I am seeing a lot of gay marriage shit being pushed on social media recently

I am seeing a lot of gay marriage shit being pushed on social media recently.

people are changing their pictures to include virtue signaling graphics

Here are a few images i prepared earlier. Id like to see people making more of this shit so it can be shared on faggotbook




Ausfags all changing their profiles



you're a bigot, but it doesn't matter, the civilized world is leaving gutter trash like you in the past. go ahead and believe what you want, because it's of no consequence. gg

Obvious troll, put some effort in it.

legalize threesomes and horse sex

I approve. I'm gay and I don't give a shit. Anyone who gets offended by this is someone who deserves to be offended.



what the fuck is this crazy shit


Itt scared white people


NNNNGH FUCKING FREAKS WHY CAN'T THEY BE NORMAL LIKE ME - someone who now holds a minority opinion







