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>dat feel when the blooper reels are 100 times funnier than the actual show



I don't want to be old...

>that episode where Ryan smashed his head against the desk neon sign but stayed in his party quirk character

>Drew Carrey will never beat the shit out of you, calling you a faggot while you cry on the ground.
>ten years later, you turn on the tv and see that he has his own sitcom as a loveable goof.

We're watching animal porn!

GOAT episode.

A huge part of that is that the improv is so neutered by sponsor driven censorship.
Seeing them rail against that, slip up and be human is something I think would have improved the show immensely.
But it's still a good time. I still watch it, despite guest star stroking musical numbers and that boring read the credits segment. And I miss Drew.

They couldn't even do poop jokes sometimes

I love the episode where they were told they couldn't make fun of Hitler, and were so outraged it became a running gag throughout the show, impossible to cut out.

>no no RUDOLF Hitler
Brad was great sometimes

>tfw nobody misses Clive Anderson

They shouldn't have picked a woman to be the host for the new show. You can't make fun of a girl like they could with Drew


I mean, there was an ep-wide 'Aisha has a giant dick' joke.

This one was too GOAT


>Africa is a big country
>Blair Witch, good for you


i never got this one, what is it referencing to? if i remember correctly they were saying something about a boy band did one of their songs sound like that?

I like this show because a lot of the humor is in the camerawork and editing

Ryan asked "What comes to mind when I say Ricky Ricardo and fine cigars?". Colin likes to ruin the transition and spout some inane, random word to fluster Ryan. Tapioca happened to be the choice and Ryan found it hilarious. Ryan was trying to get him to answer Cuba. I think you were thinking of this scene


so its not a reference and its just Colin saying the wrong thing on purpose?

Yeah, just a way to fluster Ryan.

That's the joke literally every single time

This shit show isn't funny, fuck off.

then overthinked it, always thought he was making puns or references only an american would get

The show is 90% just Ryan and Colin fucking with each other on a high-improv level
The number one rule of improv comedy is you're always trying to set someone else up, you're always 'throwing lobs' to have them hit it out of the park, but Colin and Ryan were so good at it they did the exact opposite just to try to make each other look like an ass

It's high octane banter

>that one episode where they were playing the game where they use people as the props and one of the props they were pretending to be made it look like Colin and Ryan were skullfucking them

>go to zoo
>see arctic tern
>use all my non-aspie strength to not squawk "BACKSTREET BOYS" at it

holy hell that even surprised Aisha
