Polish Defense Minister accused of undermining military

>Several former Polish defense ministers are calling for the dismissal of the current minister, arguing that he is undermining the image of Poland's military within NATO and Polish society itself.

>The letter, made public Sunday, comes several days after Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz accused his predecessors of leaving the country defenseless with mismanagement and allowing Russian agents to influence military training.

>The signatories say Macieriewicz's claims aren't true. They said he has discredited the army, undermined the country's image with its allies and encouraged "aggressive activities against our country" by enemies.

>A spokesman for the president, an ally of the ruling Law and Justice party, denounced the letter as a "tool of the opposition" being used in a "political fight."

>The letter was signed by former Defense Ministers Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Bronislaw Komorowski, Radoslaw Sikorski, Bogdan Klich and Tomasz Siemoniak, and former deputy defense minister Janusz Zemke.

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My keiker counter is pinging a little high, but probably nothing to worry about.

Whats the problem if he wants to comb out the weak shit from the military?

It's probably just butt hurt cucks shilling against PiS; but would need Poles to confirm.


My guess is that it is simply the old elite trying to discredit the govenrment

Macierewicz called the out on their bullshit and they are now crying a river

it would have been pretty funny if not for the fact that it looks like those ex defence ministers and their commie friends have backing of the Uncle Sam

are you living under a rock or something?


AP report.

Some former heads think they are relevant. We are making Poland grate again and communists can go eat shit.

oh, so just regular scheduled EU crying that a country is going its own way.

He is a fuckin ill on his head.

pretty much this

>left-wing ministers denouncing right-wing

how unsurprising. They kick and scream until the day they are dead.

Of course they have backing of Uncle Sam. The US hates nothing more than nationalism in Europe. It was the whole point of NATO originally to keep every European country down and dependent on them.

Nationalism is the one thing that destroys their globalist goals. Anyone nationalist is an enemy of the liberal world order.

>Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Bronislaw Komorowski, Radoslaw Sikorski, Bogdan Klich and Tomasz Siemoniak, and former deputy defense minister Janusz Zemke

All typical, cosmopolitical, bought by western institutions, who place their personal gains over the good of the state. Unfortunately those gains are highly dependent on foreign institutions

Fuck what they say

so they each other call Russian spies and traitors

on the other side it seem the US supports both sides, so the usual divide & conquer strategy

BUT Macierewicz never tells "Polan is giving a blow job to America" no one so far has recorderd him telling dirty jokes and released it to public

and PiS knows better an average Pole while these guys are keen on helpful advices like "take loan and change yer job"

yeah, but the old """"elite"""" went off-track to be very, very modest

>My keiker counter is pinging a little high

You are a moron. In slavic languages the "-icz' or "-ić' in the balkans are just patrimonial sornames, Like "-son" in various Germanic laguages.


This guy looks like a villain from the Bond films

>elect PiS
>they give the police rights to read all of your conversations
>police can now use evidence obtained illegaly
>police can now shoot people dead (they could only shoot to harm, not to kill)
>the police now determines whether something is an act of terror or not
>the poice can now block websites
>foreign military can operate freerly in Poland

b-but at least we have no muslims, right?

He looks like a Jew. Observe the nose.

You should form your own opinions instead of implicitly trusting the first Polish flag that shows up. Our current government is very proud of its' cyber-warfare division, an it shows. I'm a #macierewiczmissile now.

nice try, Ahmad

Hardly. His entire political career is being affiliated with catholic and Christian movements.
He was expelled from school for refusing to denounce a pastoral letter of reconciliation for the 1000 year anniversary of baptism of Poland.

Plus he believes in kike zog nwo theories.

i would happily trade all of that for a country full of muslims.

Pretty much. Current gov implemented it's own patriot act and noone gave a shit about it. I wonder how many years will go before everyone realizes we live in our own shitty rendition of 1984.

Can't wait to see all those drooling retard repeating nutin2fear nutin2hide like a mantra.

But then again previous govt wanted to push the same changes, but they run out of time.

Paris attacks helped PiS a lot

Fuck them.
Stallman pls help


these are the top shills in Poland, their opinion is worthless

>5 politicians from the corrupt party voted out of power last year and a communist as a cherry on top.
Color me surprised.


they weren't any better, but macierewicz is another story, fucking paranoid schizo...

that's a good photo, though. looks like he can't hold himself back from showing his disdain for plebs.