Sup Forums, what's the point of life? I don't mean like, why should I go on living should I kill myself blah blah blah...

Sup Forums, what's the point of life? I don't mean like, why should I go on living should I kill myself blah blah blah. I mean like, what is the point of the EXISTENCE of life? Bacteria, trees, ducks, and shit. And people, people too. But like why? What's the point? We're walking around (by we I mean everything that's alive), eating shit, fucking each other, looking at stuff. Why? What is this shit? I mean...I get survival and reproduction but what's the end game here?

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there is no meaning in life, life is just a weird coincidence

don't worry, eventually we'll have responsibilities we can be occupied and identify with and all of those questions will not be relevant to your well-being

The point is to ascend to a higher level of consciousness and connection with All That Is. In this endevour, one finds purpose and higher meaning by ascribing to deeper moral and ethical codes that will serve to unify all people.


Does it matter? I mean if there is, cool I guess, but if not, we just got really lucky. Some crazy shit happened and we get to experience some of it.

Unfortunately we die.

But that's why it does matter. Because, if there is anything, anything at all behind the existence of life, it would be a hell of a thing to give them conciousness and understanding and then take their existence away from them. I feel like, either there is no point, and we die, or there is some point, and if there is, something happens to our concsiousness after we die.

I don't know how to spell contiousness.

you can't change without going through some shit. this is to change us. i don't know what for

You decide if life has a purpose, you choose if you want to do something great or just live day to day in nothingness just withering away until you eventually die.