Lifelong Atheist (i guess agnostic is closer) wonders how fellow /b tards would react:

Lifelong Atheist (i guess agnostic is closer) wonders how fellow /b tards would react:

How would you react if:
>user based conclusions on empirical data, >Uses logic, reason, and a sound mind as the basis of deduction
> then user has experience that is equa to in all reality a statistical IMPOSSIBILITY.
>multiple events and occurrences that coincide so rapidly and so Specific to past, and present life it disturbs
>wat do when only logical conclusion left is what akin to a spiritual awakening or a call to something (whatever that may be) greater than yourself contacting you
>occurrence is long after you have a period in your life where everything is destroyed, Marriage, Loss of home, Loss of career job. Refused to kill self because family is good people didn't deserve relatives brain matter on floor.

>wat do?

Minimize shitposts or "hurr biblethumper retarded"/Go unto the church of jehovah honey chile!.

inb4-Drugs, BS you're just dumb, Mental patient. etc etc

TL;DR Logical agnostic, gets mind totally fucking blown, cannot explain without Occams razor pointing at a G man type (not government God I figure he'd be a homie if he was there) Also may or may not be a Sup Forums camwhore :o

I fucked up tje second line of the greentext Mother fuck bitch stick kike nigger fuck.

*shrug* is cool.

>user based conclusions on empirical data
>Uses logic, reason, and a sound mind as the basis of deduction
> then user has experience that is equal to in all reality a statistical IMPOSSIBILITY.
>multiple events and occurrences that coincide so rapidly and so Specific to past, and present life it disturbs

wait it's right on 4chins box fuckit.

what the fuck are you talking about?

You think some series of unrelated, but improbably events prove/disprove God? Then every lottery winner is a proof for God and every lottery loser a proof against Gods existence.

>Some Series of unrelated (wrong)
>Improbable Not = to Statistically impossible (lrn to read)
>Prove God
Literally never said that, said mind the sequence of events as well and strange things to happen were SO vast and SO specific that it's becoming difficult to assume they are just PURELY coincidental.
In fact after a certain point when do you start to notice a pattern and choose not to acknowledge it because you don't believe in a God
Never said i believe in a God I am saying it's getting almost Retarded to assume it's NOTHING not influenced by anyone or anything

Let me ask you fag, if you won the lottery 10 months in a row, would you just chuck it up to pure luck or maybe think there was some explanation you werent aware of.

Just because we can't explain what something is or who caused it DOES NOT mean that is PROOF that there is NOTHING I am not saying GAWD O HALLELUJAH I am saying after a certain point your an idiot if you keep just going "noipe nope nope we only know about 2% of universe BUT DAS IMPOSDABLE!


>watch Hawkings documentary about how God doesn't exist
>intensely depressed, ready to end it all due to lack of purpose or meaning
>living just to live is not living
>on the toilet praying to God
>praying literally nonstop
>decide this is the last time and ask for proof
>a condom falls onto the floor in front of me
>no wind, and also no condoms located above the toilet in any way
>condoms kept in their box until they are used in a separate room
>somehow know that whoever I use this condom on is the woman I will marry
>i'm not married to her yet but I did use the condom
>our son's in the other room and the date is set for next year
Belief comes and goes. And nobody would ever believe my ridiculous story. There's no reason to lie about it either and I could come up with a much better coming-to-believe-in-God miracle. Don't fight it so hard. Just believe. Belief never hurt anyone. Or don't.

Btw great job using the EXTREMES as an example to prove nothing "relgifag/athiest ZERO middle ground between them"
and also Ad Hom trying to paint me as "OH MA LOAWD JESUS HE DUN SWAVED ME!

Why not bother reading the post jagoff and give an opinion rather than complain and criticize here I'll translate yours

"No a series of events that coincide and sync up don't give proof of some higher power or being"

See not that hard is it?

Wait holy shit your serious? dude come on you gotta be fucking with me
I mean honestly kudos to you if your life got better, I think if I told you the whole story you might poo your pants a little bit. Honestly at this point it's getting kind of hard for me not to think it's some prolonged strange dream. Heh even my pops who's lifetime (ONLY LOGIC) guy insane skeptic (nothing wrong with that i was raised skeptic it's the shit) and he's like "honestly I have no explanation whastoever if it happened once or twice or if it was a stretch to connect the events yeah ok, but over and over with such specific wording and definition, down to the day or hour and even name" he's at a loss so am I honestly

If God is doing overt things that you have come to see, there's some reason you're getting to see it. So whatever is going on with you, stop fighting it. Just relax.

To be honest I agree with you 100%, I really am a life long agnostic, and never went to church. But this past week, is i think the first time in about 16 years that I have purpose, that something was spelled out to me so clear as day that I would be an idiot not to listen. I guess i came on here trying to see how many people would bother to spend 2 minutes in anything but a
Tribute/trap/rekt/diaper pron/ dick rate bread

Sorry /b tards not sorry though.

Thanks for being reasonable, you know I am more convinced than ever that uber athiestfag are just as close minded if not more so than your average religifag. To ignore clear connection and specific explanations given because it contradicts your belief (i.e there CAN'T to be a God) is the very definition of Dogmatic.
God i bet they would fucking rage if they heard how much of a hypocrite they are, they epitomize that which they claim to despise hah

Anyways thanks again enjoy your weekend good sir 8).

>statistical IMPOSSIBILITY
Investigate how something I thought was impossible is actually possible. Might lead to some interesting scientific discovery.

Think of something that is super rare, like life in the universe for example, now consider how many chances life has in the whole universe, all places and all time, suddenly life becomes a necessity.

No matter how impossible something seems, its never impossible, it happened didnt it.
Making an argument from ignorance like this makes me question if you truly do use logic and reason.

Oh and dont forget bias and how the human mind looks for meaning in everything.

>if you won the lottery 10 months in a row, would you just chuck it up to pure luck or maybe think there was some explanation you werent aware of.
Of course I'd think there's an explanation. I'd assume some shadowy HUMAN forces are pulling some strings for unknown reasons. But you're probably exaggerating the improbability of whatever happened.

have you considered the difference between that thing happening to you or that thing happening eventually to someone.

also i like how you dont tell us what that thing is so we cant laugh at you for jumping to conclusions.

Ohhhh, I get it. You're literally at the first step of being religious.
> stuff happens
> can't explain it, must be random
> doesn't seem random
> still can't explain why rt happens or it does seem to follow a pattern
> must be a god like entity making this happen
Or you know, you could just accept that you're so desperate to look for meaning in something that you do not understand, you imagine some magical being pushing stuff in exactly the positions you observed.

Not just purpose first time since I was 9 i've actually been happy, weird. I was hoping I would die just a few weeks ago, ironically the only praying I did was to let me die already.

anyways i'm done just checking the status of /b

Unchanged lol

It's on thing to have multiple unlikely events occur
It's damn near impossible to have upwards of 10-20 of them occur simultaneously and have every single one (as well as pages, numbers etc) coincide exactly with what was going on or being deconstructed. Again it would be one thing If i went to starbucks and they already had my drink with my name, whoa cool, lucky. It's another thing entirely if i go to starbucks and they have my drink, my dogs name, what my first embarassing experience was, a cupcake cause they knew i was wanting sugar and brought out an air compressor cause they also knew my tire was flat

Again you guys ever wonder how many things have to coincide and fit perfectly before you consider the POSSIBILITY that there is maybe SOMEthing bigger than just us faggot humans REALLY. I'm not saying GO RED YER BIBLE AND REPENT

I am saying this is truth, regardless if allllll of /b yells fag at the same time and perma bans me nobody is or would be able to prove otherwise, Even the empirical data points towards something being an influence and it sure as hell aint my ex wife.

Bro I am REALLY NOT like seriously I am talking about something that described my experience over the past 16 years including my childhood (where i suffered severe depression my parents only recently found out about)
Every time I kept trying to figure out another puzzle piece it literally fell into my lap in one ridiculous and unexplainable way after the other, and not just happening a story wrtitten here and there and weirdest of all every puzzle piece that linked was described with my name Over and over and over I think it's the most I've ever seen my name.

I was literally brought from a high excited point to a low cothardic weeping that helped me to accept some divorce shit i never got closure on cause my wife walked out after 5 years no explanation.

It's been nuts

lol what's funny is if i do get religious (which i won't cause i still hate organized religion and church) but if i get spiritual and have faith. That's cool who cares?

Also just fyi I was desperate 3 years ago man, I was at my lowest point then. Right now I am just coasting, I may have wanted to die but that's kind of been the norm for the past 16-18 years since i was 9.

My mom survived stage 4 cancer and I didn't think God saved her.

What I'll accept is that there are explanations, then there are things that we can't explain but probably some force we don't understand (not god just something in physics or anything really)
Then there was the shit that occured that was so specific, so personal and so stunning in it's timing and accuracy that personally i feel anyone who ignores it is more dogmatic than I am.

Simply because at this point my reasoning that would take place to DENY that there was something influencing these things would be a dogmatic principle tied to "there CAN't BE A GOD) not based on reasoning logic and deduction.

After the first half of these things happened i was tripped out but chalked it up to weird and surprising coincidence.
After these past few days as well as it continuing, Fine call me a religifag all day long I aint going to church but you better fucking believe this shit is NOT kosher.

Seriously with a majority of the universe unknown how are you all so certain you know for sure, isn't that kind of stupid and presumptuous. I mean i'm not saying have faith I am saying be open to the possibility that there could be a higher level of intelligence or cognizant being. It's really not that crazy. you think we don't exist because ants don't bother believing in us?

>but if i get spiritual and have faith. That's cool who cares?
you should and if you continue to call yourself logical or rational i will care.

>Seriously with a majority of the universe unknown how are you all so certain you know for sure
strawman aka putting words in our mouths, you dont understand atheism.

The reason I am not explaining is it would literally take about 3 hours to explain (to describe my upbringing, experiences throughout life, and how all of that ties into what is currently occuring)

Do you honestly think I am having a life changing experience and I can just explain it in 1 fucking sentence, come on fag think a second will you.

Honestly though I don't mind giving ppl a trash email to send shit too, I may indeed be willing to talk to anyone who isn't some Dogmatic religious faggot like YOU who has already made up your mind.

How do you not see that you are EXACTLY like the uber religious person who preaches door to door because he is CERTAIN there is the God in the bible? really mental gymnastics

> i can accept there is an explanation i don't know
> but it definitely has to do with me as a being and is not an independent chain of events

> seriously with the majority of the universe unknown and most physical/mathematical concepts still being hidden away, how can you be sure it wasn't just a cosmic coincidence?
> because it's me! I'm special, it's talking to me, i'm one of the few that got to see the face of god

Honestly, it sounds more like you're developing schizophrenia.

How do you not see that in the mirror you are are simple 100% as dogmatic as a religious guy pushing Jehovah on other people? EXACTLY the same.

Believe it or not you can be logical and rational and still understand that the universe consists of many things we don't fully understand.

For example, care to explain to me the cariable that causes a change in Patterns during the dual slit or double slit experiment?
Why when measured or observed a particle or wave will present with alternative wave patterns depending on the detection of a particle through a slit?

Care to tell me in a sentence how the duality of wave particle behavior in light is modulated?


>literally you and
I am not putting words in your mouth you are assuming things about me.

For example i said spiritual and have faith.
Everyone has faith I have faith life will bring me some chick that i can blow my load on. Hell I had faith I would get to have buttsex in highschool and hallelujah it happened.

Spiritual so what, I like shinto buddhism because of it's respect and connection with nature as being part of the cycle this planet goies through.

Stars create complex compounds>settle as planets>Sometimes have suitable atmosphere>Life gets started with some amino acid or protein or something etc etc

Compounds being broken down, living things using them to reproduce, Living things die, GO back to the earth breakdown and get recycled to be used by further generations.

So you can keep caring about what some random user on the internet believes and has concluded is the truth or you can just accept that not only do people have different experiences but that a majority of our universe is not known, explored, or even close to being experienced by us puny humans.
Net went down probably404


Read david ikes book about the lizard people conspiracy. Its similar to OP with how everything in his life and all these events lead to the world being controlled by lizard people.

OP give us some examples of these amazing events that are just beyond the possibility?

P.S OP you're obnoxiously arrogant, work on that

Ok so this is true, let me rephrase and create a more concise statement

Consider if something were so statistically minute the p;robability of it occuring in this universe and this time, to this exact human being after these exact circumstances.

So it's all the other shit that has happened ON TOP of the fact this it lines perfectly, received a description and also events happening in my life at the times places and effecting the outcome of how those situations are concluded.

I completely agree logic and reason only work up until a certain point, However your argument also proves that when you deduced a conclusion for your reasoning you also had bias obviously.

I am not claiming not to be bias, nor am I claiming that ANY of you need to believe what i believe. It just so happens i had a series of experiences that were so perfect, specific, and impactual in my life that from MY perspective to view them as anything other than orchestrated or at the very least Influenced by an outside force with extensive knowledge and ability that even I had trouble reaching in terms of understanding my life and all the interactions I have encountered thus far.

Essentially, well here /b tards i'll put it in terms that are familiar, if a wild trap (or fag cause it's one of those don't lie) would you go on /b to try and confirm traps/fags actually exist or would you be like suuuuupppp.

I have skirted through life with above average intelligence, never had to study ( i mean i got b's but never studied rofl) also had pretty good luck with women (learned allot bitches b crazy) the point is Obviously I am not someone who just believes everything put in front of them in fact i have a tendency to question the fuck out of anything and try to look for the other side of the coin.

This is truth to me, honestly mock, try to disprove, rage all night.

Nothing you say or do can change and negate what i have seen experienced and witnessed.

YallDogmaticbA F.wut


Pretty much.
Go with God my son.

Lol but seriously let me ask you, considering that fact that we are puny tiny pathetic insignificant blips on the universal radar. How would you react if something happened to you that you could not explain with mental illness or just being stupid. I mean if you literally saw a chair hovering in your kitchen and you and a friend went up and moved it multiple times then everyone called you a retard cause you couldn't prove it and just figured you were a liar or had some mental problem or did drugs?

I mean seriously i'm not even talking about me now.

Any of you this was my original question. What would you do if something happened you were certain happened but defied all logic and reasoning up until this point of your life? That was my main point and stance.fuck

Care to explain how not knowing something, automatically means an entity exists that is manipulating it?

How can you not see, that you're literally doing what every religious person has done, only in the context of the universe.

> can't understand why a person does something? Must be a god/demon guiding them.
> can't understand the weather? Gods are making it
> can't understand a heliocentric world view? God is the sun and everything revolves around him
> can't understand space and time? God made it that way.
> can't understand the most detailed aspects of life and existence. Hey, maybe now we're finally correct with our god assumption.

> inb4 but my god is more of an energy or wave
Soo, it's not a god, it's likely one of the final mathematical building blocks of reality.

End questions is my #1 questions whole time. Not looking to explain something nobody cares about

Only question that i was curious about
Any of you this was my original question. What would you do if something happened you were certain happened but defied all logic and reasoning up until this point of your life?

Heh srsly abandoning bread now


Besides everything else, you definitely have aspergers.

Thats going to make it harder for you to accept reality over your own convictions than a normal person.

If your argument is "but something really unlikely happened to me!" Then that's retarded cus there's 7 billion people in the world right now all having events every day. Something really unlikely is bound to happen. You compared what happened to you as likely as winning the lottery over and over. I think if we actually heard what happened we would pick it down to a lot more likely than you think. And then laugh at you

I am also awesome, Good looking, I sex the womens, I am super cool, Fucking 17 inch boner,

not to mention

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I would chalk it up to coincidence like anyone with half a brain would. Ive had fucking insane super unlikely shit happen to me and i didn't believe it was demons guiding the events, because im not crazy and desperate for meaning.

My name is guido and a fucks ma bitch

I am also awesome, Good looking, I sex the womens, I am super cool, Fucking 17 inch boner,

not to mention

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I probably start to videotape it/look for an explanation.
If as you described, the behavior would suddenly cease, so that it would be impossible for me to prove.
I'll have to assume, I'm being watched by the entity manipulating stuff and thus would try to communicate with it, explaining, that it would be much more effective to show itself and interact/communicate, instead of silly chair hovering.
It's logical to assume however it wouldn't respond or only in a cryptic way, which would lead to me trying to agonize it. Until it gets so annoyed it will manipulate me directly/in a way I can prove.

> booohoo i'm a spooky ghost
> cool, what do you want
> i've been slighted in a prior life and want revenge!
> sooo, do you want to kill me? Someone else? Be spooky?


> flip his main argument, remains just as valid
> yaaaaawn
So, you're dogmatic in the believe that supernatural stuff exist?

OPs gone full head in the sand. Just another crazy religious person who can't handle having his beliefs questioned.

Move along people, nothing to see here

as silly as your example is i actually really appreciate you answering the question objectively instead of making it personal or trying to prove something

I'm sure there was still some level of mockery which i cannot blame you for, but honestly thank you for being the only individual on /b who could answer it without making it personal or trying to prove something one way or the other, I never came here to "convert the non believers"

lol ANAL HU SNAKBAR urybody

>attacks me instead of defending his positions
>still doesnt understand atheism
>changes subject to something totally irrelevant to the conversation just to tell me how i know nothing about it without ever hearing anything i have to say about it

OP is insane and not in any way logical or rational, sage.

No. But it's ok don't worry bruddah, here I'll make this easy for everyone to dismiss already

Go with God my sons, accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, jehiovah be with you allllllllallllallallalahu salam abdhu, *generic religious statement*Yes exactly Really i wanted just to say have you accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior? Get on it buddy/
Jesus H christ i must be bored if still responding

Your welcome. I've never had such an experiences and don't think they genuinely happen.
But I would be excited to get the opportunity to explore such an experiences and have pondered how one could act within it, to achieve a provable result.

>was only pointing out the hypocrisy in your stance
>was not literally yelling at you
>seriously how do you not understand the bold letters are sarcastic overdramatic representations of you
>fucking christ i don't wanna live on this planet

Sage in all fields needs to 404 so i can move on why did i even bother -_-

>sarcastic overdramatic representations of me
>who never talked about physics or made any claims

Yeah, whatever.

FUCK regardless of everything said in this thread, you're so fucking annoying. I bet everyone hated you in school and you decided that they were just jealous of your "intellect"

I completely respect and understand your stance, I wouldn't blame anyone for assuming such an experience would be genuine as opposed to some medical condition causing damaged perception or brain processing. It is absolutely reasonable for you to not expect such an experience.

Yeah I know what you mean in terms of attempting to see if something were indeed able to be assessed or somehow gauged while not causing a manufactured result I.E seeing or hearing what you want to.

Although personally I am less interested in trying to deconstruct how or what it is that affected change in my life I am simply impressed and i suppose in disbelief that something could be so specific and timed to coincide with not only past experiences but current ones.

If you ever get bored or are curious i can give you a trash email so we can talk but totally up to you I don't wanna bug ya if you''d rather just keep it hypothetical and i don't mind i'm lazy lol

Either way have a great night brother thanks again 8)

Sarcastic "My implication that you not having in depth knowledge of physics or the various mechanism in quantum mechanics is = to you not knowing anything"
*representing the fact that simply because you do not know the detailed explanation or reason behind a certain mechanism or action DOES NOT mean you cannot OBSERVE that action and deduce information from it while gatheting the knowledge to explain what processes caused it *science* essentially saying i observed these experiences I know they werent normal or common especially to me so that's good enough to know it's not simple

"Physics was representative of a vastly complex mechanism (life in this instance human life" and how although we may not know exactly how or what is causing an experience that doesn't negate or prevent genuine experiences that are outside the realm of conventional logic, scientific knowledge and not easy to put in simple terms, example"

Explain love to me in a concise sentence and I want you to represent the different types of love and exactly how it feels. We humans make shit complicated but sometimes it is complicated.

rofl i am really enjoying the rage it;s nice makes my dick super wet. Actually had a decent amount of friends but prefered good friends rather than allot.
Nobody was jealous of my "intellect" because I never centered my personality around comparing myself or feeling "superior" to others. Nice try though. Have a good night

> i'm less interested to deconstruct
See, for me the immediate question would be: Why me and what are they trying to achieve through/in me?

Well, I hope that the experiences have had some value for you. Whatever it may be, personally I think nothing happens without a motivation. So maybe keep an eye open, if it's guiding you towards or away from something.

Not that interested in the e-mail, but thanks.
Good night to you as well.

Well the reason I am not trying to deconstruct is that was already answered directly. What it is i need to do, how to do it, me turning away from being involved in this world (namely with people I am a hermit) is part of why I have had depression since very young (among other shit)

But yeah What freaked me out is everything I would read all had the same themes
*you have suffered, there are those actively working to hurt you or cause more misery, You havn't felt strong enough but You will get the answers now when you need them.

Then it goes into the pitfalls of trying to achieve my purpose (i had literally started falling into a pitfall that day and standing in my own way) and the weirdest things like My aunt gave me letters that were from a GF i dated ten years ago, i started reading them and it was same theme, then she starts listing about 6 to 8 sequences of numbers on the back and I start looking up what they are linked to and well just to give you an example I don't read the bible but a verse comes up as the first one and says "an Independent letter will be delivered to you from an alternate courier but these themes and truth are consistent throughout"
Meanwhile i got this from a letters my aunt had from a HS gf who fucking HATED religion with a passion (we were both like Fuck God and FUCK satan we're 17 gonna live forever lets fuck WOOOO) rofl meanwhile all the others verses sync up perfectly. Stuff like this over and over, and the ones I ignore end up popping up again and again until I look at them and go...uh wtf? It's like hey dumbass pay attention lol

But anyways thanks for being chill man

They have I'll leave you be man, thanks again for being a nice guy, I know I came off like a jerk off with these guys Just get annoyed when people can't be the least bit civil.

8) peace