Global warming is a hoax

>global warming is a hoax

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The world is warming, but there is no concrete evidence man is causing it. It's probably just nature being nature. No need to impoverish ourselves.

>Implying climate change = weather conditions in some muslim shithole no one gives a fuck about and is soon to be nuked for being a cancer to this planet

Fuck off cunt

Plz nuke. It might lower the temparatures a bit.

Pakistan is literally a desert

It was below freezing here in northeastern Pennsylvania. In mid fucking May. That's not to say it's not real, although it is overblown.

>American geography

May Allah have mercy upon your soul

This, but I still think it's a good opportunity to move away from fossil fuels.

It is just God punishing the Muslim world.

5°C here, in mid May

>global warming is real

Fill the void with nuclear.

At the expense of the expansion of heavy industry and the foundations of economic prosperity.

Couldn't agree more.

It is because I'm freezing

Pretty soon the Middle East and Africa are going to become uninhabitable dude to heat. I wonder where all those people are going to go

>Northern Penistan


>expansions of heavy industry

This is what nuclear power is for.

>Not a single snowflake in the winter
>Global warming is not real

How does it feel to be against science that has been settled with overwhelming consensus?

Yes you smelly paki cunt.

It's called "global", not "local" for a reason, you dirty goatfucker, now go ride your bus somewhere else.

>living in shit lands

*rubs hands together*
"yeeessss, yeeesssss"

There's snow outside atm and it's like 3 celcius.

On the 16th of May.

I'm sure the entire hydrocarbon industry would take issue with your suggestion.
The key to successful energy policy is to have a diverse energy mix.

it was snowing here two weeks ago.
global warming is a scam to remove even more of your wages.

>Thinks someone cares about his input.


So what? I'll be dead before the shit really hits the fan. The next cucked generation can drown in the rising sea for all I care

The next gen are gonna be your kids you nigger.

>muh anecdotal evidence doesn't mean global warning doesn't exist XDD

Fucking libtards, global warming is a fucking LIE spread by companies to sell green shit for higher prices. It's a fucking economy scam.

fuck off muslime

Scroll down to the ice cores and the geological evidence.
It's pretty obvious that the temperature fluctuates a lot over time.

having kids meme

Lol even accuweather thinks its funny


Based straya

30 years ago we were 'heading towards another ice age'
climate change is not new and man has nothing to do with it.