listen to your body for it knows more than you by default edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Man Like Elmer
RYM Discord.
this is how we do it down in puerto rico
L "Y" J Is Dat Ploymath, And Boi, He Bout To Do It! (Listen To And Rate Some Obscure But Good Free Improv Albums That Have Less Than 10 Ratings, That Is!)
Not in the real world, no.
Hi how are you?
shut up! stop posting!
>black up
also make sure you select a favorite off 2010, I'd lean toward How I Got Over if I were you
>This whole time I never had a favorite for 2010 picked.
Thanks for the heads up.
If they knew who the real L "Y" J was, they would know that their profile page says "Male" anyways.
Still cant log into Sonemic
i'm still relatively new to the site oi oi oi
>no ones even being mean yet
go fuck yourself
Sonemic will NEVER go past beta!
mama, do you see what i see
stop saving your shits in jars sal
i wonder what sal was like before he started to go on Sup Forums
probably a nice little boy
that's weed bro
why would you smoke poop?
>3500 albums and singles
>1000 films
>800 games
too few or too many?
How can one man be so based?
L "Y" J The Most Blunted
thread ruined
any of you have glitchwave profiles yet?
does detrannymentalillness even lift
Hi Sup Forums! How are you?
Based Bitch Posters
i hope you're right
He's just a poseur who thinks he's a female because he's a submissive bitch, loves gossip and takes estrogen pills.
This, but unironically.
Don't we all?
thinking of changing to a 5 point scale what do you reckon?
>but muh curve
who gives a fuck
who cares
do whatever you want to do
if i knew what i wanted to do i wouldn't be asking you dumbass
why do you always act defensive and aggressively
weigh the pros and cons
pros: ????
cons: you'd have to go back and change things
he started it
don't cringe at the truth
you're a retard Sal
Why must sonemic be so disappointing.
There's some very nice elements, but the presentation makes me want to dig my eyes out with a spoon.
Why did you cut your hair? Did Bayar talked you into this?
It was too much work to take care of with how damaged it was from bleaching it.
I want to grow it out, but as my natural color.
Plus it was fucking hot having it long.
Still don't get why everyone mentions bayar around me.
I don't see it.
That sounds like most of RYM desu
that's not me homes
Detrimentalanesthesia Is Dat Polymath-Transgender, And Boi, She Bout To Do It! (BTFO Some Alt-Right Nu-Males, That Is!)
you don't have any friends
you'd prefer to believe that wouldn't you
You work at a pizza place, you betray friends, you shame transgender people and you let yourself get manipulated by complete strangers online. Kill yourself.
none of this proves the notion that i have no friends, sorry.
>you betray friends
you mean complete strangers lol
this is you in flick form
i have no friends
no it's this
is my computer glitchin or does the animation suck on this
sal is an institution, he's been here since 2014
don't bully him, children
yo what pizza place does sal work at
does he make the pizzas or deliver it?
confirmed sal smokes literal shit
you are, literally
>kt has been dead since 2014
they don't have a clue about what's going to happen
THE ANSOLUTE nazi friending, daddy's moneying, backstabbing, dead cating, cock posting, dadrock listening, pizza delivery boying, no friendings LAD
you forgot the ted-tier idea videos he posts
Redpill me on Doeme
who is the oldest person in these threads
I'm 26
I'm some centuries old, my existence is a gift to the world.
seriously kill yourself
are u a real grill tho
you can't kill what has no life
pic of bosom for proof
Quints and i post my face
Protip: you can also consider me a cat if you don't believe me :D
stop giving the attention whore what she wants
why is sal scared of gay people?
t. sal
I'm sals friend
they ruin the social fabric, also most of them are pedophiles
Is out there an Android app of RYM?
not all gay people are life ruiners you retard
fuck off altar boy
Post a retard