "that guy" but the book is an immaculate piece of art while the movie just kind of doesn't do it

McCarthy is by far the greatest living novelist though

Spike Jonze also made another film that made me cry. Where the Wild Things Are is somewhat depressing (really fucking depressing if you think about it) and I almost cry everytime I see it.

Such a great film and great filmmaker. I also love his creation of Viceland and his work with Jackass.